Hydroxamic acids: New players in the multifactorial mechanisms of maize resistance to Striga hermonthica, Marcotrigiano, R. A., Carluccio, A. V., Unachukwu, N., Adeoti, A., Abdulsalam, T., Gedil, M., Menkir, A., Gisel, A. and Stavolone, L., in: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, volume 204, number -: 108134, pages 1-10, ISSN 0981-9428, 2023. [DOI] |
Haplotype-resolved genome of heterozygous African cassava cultivar TMEB117 (Manihot esculenta), Landi, M., Shah, T., Falquet, L., Niazi, A., Stavolone, L., Bongcam-Rudloff, E. and Gisel, A., in: Scientific Data, volume 10, number -: 887, pages 1-9, ISSN 2052-4463, 2023. [DOI] |
Transcriptome and metabolome profiling identify factors potentially involved in pro-vitamin A accumulation in cassava landraces, Olayide, P., Alexandersson, E., Tzfadia, O., Lenman, M., Gisel, A. and Stavolone, L., in: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, volume 199, number -: 107713, pages 1-12, ISSN 0981-9428, 2023. [DOI] |
Hybrids of RNA viruses and viroid-like elements replicate in fungi, Forgia, M., Navarro, B., Daghino, S., Cervera, A., Gisel, A., Perotto, S., Aghayeva, D. N., Akinyuwa, M. F., Gobbi, E., Zheludev, I. N., Edgar, R. C., Chikhi, R., Turina, M., Babaian, A., Di Serio, F. and de la Pena, M., in: Nature Communications, volume 14, number -: 2591, pages 1-11, ISSN 2041-1723, 2023. [DOI] |
Expression of symptoms elicited by a hammerhead viroid through RNA silencing is related to population bottlenecks in the infected host, Serra, P., Navarro, B., Forment, J., Gisel, A., Gago-Zachert, S., Di Serio, F. and Flores, R., in: New Phytologist, pages 1-15, ISSN 0028-646X, 2023. [DOI] |
EpiCass and CassavaNet4Dev advanced bioinformatics workshop, Gisel, A., Stavolone, L ., Olagunju, T., Landi, M., van Damme, R., Niazi, A., Falquet, L., Shah, T. and Bongcam-Rudloff, E., in: EMBnet.journal, volume 29, number -: e1045, pages 1-6, ISSN 2226-6089, 2023. [DOI] |
Setup from the beginning: the origin and early development of cassava storage roots, Carluccio, A., David, L. C., Claußen, J., Sulley, M., Adeoti, S. R., Abdulsalam, T., Gerth, S., Zeeman, S. C., Gisel, A. and Stavolone, L., in: Plant, Cell and Environment, pages 1-17, ISSN 0140-7791, 2022. [DOI] |
A novel self-cleaving viroid-like RNA identified in RNA preparations from a citrus tree is not directly associated with the plant, Navarro, B., Li, S., Gisel, A., Chiumenti, M., Minutolo, M., Alioto, D. and Di Serio, F., in: Viruses, volume 14, number 10: 2265, pages 1-14, ISSN 1999-4915, 2022. [DOI] |
Auxin signaling and vascular cambium formation enables storage metabolism in cassava tuberous roots, Ruscher, D., Garcia, J. M. C., Carluccio, A., Klemens, P. A. W., Gisel, A., Stavolone, L., Neuhaus, H. E., Ludewig, F., Sonnewald, U. and Zierer, W., in: Journal of Experimental Botany, pages 1-33, ISSN 0022-0957, 2021. [DOI] |
Metabolic profiles of six African cultivars of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) highlight bottlenecks of root yield, Obata, T., Klemens, P. A. W., Rosado-Souza, L., Schlereth, A., Gisel, A., Stavolone, L., Zierer, W., Morales, N., Mueller, L., Zeeman, S. C., Ludewig, F., Stitt, M., Sonnewald, U., Neuhaus, H. E. and Fernie, A. R., in: The Plant Journal, volume 102, number 6, pages 1202-1219, ISSN 0960-7412, 2020. [DOI] |
Identification of differentially expressed genes associated with tolerance to Striga hermonthica in tropical maize inbred lines, Unachukwu, N., Abdulsalam, T. A.*, Menkir, A., Marcotrigiano, R. A., Gisel, A., Stavolone, L., Farombi, E. O.* and Gedil, M., Abstract P17. in, 15th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, June 30 - July 5, 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2019. |
Regulation of gene expression in the CMD2 cassava locus, Abdulsalam, T., Carluccio, A. V., Rabbi, I. Y., Gedil, M., Gisel, A. and Stavolone, L., Abstract, SP-000, in the book of abstracts of the Biotic stress for Root and Tuber Crops, of the First World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, January 18-22, Nanning, Guangxi, China, 2016. |
Perspectives on the application of next-generation sequencing to the improvement of Africa's staple food crops, Gedil, M., Ferguson, M., Girma Tessema, G., Gisel, A., Stavolone, L. and Rabbi, I. Y., pages 287-321, chapter 10, Intech, ISBN 978-953-51-2240-1, 2016. [DOI] |
Understanding the genetic basis of cassava mosaic disease resistance through in-silico mining and experimental gene discovery, Gedil, M., Rabbi, I. Y., Gisel, A. and Stavolone, L., Abstract in World Congress on Root & Tuber Crops (WCRTC), Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016. |
Viroids, the simplest RNA replicons: how they manipulate their hosts for being propagated and how their hosts react for containing the infection, Flores, R., Minoia, S., Carbonell, A., Gisel, A., Delgado, S., Lopez-Carrasco, A., Navarro, B. and Di Serio, F., in: Virus Research, pages 1-10, ISSN 0168-1702, 2015. [DOI] |