Malombe, I.*
1 publications (0 read) |
Publications as Author
2016 |
Electronic support tools for identification and management of rice weeds in Africa for better-informed agricultural change agents, Rodenburg, J., Le Bourgeois, T., Grard, P., Carara, A., Irakiza, R., Makokha, D. W., Kabanyoro, R.*, Dzomeku, I.*, Chiconela, T.*, Malombe, I.*, Sarra, S.*, Ekeleme, F., Mariko, M., Andrianaivo, A. P.* and Marnotte, P., in: Cahiers Agricultures, volume 25, number 1, pages 1-8, ISSN 1166-7699, 2016. [DOI] |
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