Gregg, L.    

Institute:Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, Weslaco, TX 78596 
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Publications as Author


Prevalence and genome characterization of field isolates of sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) in Nigeria, Yahaya, A.*, Dangora, D. B.*, Kumar, P. L., Alegbejo, M.*, Gregg, L. and Alabi, O. J., in: Plant Disease, volume 103, number 5, pages 818-824, ISSN 0191-2917, 2019. [DOI]


First report of maize yellow mosaic virus infecting sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) and itch grass (Rottboellia cochinchinensis) in Nigeria, Yahaya, A.*, Al Rwahnih, M., Dangora, D. B.*, Gregg, L., Alegbejo, M.*, Kumar, P. L. and Alabi, O. J., in: Plant Disease, volume 101, number 7, pages 1335, ISSN 0191-2917, 2017. [DOI]