
Type of publication:Misc
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TitleDomestication and evolutionary dynamics of cultivated yam (Dioscorea cayenensis /D. rotundata complex) in Benin
Bibtex cite IDDANSI:2013
Year published 2013
Month October
How published Abstract in First Global Conference on Yam 'to harness research innovations to unleash the potential of yam', 3-6 October, 2013 Accra, Ghana
Note Abstract, P. 22 in the program and book of abstracts of the First Global Conference on Yam 'to harness research innovations to unleash the potential of yam', 3-6 October, 2013 Accra, Ghana. ISBN: 978-978-8444-27-5.; RTB; Root and Tuber; Yam
Peer Reviewed? Yes
In Thomson Index? No
Developing Country Author? Yes
Make Attachment Public? TRUE
Dansi, A.*
Adjatin, A.*
Bhattacharjee, R.
Asiedu, R.
Vodouhe, R.
Akouegninou, A.*
Sanni, A.*
Total mark: 5

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