Ten year progression of Musa breeding from 1987 to 1997: 1. Pollination success and seed production (Fecundity) patterns among multiple ploidy crosses, Wilson, V.*, Tenkouano, A ., Wilson, G. F., Swennen, R., Vuylsteke, D., Ortiz, R ., Crouch, J. H ., Crouch, H. K.+, Gauhl, F., Pasberg-Gauhl, C . and Austin, P. D., in: Asian Journal of Research in Botany, volume 4, number 4: 61208, pages 53-67, 2020. |
Identifying and managing plant health risks for key African crops: banana and plantain, Hauser, S., Clifford, Gold, Pasberg-Gauhl, C., Gauhl, F., Akello, J., Jacobsen, K., Norgrove, L., Coyne, D., Kumar, P. L., Mahuku, G., Kaushal, M., Nakato, V., Tripathi, L. and Tripathi, J., Burleigh Dodds series in Agricultural Science, pages 229-258, chapter 9, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, ISBN 978-1-78-676232-0, 2019. [DOI] |
Symptomatology and development of banana streak badnavirus, under natural conditions in Ibadan, Nigeria, Dahal, G., Hughes, J., Gauhl, F., Pasberg-Gauhl, C. and Nokoe, S., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 540, pages 361-375, 2000. |
Response of East African highland bananas to black Sigatoka and Cladosporium leaf speckle under tropical humid forest lowland conditions in West Africa, Pasberg-Gauhl, C. and Gauhl, F., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 540, pages 325-334, 2000. |
Heterotic responses of tetraploid and triploid plantain hybrids in southeast Nigeria, Wilson, V., Tenkouano, A., Pasberg-Gauhl, C. and Gauhl, F., in: African Crop Science Journal, volume 7, number 2, pages 117-123, ISSN 1021-9730, 1999. |
Evaluation of micropropagated plantain and banana (Musa spp.) for banana streak badnavirus incidence under field and screenhouse conditions in Nigeria, Dahal, G., Gauhl, F., Pasberg-Gauhl, C., Hughes, J., Thottappilly, G. and Lockhart, B., in: Annals of Applied Biology, volume 134, number 2, pages 181-191, ISSN 0003-4746, 1999. |
Studies on a Nigerian isolate of banana streak badnavirus: II. Effect of intraplant variation on virus accumulation and reliability of diagnosis by ELISA, Dahal, G., Pasberg-Gauhl, C., Gauhl, F., Thottappilly, G. and Hughes, J., in: Annals of Applied Biology, volume 132, pages 263-275, ISSN 0003-4746, 1998. |
On-farm yield loss assessment of black sigatoka on plantain and banana: IITA research guide, No. 67, Gauhl, F., Ferris, S., Pasberg-Gauhl, C. and Lawrence, A.*, IITA research guide, No. 67, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-128-2, 1998. |
Host response to black sigatoka in Musa germplasm of different ages under natural inoculation conditions, Mobambo, K. N., Pasberg-Gauhl, C., Gauhl, F. and Zuofa, K. E., in: Crop Protection, volume 16, pages 359-363, 1997. |
Oligonucleotide fingerprinting detects genetic variability at different levels in Nigerian Mycosphaerella fijiensis, Muller, R., Pasberg-Gauhl, C., Gauhl, F., Ramser, J. and Kahl, G., in: Journal of Phytopathology, volume 145, pages 25-30, 1997. |
Evaluation of micropropagated plantain and banana hybrids for banana streak badnavirus incidence in Nigeria, Dahal, G., Hughes, J., Gauhl, F., Pasberg-Gauhl, C., Thottappilly, G., Tenkouano, A., Vuylsteke, D. and Lockhart, B., in: Phytopathology, volume 87, number S-22, 1997. |
Intraplant variation in sympton expression and distribution of banana streak badnavirus in naturally-infected plantain and banana ( Musa spp.), Dahal, G., Pasberg-Gauhl, C., Gauhl, F., Thottappilly, G. and Hughes, J., in: Phytopathology, volume 87, number S-22, 1997. |
First report of banana streak badnavirus in plantain landraces in southern Cameroon, Central Africa, Gauhl, F., Pasberg-Gauhl, C. and Hughes, J., in: Plant Disease, volume 81, number 1335, 1997. |
