Kamanda, J .    

Firstname:J . 
Institute:Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Group, Wageningen UR, Wageningen, The Netherlands 
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5 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Innovation platforms: synopsis of innovation platforms in agricultural research and development, Schut, M., Klerkx, L., Kamanda, J ., Sartas, M. and Leeuwis, C., Elsevier Reference Module in Food Science, volume 3, pages 510-515, Elsevier, ISBN 9780128126875, 2019. [DOI]
Innovation platforms in agricultural research for development: ex-ante appraisal of the purposes and conditions under which innovation platforms can contribute to agricultural development outcomes, Schut, M., Kamanda, J ., Gramzow, A., Dubois, T.+, Stoian, D., Andersson, J. A., Dror, I., Sartas, M., Mur, R., Kassam, S., Brouwer, H., Devaux, A., Velasco, C., Flor, R. J., Gummert, M., Buizer, D., McDougall, C., Davis, K., Homann-Kee Tui, S. and Lundy, M., in: Experimental Agriculture, volume 55, number 4, pages 575-596, ISSN 0014-4797, 2019. [DOI]


Guidelines for innovation platforms in agricultural research for development: decision support for research, development and funding agencies on how to design, budget and implement impactful innovation platforms, Schut, M., Andersson, J. A., Dror, I., Kamanda, J ., Sartas, M., Mur, R., Kassam, S., Brouwer, H., Stoian, D., Devaux, A., Velasco, C., Gramzow, A., Dubois, T.+, Flor, R. J., Gummert, M., Buizer, D., McDougall, C., Davis, K., Homann-Kee Tui, S. and Lundy, M., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture/Wageningen University, 2017.


A multi-level and multi-actor approach to risk governance: a conceptual framework to support policy development for Ambrosia weed control, Lansink, A. O., Schut, M., Kamanda, J . and Klerkx, L., in: Journal of Risk Research, pages 1-20, ISSN 1366-9877, 2016. [DOI]


Systems approaches to innovation in pest management: reflections and lessons learned from an integrated research program on parasitic weeds in rice, Rodenburg, J., Schut, M., Demont, M., Klerkx, L., Gbehounou, G., Lansink, A. O., Mourits, M., Rotteveel, T., Kayeke, J.*, Van Ast, A., Akanvou, L.*, Cissoko, M., Kamanda, J . and Bastiaans, L., in: International Journal of Pest Management, volume 61, number 4, pages 329-339, ISSN 0967-0874, 2015. [DOI]