Hassan, M. B.*    

Firstname:M. B.* 
Institute:Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa 
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Publications as Author


Adoption of striga (striga hermonthica) management technologies in northern Nigeria, Hassan, M. B.*, Baiyegunhi, L. J.*, Ortmann, G. F.* and Abdoulaye, T., in: Agrekon, volume 55, number 1-2, pages 168-188, ISSN 0303-1853, 2016. [DOI]


Mid-term and cost-benefit study of smallholder farmers in Striga-Infested maize and cowpea growing areas of Northern Nigeria, Amaza, P.*, Hassan, M. B.*, Abdoulaye, T., Kamara, A. and Oluoch, M., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, ISBN 978-978-8444-52-7, 2014.