Abdulkadir, B.    

Institute:International Livestock Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 
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Publications as Author


Book of abstracts: Postgraduate students supported by Africa RISING project in Ethiopian highlands, Abdulkadir, B. and Mekonnen, K., ILRI, 2019.


Additive yield response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to rhizobium inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer across smallholder farms in Ethiopia, Wolde-Meskel, E., van Heerwaarden, J., Abdulkadir, B., Kassa, S.*, Aliyi, I.*, Degefu, T., Wakweya, K.*, Kanampiu, F. and Giller, K., in: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, volume 261, pages 144-152, ISSN 0167-8809, 2018. [DOI]


Opportunities for sustainable legume business development: an experience from the public-private partnership progresses in south eastern Ethiopia: proceeding (poster), Amanu, T., Baars, E., Wolde-Meskel, E., Abdulkadir, B., Ampadu-Boakye, T., Giller, K. and Kanampiu, F., 2016.