Food access deficiencies in sub-Saharan African: prevalence and implications for agricultural interventions, Fraval, S., Hammond, J., Bogard, J. R., Ngendo, M., van Etten, J., Herrero, M., Oosting, S. J., de Boer, I. J. M., Lannerstad, M., Teufel, N., Lamanna, C., Rosenstock, T. S., Pagella, T., Vanlauwe, B., Dontsop-Nguezet, P., Baines, D., Carpena, P., Njingulula, P., Okafor, C., Wichern, J., Ayantunde, A. A., Bosire, C., Chesterman, S., Kihoro, E., Rao, J., Skirrow, T., Steinke, J., Stirling, C., Yameogo, V. and van Wijk, M. T., in: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, volume 3, number : 104, pages 1-13, ISSN 2571-581X, 2019. [DOI] |
A framework for priority-setting in climate smart agriculture research, Thornton, P., Whitbread, A., Baedeker, T., Cairns, J., Claessens, L ., Baethgen, W., Bunn, C., Friedmann, M., Giller, K., Herrero, M., Howden, M., Kilcline, K., Nangia, V., Ramirez-Villegas, J., Kumar, S., West, P. and Keating, B., in: Agricultural Systems, volume 167, pages 161-175, ISSN 0308-521X, 2018. [DOI] |
Agricultural intensification scenarios, household food availability and greenhouse gas emissions in Rwanda: ex-ante impacts and trade-offs, Paul, B. K., Frelat, R., Birnholz, C., Ebong, C.*, Gahigi, A.*, Groot, J. C. J., Herrero, M., Kagabo, D., Notenbaert, A., Vanlauwe, B. and van Wijk, M. T., in: Agricultural Systems, pages 1-13, ISSN 0308-521X, 2017. [DOI] |
Drivers of household food availability in sub-Saharan Africa based on big data from small farms, Frelat, R., Lopez-Ridaura, S., Giller, K., Herrero, M., Douxchamps, S., Djurfeldt, A., Erenstein, O., Henderson, B., Kassie, M., Paul, B. K., Rigolot, C., Ritzema, R., Rodriguez, D., Van Asten, P. and van Wijk, M. T., in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, volume 113, number 2, pages 458-463, ISSN 0027-8424, 2016. [DOI] |
Big data from small farms: analysis of drivers of food security across farming systems in sub Saharan Africa, van Wijk, M. T., Frelat, R., Lopez, R. S., Van Asten, P., Djurfeldt, A., Douxchamps, S., Paul, B., Ritzema, R., Rodriguez, D., Giller, K. and Herrero, M., Abstract presentation in L2.1; p. 164. at the Global Science Conference, March 16-18, Le Corum, Montpellier France, 2015. |
Linking agricultural adaptation strategies, food security and vulnerability: evidence from West Africa, Douxchamps, S., van Wijk, M. T., Silvestri, S., Moussa, A. S., Quiros, C., Ndour, N. Y. B.*, Buah, S.*, Some, L.*, Herrero, M., Kristjanson, P., Ouedraogo, M., Thornton, P., Van Asten, P., Zougmore, R. and Rufino, M., in: Regional Environmental Change, pages 1-13, ISSN 1436-3798, 2015. |
Linking agricultural adaptation strategies and food security: evidence from West Africa, Douxchamps, S., van Wijk, M. T., Silvestri, S., Moussa, A. S., Quiros, C., Ndour, N. Y. B.*, Buah, S.*, Some, L.*, Herrero, M., Kristjanson, P., Ouedraogo, M., Thornton, P., Van Asten, P., Zougmore, R. and Rufino, M., Abstract presentation in L2.1; p. 174. at the Global Science Conference, March 16-18, Le Corum, Montpellier France, 2015. |
Potential multi-dimensional impacts and tradeoffs of improved livestock feeding scenarios in Babati, Tanzania, Paul, B. K., Birnholz, C., Groot, J. C. J., Herrero, M., Notenbaert, A., Timler, C., Klapwijk, L. and Tittonell, P., Abstract presentation in L3.3; p. 180. at the Global Science Conference, March 16-18, Le Corum, Montpellier France, 2015. |
Linking agricultural adaptation strategies and food security: evidence from West Africa: Poster prepared for the ILRI@40 Workshop, Addis Ababa, 7 November 2014. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI, Douxchamps, S., van Wijk, M. T., Silvestri, S., Moussa, A. S., Quiros, C., Ndour, N. Y. B.*, Buah, S.*, Some, L.*, Herrero, M., Kristjanson, P., Ouedraogo, M., Thornton, P., Van Asten, P., Zougmore, R. and Rufino, M., ILRI, 2014. |