The spatial genetic differentiation of the legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata F. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) populations in West Africa, Agunbiade, T., Coates, B. S., Kim, S. K., Forgacs, D., Margam, V. M.*, Murdock, L. L., Ba, M. N.*, Dabire, C.*, Baoua, I.*, Ishiyaku, M.*, Tamo, M. and Pittendrigh, B. R., in: Bulletin of Entomological Research, volume 102, number 5, pages 589-599, ISSN 0007-4853, 2012. [DOI] |
Green-maize potential of hybrid and open-pollinated cultivars at varying levels of applied nitrogen: relationship with grain yield, Kim, S. K., Adetimirin, V.*, Yoon, S. T., Adepoju, A. and Gbadamosi, B. A., in: Tropical Science, volume 47, number 4, pages 149-158, ISSN 0041-3291, 2007. [DOI] |
Development and regional deployment of streak virus resistant maize germplasm: an overview, Fakorede, M., Fajemisin, J., Ladipo, J.*, Ajala, S. and Kim, S. K., in: Plant virology in sub-Saharan African: proceedings of a conference organized by IITA, 4-8 June 2001 Ibadan, Nigeria, pages 503-516, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 2003. |
Contribution of mid-altitude maize germplasm to tropical lowland breeding for Striga hermonthica tolerance, The, C.*, Badu-Apraku, B., Kim, S. K., Menkir, A. and Tagne, A., in: Book of Abstracts. Paper presented at: Arnel R. Hallauer International Symposium on Plant Breeding; 17-22 August, Mexico, City, Mexico, 2003. |
Improvement of maize populations for resistance to downy mildew, Ajala, S., Kling, J., Kim, S. K. and Obajimi, A., in: Plant Breeding, volume 122, pages 328-333, 2003. |
Combining ability of tropical maize germplasm in West Africa: IV. Inheritance of resistance to downy mildew (Perenosclerospora sorghi) infection, Kim, S. K., Ajala, S. and Kling, J., in: Maydica, volume 48, pages 9-14, 2003. |
Production de semences de mais hybride: Guide de recherche de l'Iita, No. 59, Kim, S. K., Kling, J. and Weber, G., Guide de recherche de l'Iita, No. 59, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-189-4, 2001. |
Combining ability of tropical maize germplasm in West Africa. III. Tropical maize inbreds, Kim, S. K., Ajala, S. and Brewbaker, J., in: Maydica, volume 44, pages 285-291, 2000. |
Seed production of hybrid maize: IITA research guide, No. 59, Kim, S. K., Kling, J. and Weber, G., IITA research guide, No. 59., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-131-117-7, 1999. |
Development of synthetic maize populations for resistance to Striga hermonthica, Kim, S. K., Fajemisin, J., The, C.*, Adepoju, A., Kling, J., Badu-Apraku, B., Versteeg, M., Carsky, R. and Lagoke, S.*, in: Plant Breeding, volume 117, number 3, pages 203-209, ISSN 0179-9541, 1998. |
Advances in screening methods and breeding for resistance to downy mildew and stem borers in maize, Kling, J., Cardwell, K., Bosque-Perez, N. A. and Kim, S. K., in: IITA Research, volume 14/15, pages 7-13, ISSN 1115-3067, 1997. |
Horizontal resistance: core to a research breakthrough to combat Striga in Africa, Kim, S. K., in: Integrated Pest Management Reviews, volume 1, pages 229-249, 1997. |
Responses of tolerant and susceptible maize varieties to timimg and rate of nitrogen under Striga hermonthica infestation, Kim, S. K. and Adetimirin, V.*, in: Agronomy Journal, volume 89, pages 38-44, ISSN 0002-1962, 1997. |
Striga hermonthica seed inoculum rate effects on maize hybrid tolerance and susceptibility expression, Kim, S. K. and Adetimirin, V.*, in: Crop Science, volume 37, pages 1066-1071, ISSN 0011-183X, 1997. |
Nitrogen effects on Striga hermonthica infestation, grain yield and agronomic traits of tolerant and susceptible maize hybrids, Kim, S. K., Adetimirin, V.* and Akintunde, A., in: Crop Science, volume 37, pages 711-716, ISSN 0011-183X, 1997. |
Observations on field infection by witchweed (Striga species) on maize in West and Central Africa, Kim, S. K., Lagoke, S.* and The, C.*, in: Internationational Journal of Pest Management, volume 43, pages 113-121, 1997. |
