Madsen, S.    

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7 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Genetic gains in nordic spring barley breeding (1930s-early 1990s), Ortiz, R., Nurminiemi, M., Madsen, S., Rognli, O. and Bjørnstad, Å., in: Euphytica, volume 126, pages 283-289, 2002.
Analysis of the genotype-by-environment interaction of spring barley tested in the Nordic Region of Europe: relationships among stability statistics for grain yield, Nurminiemi, M., Madsen, S., Rognli, O., Bjørnstad, Å. and Ortiz, R., in: Euphytica, volume 127, number 1, pages 123-132, ISSN 0014-2336, 2002.


Heritability of and correlations among genotype-by-environment stability statistics for grain yield in bread wheat, Ortiz, R., Wagoire, W., Hill, J., Chandra, S., Madsen, S. and Stolen, O., in: Theoretical and Applied Genetics, volume 103, pages 469-474, 2001.
Assessment of phenotypic variation of winter barley in Scandinavia, Ortiz, R., Mohammed, S.*, Weibull, J., Madsen, S. and Christiansen, J., in: Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B: Soil and Plant Science, volume 51, pages 151-159, ISSN 0906-4710, 2001.
Additive main effect and multiplicative interaction model for diallel cross analysis, Ortiz, R., Madsen, S., Wagoire, W., Hill, J., Chandra, S. and Stolen, O., in: Theoretical and Applied Genetics, volume 102, pages 1103-1106, 2001.


Comparative analysis of phenotypic and genoytpic diversity among plantain landraces (Musa spp., AAB group), Crouch, J. H., Crouch, J., Madsen, S., Vuylsteke, D. and Ortiz, R., in: Theoretical and Applied Genetics, volume 101, pages 1056-1065, 2000.


Classification of African plantain landraces and banana cultivars using a phenotypic distance index of quantitative descriptors, Ortiz, R., Madsen, S. and Vuylsteke, D., in: Theoretical and Applied Genetics, volume 96, pages 904-911, ISSN 0040-5752, 1998.