
Type of publication:Misc
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TitleVirus threats to cassava and yam in sub-Saharan Africa: new insights on controlling old nemesis (ABSTRACT)
Bibtex cite IDKUMAR:2013c
Year published 2013
Month July
How published Abstract in papers of the International Confernece on Tropical Roots and Tubers for Sustainable Livelihood under changing agro-climate (ICTRT) 9-12 July, Hotel Mascot, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Note In: Tropical Roots and Tubers for Sustainable Livelihood under changing agro-climate (ICTRT), 9-12 July 2013, Hotel Mascot, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. RTB; Root and Tuber; Cassava; Yam
Peer Reviewed? Yes
In Thomson Index? No
Developing Country Author? No
Make Attachment Public? TRUE
Kumar, P. L.
Hanna, R.
Seal, S.
Nkere, C.
Maruthi, M. N.
Kulakow, P.
Lopez-Montes, A.
Gueye, B.
Abberton, M.
Legg, J.
Total mark: 5

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