Combining ability of tropical maize germplasm in West Africa; I: open- pollinated varieties, Kim, S. K. and Ajala, S., in: Maydica, volume 41, pages 127-134, 1996. |
Combining ability of tropical maize germplasm in West Africa II. Troppical vs temperate x tropical origins, Kim, S. K. and Ajala, S., in: Maydica, volume 41, pages 135-141, 1996. |
Registration of 18 first-cycle tropical midaltitude maize germplasm lines, Everett, L., Eta-Ndu, J. T., Ndioro, M., Tabi, I. and Kim, S. K., in: Crop Science, volume 34, number 5, pages 1422, ISSN 0011-183X, 1994. |
Registration of 19 second-cycle tropical midaltitude maize germlpasm lines, Everett, L., Eta-Ndu, J. T., Ndioro, M., Tabi, I. and Kim, S. K., in: Crop Science, volume 34, pages 1419-1420, ISSN 0011-183X, 1994. |
Breeding for Striga hemonthica tolerant open-pollinated maize varieties in Africa, Kim, S. K., in: Progress in food grain research and production in semi-arid Africa: proceedings of SAFGRAD Inter-Network Conference, Niamey, Niger, 7-14 March 1991, Niamey, Niger, pages 263-273, OAU; STRC; SAFGRAD, 1994. |
Genetics of maize tolerance of Striga hemonthica, Kim, S. K., in: Crop Science, volume 34, number 4, pages 900-907, ISSN 0011-183X, 1994. |
Responses of maize, sorghum and millet host plants infestation by Striga hemonthica, Kim, S. K., Akintunde, A. and Walker, P., in: Crop Protection, volume 13, number 8, pages 582-590, 1994. |
Stability analysis for grain yield and agronomic traits in maize hybrids and open-pollinated varieties, Lee, M. H. and Kim, S. K., in: Korean Journal of Breeding, volume 24, number 1, pages 1-5, 1993. |
Resistance of tropical maize inbreds to major virus and virus-like diseases, Brewbaker, J., Kim, S. K. and Logrono, M.L., in: Maydica, volume 36, pages 257-265, 1991. |
A comprehensive breeding system for maize improvement in Africa, Eberhart, S. A., Kim, S. K., Mareck, J. H., Darrah, L. and Goodman, M., pages 175-193, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA); IBPGR; UNEP; CNR, 1991. |
A comprehensive breeding system for maize improvement in Africa, Eberhart, S. A., Kim, S. K., Mareck, J., Darrah, L. and Goodman, M., volume II, pages 175-193, chapter 3.6, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA); IBPGR; UNEP; CNR, ISBN 978 131 0634, 1991. |
Breeding maize for striga tolerance and the development of a field infestation technique, Kim, S. K., pages 96-108, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1991. |
Combating striga in Africa, Kim, S. K., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1991. |
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture: combating hunger in Africa and contributing to world peace, Kim, S. K., National University Press, 1991. |
Progress in breeding maize for Striga tolerance/resistance at IITA, Kim, S. K. and Winslow, M. D., in: Proceedings, Fifth International Symposium on Parasitic Weeds, 24-30 Jun 1991 Nairobi Kenya, edited by J. K. Ransom, L.J. Musselman, A.D. Worsham, and C. Parker, pages 494-499, The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), 1991. |
Screening and breeding maize for resistance to Sesamia calamistis and Eldana saccharina, Bosque-Perez, N. A., Mareck, J. H., Dabrowski, Z. T., Everett, L., Kim, S. K. and Efron, Y., Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, 1989. |
The MIR (maize inbred resistance) trials: performance of tropical-adapted maize inbreds, Brewbaker, J. and Kim, S. K., 062, University of Hawaii, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resoruces, 1989. |
Breeding for resistance to maize streak virus: a multidisciplinary team approach, Efron, Y., Kim, S. K., Fajemisin, J., Mareck, J. H., Tang, C. Y., Dabrowski, Z. T., Rossel, H. W., Thottappilly, G. and Buddenhagen, I. W., in: Plant Breeding, volume 103, pages 1-36, 1989. |
IITA's strategies to develop striga-resistant maize germplasm, Efron, Y., Kim, S. K., Parkinson, V. and Bosque-Perez, N. A., in: Striga-improved management in Africa, proceedings edited by T.O. Robson and H.R. Broad, pages 141-153, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 1989. |
