Troost, C.    

Institute:Institute of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences in the Tropics and Subtropics (490d), Hohenheim University, Germany 

2 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Impacts of climate variability and food price volatility on household income and food security of farm households in east and west Africa, Assfaw Wossen, T., Berger, T., Haile, M. G. and Troost, C., in: Agricultural Systems, pages 1-9, ISSN 0308-521X, 2017. [DOI]
Can smallholder farmers adapt to climate variability, and how effective are policy interventions? Agent-based simulation results for Ethiopia, Berger, T., Troost, C., Assfaw Wossen, T., Latynskiy, E., Tesfaye, K. and Gbegbelegbe, S., in: Agricultural Economics, pages 1-14, ISSN 0169-5150, 2017. [DOI]