Chapuis, A.    

Institute:UMR Qualisud, CIRAD, Bangkok, Thailand 

6 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Development of a pilot scale energy efficient flash dryer for cassava flour, Adegbite, S. A.*, Asiru, W. B.*, Sartas, M., Tran, T., Taborda, L. A., Chapuis, A., Ojide, M.* and Abass, A., in: Resources, Environment and Sustainability, volume 13, number -: 100117, pages 1-8, ISSN 2666-9161, 2023. [DOI]


Scaling readiness: learnings from applying a novel approach to support scaling of food system innovations, Schut, M., Leeuwis, C., Sartas, M., Andrade, L. A. T., van Etten, J., Muller, A., Tran, T., Chapuis, A. and Thiele, G., pages 71-102, chapter 3, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-92021-0, 2022. [DOI]
Processors' experience in the use of flash dryer for cassava-derived products in Nigeria, Ojide, M.*, Adegbite, S. A.*, Tran, T., Taborda, L. A., Chapuis, A., Lukombo, S., Totin, E.*, Sartas, M., Schut, M., Lopez-Lavalle, L. A., Dufour, D. and Abass, A., in: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, volume 5, number -: 771639, pages 1-15, ISSN 2571-581X, 2022. [DOI]
Cost-effective cassava processing: case study of small-scale flash-dryer reengineering, Tran, T., Abass, A., Andrade, L. A. T., Chapuis, A., Precoppe, M., Adinsi, L.*, Bouniol, A., Ojide, M.*, Adegbite, S. A.*, Lukombo, S., Sartas, M., Teeken, B., Fotso Kuate, A., Ndjouenkeu, R.*, Moreno, M. T., Belalcázar, J., Lopez-Lavalle, L. A. and Dufour, D., pages 105-143, chapter 4, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-92021-0, 2022. [DOI]


Improved energy performance of small-scale pneumatic dryers used for processing cassava in Africa, Precoppe, M., Tran, T., Chapuis, A., Muller, J. and Abass, A., in: Biosystems Engineering, volume 151, pages 510-519, ISSN 1537-5110, 2016. [DOI]


Tunnel dryer and pneumatic dryer performance evaluation to improve small-scale cassava processing in Tanzania, Precoppe, M., Chapuis, A., Muller, J. and Abass, A., in: Journal of Food Process Engineering, pages 1-10, ISSN 0145-8876, 2015. [DOI]