Evolution of disease resistance breeding in maize in Africa, Fajemisin, J., Efron, Y. and Kim, S. K., pages 385, 1988. |
Insect and disease resistance from tropical maize for use in temperate zone hybrids, Kim, S. K., Brewbaker, J. and Hallauer, A. R., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1988. |
Weather factors associated with recurring maize streak epidemics., Fajemisin, J., Dabrowski, Z. T., Efron, Y. and Kim, S. K., in: In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Agrometeorology and Crop Protection in the Lowland Humid and Sub-humid Tropics, pages 267-276, World Meteorological Organization, 1987. |
Viral resistance and agronomic traits of tropical-adapted maize inbreds, Logrono, M.L., Brewbaker, J. and Kim, S. K., in: Agronomy Abstracts, pages 70, 1987. |
Inoculation studies on three ear rot diseases of tropic maize, Fajemisin, J., Durojaiye, J. A. T., Kim, S. K. and Efron, Y., in: Abstracts of the American Phytopathological Society, number 479, 1987. |
Foliar disease resistance of tropical-adapted maize inbreds,, Brewbaker, J., Kim, S. K. and Logrono, M.L., Agronomy Abstracts acts, 1987. |
Combining abilities for maize inbreds of tropical vs trop. x temperate origins, Kim, S. K., Lee, M. H., Efron, V., Khadr, F. H., Fajemisin, J. and Mareck, J. H., in: Agronomy Abstracts, pages 67-68, 1987. |
Registration of 16 maize-streak resistant tropical maize parental inbred lines, Kim, S. K., Efron, Y., Khadr, F. H., Fajemisin, J. and Lee, M. H., in: Crop Science, volume 27, pages 824-825, ISSN 0011-183x, 1987. |
Effect of maize streek virus on maize productivity, Fajemisin, J., Bjarnason, M., Kim, S. K., Efron, Y. and Dabrowski, Z. T., University of Ibadan, 1984. |
Population and varietal development in maize for tropical Africa through resistance breeding, Fajemisin, J., Efron, Y., Kim, S. K., Khadr, F. H., Dabrowski, Z. T., Mareck, J. H., Bjarnason, M., Parkinson, V., Everett, L. and Daillo, A., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1984. |
A summary of maize resistance breeding, Efron, Y., Fajemisin, J., Kim, S. K., Bjarnason, M., Pham, H. N. and Makonnen, D., in: Annual Plant Resistance to Insects Newsletter, volume 10, pages 68-69, 1984. |
Evaluation of progress on breeding for combined resistance to downy mildew and maize streak virus. 1. Late maturing varieties, Fajemisin, J., Kim, S. K., Efron, Y. and Khadr, F. H., University of Ife, 1984. |
Breeding maize for field resistance to striga in Africa, Khadr, F. H., Kim, S. K., Parkinson, V., Fajemisin, J. and Efron, Y., Las Vegas, 1984. |
Combining ability estimates for tropical and converted temperate maize inbred lines, Kim, S. K., Efron, Y., Khadr, F. H., Mareck, J. H. and Fajemisin, J., Las Vegas, 1984. |
Recent progress of hybrid maize development at IITA, Kim, S. K., Efron, Y., Khadr, F. H., Fajemisin, J., Mareck, J. H. and Alofe, C. O., NCRI, 1984. |
Breeding for durable resistance in tropical maize with special reference to maize streak virus, Fajemisin, J., Kim, S. K. and Alam, M. S., in: Paper read at FAO/IITA Expert Consultation on Durable Resistance Breeder,, 1982. |
Genectics Study of Resistance in Maize to Maize Streak Virus, Kim, S. K., Efron, Y., Fajemisin, J. and Buddenhagen, I. W., pages 72, 1982. |
Development of Two Early Maturing, Streak Resistant Maize Populations for Africa, Kim, S. K., Efron, Y., Singh, J., Fajemisin, J. and Bjarnason, M., in: IITA Research Briefs, volume 3, number 2, pages 5-6, 1982. |
IITA's maize breeding program in tropical Africa with special reference to maize streak virus resistance, Efron, Y., Kim, S. K., Singh, J. and Bjarnason, M., 1981. |
IITA's Maize Improvement Program, Efron, Y., Kim, S. K., Singh, J. and Bjarnason, M., in: Paper presented at the First Joint Planning Meeting for the CEC funded HYV-Technology Project. IITA, 5-9 October 1981, 1981. |
Changes on apparent resistance in maize to Puccinia sorghi Sch. during development, SABRAO, December, Kim, S. K., Buddenhagen, I. W. and Brewbaker, J., 1980. |