Davis, K.    

Institute:International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, USA. 
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Innovation platforms in agricultural research for development: ex-ante appraisal of the purposes and conditions under which innovation platforms can contribute to agricultural development outcomes, Schut, M., Kamanda, J ., Gramzow, A., Dubois, T.+, Stoian, D., Andersson, J. A., Dror, I., Sartas, M., Mur, R., Kassam, S., Brouwer, H., Devaux, A., Velasco, C., Flor, R. J., Gummert, M., Buizer, D., McDougall, C., Davis, K., Homann-Kee Tui, S. and Lundy, M., in: Experimental Agriculture, volume 55, number 4, pages 575-596, ISSN 0014-4797, 2019. [DOI]


Guidelines for innovation platforms in agricultural research for development: decision support for research, development and funding agencies on how to design, budget and implement impactful innovation platforms, Schut, M., Andersson, J. A., Dror, I., Kamanda, J ., Sartas, M., Mur, R., Kassam, S., Brouwer, H., Stoian, D., Devaux, A., Velasco, C., Gramzow, A., Dubois, T.+, Flor, R. J., Gummert, M., Buizer, D., McDougall, C., Davis, K., Homann-Kee Tui, S. and Lundy, M., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture/Wageningen University, 2017.