Staal, S.
3 publications (0 read) |
Publications as Author
2017 |
Systems analysis in AIS: potentials and pitfalls, de Roo, N., Hawkins, R., Schut, M., Salomons, M., Beshah, T., Staal, S. and Kassam, S., KIT working papers: 11, 2017. | 2016 |
Integrated systems research for sustainable smallholder agriculture in the uplands of mainland Southeast Asia: achievements and lessons learned, Hiwasaki, L., Bolliger, A., Lacombe, G., Raneri, J., Schut, M. and Staal, S., pages 101-117, chapter 5, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), ISBN 978-604-943-434-1, 2016. |
Publications as Editor
2016 |
Integrated systems research for sustainable smallholder agriculture in the central Mekong: achievements and challenges of implementing integrated systems research., World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), ISBN 978-604-943-434-1, 2016. |
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