Gaiser, T.    

Institute:University of Bonn, Inst. Crop Sci. and Res. Conserv. (INRES), Germany 
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Long-term soil organic carbon and crop yield feedbacks differ between 16 soil-crop models in sub-Saharan Africa, Couedel, A., Falconnier, G. N., Adam, M., Cardinael, R., Boote, K., Justes, E., Smith, W. N., Whitbread, A. M., Affholder, F., Balkovic, J., Basso, B., Bhatia, A.*, Chakrabarti, B.*, Chikowo, R., Christina, M., Faye, B.*, Ferchaud, F., Folberth, C., Akinseye, F. M., Gaiser, T., Galdos, M. V., Gayler, S., Gorooei, A., Grant, B., Guibert, H., Hoogenboom, G., Kamali, B., Laub, M., Maureira, F., Mequanint, F., Nendel, C., Porter, C. H., Ripoche, D., Ruane, A. C., Rusinamhodzi, L ., Sharma, S.*, Singh, U., Six, J., Srivastava, A., Vanlauwe, B., Versini, A., Vianna, M., Webber, H ., Weber, T. K. D., Zhang, C. and Corbeels, M., in: European Journal of Agronomy, volume 155, number -: 127109, pages 1-16, ISSN 1161-0301, 2024. [DOI]


Response of cowpea genotypes to low soil phosphorus conditions in Africa, Adusei, G., Gaiser, T. and Ousmane, B., Abstract, p. 103 in the book of abstracts of the Tropentag 2015: management of land use systems for enhanced food security - conflicts, controversies and resolutions, in Humboldt-Universitat Berlin, Germany, September 16 - 18, 2015.