
Type of publication:Misc
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TitleEffect des saisons de culture sur la dynamique de la population des ravageurs et de leurs ennemis naturels sur les varietes de chou
Bibtex cite IDDJOMAHA:2013
Year published 2013
Month October
How published Abstract, p. 99 in the book of abstracts of the 20th Biennial Conference of the African Association of Insect Scientist, 28-31 October, 2013 Yaounde, Cameroon
Note In: Global change and impacts on insect biodiversity: integrated pest and disease vectors management in Africa, 20th Biennial Conference of the African Association of Insect Scientist, 28-31 October, 2013, Yaounde, Cameroon
Peer Reviewed? Yes
In Thomson Index? No
Developing Country Author? Yes
Make Attachment Public? TRUE
Djomaha, E. S.
Hanna, R.
Ghogomu, R.*
Et Fotso, K. A.*
Total mark: 5

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