Assessment of the cropping cycle effects on black leaf streak severity and yield decline of plantain and plantain hybrids, Mobambo, K., Gauhl, F., Swennen, R. and Pasberg-Gauhl, C., in: International Journal of Pest Management, volume 42, number 1, pages 1-7, 1996. |
Musa research in the Plant Health Management Division of IITA;s High Rainfall Station, Onne, Nigeria, Pasberg-Gauhl, C. and Gauhl, F., in: Plantain and banana production and research in West and Central Africa: proceedings, Regional Workshop, Onne, Nigeria, 23-28 Sep 1995, pages 7-14, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1996. |
First report of banana streak virus in farmers' fields in Benin, Ghana and Nigeria, Pasberg-Gauhl, C., Gauhl, F., Schill, P., Lockhart, B., Afreh-Nuamah, K., Osei, J. K. and Zuofa, K., in: Plant Disease, volume 80, number 2, pages 224, 1996. |
Evaluation multilocale de la resistance a la cercosporiose noire chez le bananier et le plantain: Guide de recherche de l'Iita, No. 47, Gauhl, F., Pasberg-Gauhl, C., Vuylsteke, D. and Ortiz, R., Guide de recherche de l'Iita, No. 47, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1995. |
Multilocational evaluation of black sigatoka resistance in banana and plantain: IITA research guide, No. 47, Gauhl, F., Pasberg-Gauhl, C., Vuylsteke, D. and Ortiz, R., IITA research guide, No. 47, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1995. |
Effect of soil fertility on host response to black leaf streak of plantain (Musa spp. AAB group) under traditional farming systems in southwestern Nigeria, Mobambo, K. N., Zuofa, K. E., Gauhl, F., Adeniji, M. and Pasberg-Gauhl, C., in: International Journal of Pest Management, volume 40, number 1, pages 75-80, 1994. |
Sigatoka research at the International Institute of tropical Agriculture, Nigeria, Pasberg-Gauhl, C., Gauhl, F. and Vuylsteke, D., in: 10th Reunion Meeting, Association for Cooperation in Banana Research in the Caribbaen and Tropical America (ACORBAT), 3-8 November 1991, Tabasco, Mexico, pages 607-615, Corporacion Bananera Nacional, 1994. |
Some aspects of black sigatoka epidemiology in Central America and outlook for future research in Sue-Saharan Africa, Gauhl, F., in: Biological and integrated control of highland banana and plantain pests and disease: proceedings of Reseach Coordination Meeting, 12-14 November 1991, Cotonou, Benin, pages 276-289, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture ( IITA ), Benin Station, 1994. |
Epidemiology and ecology of black sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet) on planlain and banana (Musa spp.) in Costa Rica, Central America, Gauhl, F., International Neywork for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain, 1994. |
Preliminary evaluation of black sigatoka resistance in IITA plantain hybrids, Gauhl, F., Mobambo, K. N., Pasberg-Gauhl, C., Swennen, R. and Vuylsteke, D., in: Proceedings, 10th Reunion Meeting, Association for Cooperation in Banana Research in the Caribbean and Tropical America (ACORBAT), 3-8 November 1991, Tabasco Mexico, pages 567-574, Corporacion Bananera Nacional, 1994. |
Plantain and banana research at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Vuylsteke, D., Ortiz, R., Gauhl, F., Pasberg-Gauhl, C., Gold, C., Ferris, S. and Speijer, P., in: HortScience, volume 28, number 9, pages 874, 970-971, ISSN 0018-5345, 1993. |
Yield loss in plantain from black sigatoka leaf spot and field performance of resistant hybrids, Mobambo, K. N., Gauhl, F., Vuylsteke, D., Ortiz, R., Pasberg-Gauhl, C. and Swennen, R., in: Field Crops Research, volume 35, number 1, pages 35-42, ISSN 0378-4290, 1993. [DOI] |