Ndayisaba, P. C.*    

Firstname:P. C.* 
Institute:Kenyatta University, P.O. Box 43844-00100 Nairobi, Kenya. 

8 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Urea briquettes combined with a fertilizer blend reduces fertilizer costs and improves yields of irrigated rice in Rwanda, Kayumba, J.*, Wendt, J., Cyamweshi, A. R.*, Ndayisaba, P. C.*, Kuyah, S.*, Ngunjiri, M., Rutebuka, J.* and Nabahungu, N. L., in: Agronomy Journal, volume 115, number 3, pages 1202-1213, ISSN 0002-1962, 2023. [DOI]


Sustainable maize-legume based cropping systems for food security in the eastern and southern regions of Africa: "experiences from SIMLESA Project in Rwanda (2012-2014)", Kigali, Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB), Rwanda, Nabahungu, N. L., Ngaboyisonga, C., Tuyisenge, J.*, Dusengemungu, L.*, Kabirigi, M.*, Rutebuka, J.*, Kayumba, J.* and Ndayisaba, P. C.*, Scholars' Press, ISBN 978-613-8-92880-5, 2020.
Participatory exploration of the heterogeneity in household socioeconomic, food and nutrition security status for the identification of nutrition-sensitive interventions in the Rwandan highlands, Mashingaidze, N., Ekesa, B., Ndayisaba, P. C.*, Njukwe, E., Groot, J. C. J., Gwazane, M.* and Vanlauwe, B., in: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, pages 1-41, ISSN 2571-581X, 2020. [DOI]


Who benefits from which agricultural research-for-development technologies? Evidence from farm household poverty analysis in central Africa, Ainembabazi, J. H., Abdoulaye, T., Feleke, S., Alene, A., Dontsop-Nguezet, P., Ndayisaba, P. C.*, Hicintuka, C.*, Mapatano, S.* and Manyong, V., in: World Development, volume 108, pages 28-46, ISSN 0305-750X, 2018. [DOI]


Intensification and diversification of banana production systems: Key drivers for increased income and food and nutritional security in the Great Lakes region: proceeding (poster), Njukwe, E., Ekesa, B., Ocimati, W., Blomme, G., Kamira, M.*, Amah, D., Swennen, R., Okafor, C. and Ndayisaba, P. C.*, Humidtropics/FARA, 2016.
Institutionalising dialogue in Rwanda through innovation platforms, Schut, M., Okafor, C., Hicintuka, C., Kagabo, D., Njukwe, E., Zawadi, S., Lamers, D., Ndayisaba, P. C.*, McCampbell, M., Sartas, M., Van Asten, P. and Vanlauwe, B., in: Farming Matters, pages 32-33, 2016.
Integrated approach enhances system productivity, income, food and nutrition security among smallholder farmers in Northwestern Rwanda, Cyamweshi, A. R.*, Njukwe, E., Mukuralinda, A., Ekesa, B., Musana, B.*, Okafor, C., Ndayisaba, P. C.*, Nabahungu, N. L., Mashingaidze, N., Kantengwa, S ., Kagabo, D., Nyirahorana, C.*, Harahagazwe, D., Wanlund, A., Mukamurezi, G.*, Zozo, R., Oborn, I., Schut, M., Zawadi, S., McCampbell, M. and Gafaranga, J.*, Abstracts presentation at Humidtropics/FARA - Marketplace event on 'Systems research in agri-food systems' on 15-17 November, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2016.


Building multi-stakeholder processes in agricultural research for development in Rwanda: case study developed under the CGIAR Research Program on Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics (Humidtropics), Lamers, D., Kagabo, D., Ndayisaba, P. C.*, Zawadi, S., Ngamije, A. H., Nabahungu, N. L., Okafor, C., Sartas, M. and Schut, M., Case study MSP Rwanda, 2015.