Kyazze, F.*    

Institute:Makerere University, Kampala Uganda 

5 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


The role of variety attributes in the uptake of new hybrid bananas among smallholder rural farmers in central Uganda, Sanya, L. N.*, Sseguya, H., Kyazze, F.*, Diiro, G. M.* and Nakazi, F.*, in: Agriculture & Food Security, volume 9, number 1, pages 1-13, ISSN 2048-7010, 2020. [DOI]


ICTs for conservation agriculture: influence of actor positioning in knowledge networks in Laikipia and Machakos counties, Kenya, Achora, J. C.*, Sseguya, H., Kyazze, F.*, Mkomwa, S.* and Okello, D.*, in: Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal, volume 14, number 1, pages 24-33, ISSN 2204-8758, 2018.
Actor diversity and interactions in the development of banana hybrid varieties in Uganda: implications for technology uptake, Sanya, L. N.*, Sseguya, H., Kyazze, F.*, Baguma, Y.* and Kibwika, P.*, in: The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, volume 24, number 2, pages 153-167, ISSN 1389-224X, 2018. [DOI]


Smallholder farmers in eastern Africa and climate change: a review of risks and adaptation options with implications for future adaptation programmes, Gbegbelegbe, S., Serem, J.*, Stirling, C., Kyazze, F.*, Radeny, M., Misiko, M., Tongruksawattana, S., Nafula, L.*, Gakii, M.* and Sonder, K., in: Climate and Development, pages 1-18, ISSN 1756-5529, 2017. [DOI]


Smallholder farmers in eastern Africa and climate change: risks and barriers to adaptation, Gbegbelegbe, S.+, Serem, J.*, Kyazze, F.*, Radeny, M., Misiko, M., Tongruksawattana, S., Nafula, L.* and Gakii, M.*, International Conference of Agricultural Economists, 2015.