Korie, S.    

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Musa germplasm A and B genomic composition differentially affects their susceptibility to banana bunchy top virus and its aphid vector, Pentalonia nigronervosa, Ngatat, S., Hanna, R., Lienou, J., Ghogomu, R.*, Nguidang, S. P. K., Enoh, A. C., Ndemba, B.*, Korie, S., Fotso Kuate, A., Nanga, S. N., Fiaboe, K. and Kumar, P. L., in: Plants, volume 11, number 9: 1206, pages 1-18, ISSN 2223-7747, 2022. [DOI]


Aflatoxin contamination in Tanzania: quantifying the problem in maize and groundnuts from rural households, Boni, S., Beed, F., Kimanya, M.*, Koyano, E., Mponda, O.*, Mamiro, D.*, Kaoneka, B.*, Bandyopadhyay, R., Korie, S. and Mahuku, G., in: World Mycotoxin Journal, pages 1-12, ISSN 1875-0710, 2021. [DOI]
Increasing cassava root yield on farmers' fields in Nigeria through appropriate weed management, Ekeleme, F., Dixon, A., Atser, G., Hauser, S., Chikoye, D., Korie, S., Olojede, A. O.*, Agada, M.* and Olorunmaiye, P.*, in: Crop Protection, volume 150, number -: 105810, pages 1-12, ISSN 0261-2194, 2021. [DOI]


Screening preemergence herbicides for weed control in cassava, Ekeleme, F., Dixon, A., Atser, G., Hauser, S., Chikoye, D., Olorunmaiye, P.*, Olojede, A. O.*, Korie, S. and Weller, S., in: Weed Technology, pages 1-13, ISSN 0890-037X, 2020. [DOI]
Distribution, prevalence, and severity of damages caused by nematodes on yam (Dioscorea Rotundata) in Nigeria, Kolombia, Y. A., Kumar, P. L., Adewuyi, O., Korie, S., Viaene, N., Bert, W. and Coyne, D., in: Nematropica, volume 50, number 1, pages 1-18, ISSN 0099-5444, 2020.


Metabolites identified during varied doses of Aspergillus species in Zea mays grains, and their correlation with aflatoxin levels, Falade, T. D. O., Chrysanthopoulos, P. K., Hodson, M. P., Sultanbawa, Y., Fletcher, M. T., Darnell, R., Korie, S. and Fox, G., in: Toxins, volume 10, pages 1-22, ISSN 2072-6651, 2018. [DOI]


Spatial and temporal infestation rates of Apate terebrans (Coleoptera: bostrichidae) in cashew orchards in Benin, west Africa, Agboton, C., Onzo, A.*, Korie, S., Tamo, M. and Vidal, S., in: African Entomology, volume 25, number 1, pages 24-36, ISSN 1021-3589, 2017. [DOI]


Seasonal abundance of mango fruit fly (Diptera: tephritidae) in mango and cashew orchards in central and north Benin, and ecological implications for its management, Vayssieres, J., de Meyer, M., Ouagoussounon, I.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Adandonon, A.*, Korie, S., Wargui, R. B.*, Anato, F.*, Houngbo, H.*, Didier, C., De Bon, H. and Goergen, G ., Abstract, in the book of abstracts 3rd TEAM International Symposium, 11-14 April, Stellenbosch, South Africa., 2016.


Seasonal abundance of mango fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) and ecological implications for their management in mango and cashew orchards in Benin (Centre & North), Vayssieres, J., de Meyer, M., Ouagoussounon, I.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Adandonon, A.*, Korie, S., Wargui, R. B.*, Anato, F.*, Houngbo, H.*, Didier, C., De Bon, H. and Goergen, G ., in: Journal of Economic Entomology, volume 108, number 5, pages 2213-2230, ISSN 0022-0493, 2015. [DOI]
Fluctuations saisonnieres des populations de mouches des fruits (Diptera: Tephritidae) du manguier et implications Agro-ecologiques pour leur gestion dans les vergers de manguiers et d'anacardiers du Borgou au Benin (Centre & Nord), Vayssieres, J., de Meyer, M., Ouagoussounon, I.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Adandonon, A.*, Korie, S., Wargui, R. B.*, Anato, F.*, Houngbo, H.*, Didier, C., De Bon, H., Tamo, M. and Goergen, G ., Abstract, ST2.8: p. 62 in the book of abstracts of the 21st Conference of the African Association of Insect Scientists (AAIS-2015), Cotonou, Benin, October 19-23, 2015.
Caracteristiques saisonnieres de l'alimentation d'Oecophylla longinoda (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) dans un grand verger de manguiers du Benin, Vayssieres, J., Ouagoussounon, I.*, Adandonon, A.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Korie, S., Todjihounde, R.*, Alassane, S.*, Wargui, R. B.*, Anato, F.*, Neuenschwander, P., Tamo, M. and Goergen, G ., Abstract, ST2.10: p. 64 in the book of abstracts of the 21st Conference of the African Association of Insect Scientists (AAIS-2015), Cotonou, Benin, October 19-23, 2015.
Seasonal pattern in food gathering of the weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in mango orchards in Benin, Vayssieres, J., Ouagoussounon, I.*, Adandonon, A.*, Sinzogan, A.*, Korie, S., Todjihounde, R., Alassane, S.*, Wargui, R. B.*, Anato, F.* and Goergen, G ., in: Biocontrol Science and Technology, volume 25, number 12, pages 1359-1387, ISSN 0958-3157, 2015. [DOI]


