Okeola, O.    


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Publications as Author


Insecticidal activities of the African yam bean seed lectin on the development of the cowpea beetle and the pod sucking bug, Okeola, O., Machuka, J. and Fasidi, I., pages 223-230, 2002.


The African yam bean seed lectin affects the development of the cowpea weevil but does not affect the development of larvae of the legume pod borer, Machuka, J., Okeola, O. and Chrispeels, M., in: Phytochemistry, volume 53, pages 667-674, 2000.
One and two dimensional gel electrophoresic identification of African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) seed proteins, Machuka, J. and Okeola, O., in: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, volume 48, pages 2296-2299, 2000.
Biological effects of African yam bean lectins on the cowpea coreid bug, Clavigralla tomentosicollis (Stal), Okeola, O. and Machuka, J., in: Journal of Economic Entomology, volume 94, pages 2, 2000.


Isolation and partial characterisation of galactose-specific lectins from African yam beans, Sphenostylis stenocarpa Harms, Machuka, J., Okeola, O., Van Damme, E. J. M., Chrispeels, M., van Leuven, F. and Peumans, W. J., in: Phytochemistry, volume 51, number 6, pages 721-728, ISSN 0031-9422, 1999.