Nout, R. M.    

Firstname:R. M. 
Institute:Laboratory of Food Microbiology, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 17, 6700AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands 
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Publications as Author


Diversity in secondary metabolites including mycotoxins from strains of aspergillus section nigri isolated from raw cashew nuts from Benin, west Africa, Lamboni, Y., Nielsen, K. F., Linnemann, A., Gezgin, Y., Hell, K., Nout, R. M., Smid, E. J., Tamo, M., van Boekel, M. A., Hoof, J. B. and Frisvad, J. C., in: PloS ONE, volume 11, number 10(e0164310), pages 1-14, ISSN 1932-6203, 2016. [DOI]
Occurrence of Aspergillus section Flavi and section Nigri and aflatoxins in raw cashew kernels (Anacardiumoccidentale L.) from Benin, Lamboni, Y., Frisvad, J. C., Hell, K., Linnemann, A., Nout, R. M., Tamo, M., Nielsen, K. F., van Boekel, M. A. and Smid, E. J., in: LWT - Food Science and Technology, volume 70, pages 71-77, ISSN 0023-6438, 2016. [DOI]