Annual population dynamics of mango fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in West Africa: socio-economic aspects, host phenology and implications for management, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A.*, Adandonon, A.*, Rey, J., Dieng, E. O.*, Camara, K.*, Sangare, A.*, Ouedraogo, S., Hala, N.*, Sidibe, A., Keita, Y.*, Gogovor, G.*, Korie, S., Coulibaly, O., Kikissagbe, C., Tossou, A., Billah, M.*, Biney, K.*, Nobime, O., Diatta, P.*, N'Depo, R.*, Noussourou, M.*, Traore, L.*, Saizonou, S.* and Tamo, M., in: Fruits, volume 69, number 3, pages 207-222, ISSN 0248-1294, 2014. [DOI]
Field trial of Xanthomonas wilt disease-resistant bananas in East Africa, Tripathi, L., Tripathi, J., Kiggundu, A.*, Korie, S., Shotkoski, F. and Tushemereirwe, W. K.*, in: Nature Biotechnology, volume 32, number 9, pages 868-870, ISSN 1087-0156, 2014. [DOI]


Ovipositional behaviour of two mango fruit fly species (Diptera Tephritidae) in relation to Oecophylla cues (Hymenoptera Formicidae) as compared to natural conditions without ant cues, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A., Adandonon, A.*, van Mele, P. and Korie, S., in: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, volume 7, number 2, pages 447-456, ISSN 1991-8631, 2013.
Assessment of performance and farmers' preference of cassava varieties through participatory variety selection calls for doubling breeding effort in Zambia, Ntawuruhunga, P., Chiona, M.*, Manda, N.*, Korie, S. and Njobvu, J.*, 2013.


Improvement of accession distinctiveness as an added value to the global worth of the yam (Dioscorea spp) genebank, Girma Tessema, G., Korie, S., Dumet, D. and Franco, J., in: International Journal of Conservation Science, volume 3, number 3, pages 199-206, ISSN 2067-533X, 2012.


Preliminary inventory of fruit fly species (Diptera, Tephritidae) in mango orchards in the Niayes region, Senegal, in 2004, Vayssieres, J., Vanniere, H., Gueye, P., Barry, O., Hanne, A.*, Korie, S., Niassy, A.*, Ndiaye, M.* and Delhove, G., in: Fruits, volume 66, number 2, pages 91-107, ISSN 0248-1294, 2011. [DOI]


Diversity of fruit fly species (Diptera: Tephritidae) associated with citrus crops (Rutaceae) in southern Benin in 2008-2009, Vayssieres, J., Adandonon, A., Sinzogan, A. and Korie, S., in: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, volume 4, number 6, pages 1881-1897, ISSN 1991-8631, 2010.
Diversity of the African root and tuber scale Stictococcus vayssierei in Central Africa, Doumtsop, A. R. P., Hanna, R., Normark, B. and Korie, S., Abstract (Poster) in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010.
Niche separation between Encarsia dispersa and Encarsia guadeloupae, two biological control agents of the spiraling whitefly Aleurodicus dispersus, in Benin, West Africa, Ajuonu, O., Neuenschwander, P. and Korie, S., in: BioControl, volume 56, number 3, ISSN 1386-6141, 2010. [DOI]


Potential of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae isolates from Benin to control Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), Godonou, I., James, B., Atcha-Ahove, C.*, Vodouhe, S.*, Kooyman, C., Ahanchede, A.* and Korie, S., in: Crop Protection, volume 28, number 3, pages 220-224, ISSN 0261-2194, 2009. [DOI]
Effect of planting date on incidence and damage by Sesamia calamistis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in maize in southern Benin, Adda, C., Atachi, P.*, Hell, K., Korie, S. and Tamo, M., in: International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, volume 29, number 4, pages 208-218, ISSN 1742-7584, 2009.
Effectiveness of spinosad bait sprays (GF-120) in controlling mango-infesting fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Benin, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A., Korie, S., Ouagoussounon, I. and Thomas-Odjo, A.*, in: Journal of Economic Entomology, volume 102, number 2, pages 515-521, ISSN 0022-0493, 2009. [DOI]
The mango tree in central and northern Benin: damage caused by fruit flies (Diptera Tephritidae) and computation of economic injury level, Vayssieres, J., Korie, S., Coulibaly, O., van Melle, C., Temple, L. and Arinloye, D., in: Fruits, volume 64, number 4, pages 207-220, ISSN 0248-1294, 2009.
Correlation of fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) infestation of major mango cultivars in Borgou (Benin) with abiotic and biotic factors and assessment of damage, Vayssieres, J., Korie, S. and Ayegnon, D., in: Crop Protection, volume 28, number 6, pages 477-488, ISSN 0261-2194, 2009. [DOI]


Management of cowpea flower thrips, Megalurothrips sjostedti (Thysanoptera, thripidae), in Cameroon, Ngakou, A.*, Tamo, M., Parh *, I., Nwaga, D.*, Ntonifor, N., Korie, S. and Nebane, C. L. N.*, in: Crop Protection, volume 27, pages 481-488, 2008.
The mango tree in central and northern Benin: cultivar inventory, yield assessment, infested stages and loss due to fruit flies (Diptera Tephritidae), Vayssieres, J., Korie, S., Coulibaly, O., Temple, L. and Boueyi, S.P., in: Fruits, volume 63, number 6, pages 335-348, ISSN 0248-1294, 2008.


Public information campaign on aflatoxin contamination of maize grains in market stores in Benin, Ghana and Togo, James, B., Adda, C., Cardwell, K., Annang, D.*, Hell, K., Korie, S., Edorh, M., Gbeassor, F., Nagatey, K. and Houenou, G., in: Food Additives and Contaminants, volume 24, number 11, pages 1283-1291, 2007.
Scaling up tests on virulence of the cassava green mite fungal pathogen Neozygites tanajoae (Entomophthorales: Neozygitaceae) under controlled conditions: First observations at the population-level, Hountondji, F., Hanna, R., Sabelis, M., Agboton, B. and Korie, S., in: Experimental and Applied Acarology, volume 41, pages 153-168, 2007.
Farm-scale trials to compare the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana with pirimiphos methy + deltamethrin and essential oil of lemon grass for protection of stored cowpea against Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), Cherry, A., Abalo, P.*, Hell, K. and Korie, S., in: Annals of Applied Biology, volume 151, number 1, pages 1-10, ISSN 0003-4746, 2007.


Comparative evaluation of maize cultivars from IITA for their reaction to Striga hermonthica in southern and northern Guinea savanna agroecological zones of Nigeria, Emechebe, A., Menkir, A., Korie, S. and Badu-Apraku, B., in: Paper presented at: 6th Biennial Conference of the African Crop Science Society; 12-17 October, Nairobi, Kenya, 2003.


Spatial analysis of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera:Bostrichdae) flight activity near maize stores and in different forest types in southern Benin, West Africa, Nansen, C., Meikle, W. and Korie, S., in: Annals of the Entomological Society of America, volume 95, number 1, pages 66-74, ISSN 0013-8746, 2002.


Distribution, relative importance and effect of lepidopterous borers on maize yields in the forest zone and mid-altitude of Cameroon, Ndemah, R., Schulthess, F., Korie, S., Borgemeister, C. and Cardwell, K., in: Journal of Economic Entomology, volume 94, pages 1434-1444, 2001.
Sensitivity of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera:Bostrichidae) flight activity to environmental variables in Benin, West Africa, Nansen, C., Korie, S., Meikle, W. and Holst, N., in: Environmental Entomology, volume 30, number 6, pages 1135-1143, 2001.


Statistical tools to evaluate sensory data fro testing fruit quality of Musa, Ferris, R. S. B., Korie, S., Walker, P., Ortiz, R. and Vuylsteke, D., in: Acta Horticulturae, volume 540, pages 545-560, 2000.
Analyses of on-fam and augmented trials with mixed model ANOVA, Korie, S. and Okechukwu, R., in: proceedings of the SUSAN-IBS scientific workshop,"Biometry and quality of Life", International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 23-28 August 1999., pages 74-83, SUSAN-IBS, 2000.
Spatiotemporal associations in beetle and virus count data, Korie, S., Perry, J., Mugglestone, M., Clark, S., Thomas, C. and Mohamad Roff, M., in: Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, volume 5, pages 214-239, 2000.


Simulation of counts of aphids over two hectares of Brussels sprout plants, Perry, J., Parker, W. E., Alderson, L., Korie, S., Blood-Smyth, J. A., McKinlay, R. and Ellis, S. A., in: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, volume 21, pages 33-51, ISSN 0168-1699, 1999.


Analyzing maps of dispersal around a single focus, Korie, S., Clark, S., Perry, J., Mugglestone, M., Bartlett, P. W., Marshall, E. J. P. and Mann, J. A., in: Environmental and Ecological Statistics, volume 5, pages 317-344, 1998.