Ndengo, N. E.*    

Firstname:N. E.* 
Institute:Universite de Kinshasa, Faculte des Sciences Agronomiques, Departement de Phytotechnie, BP117 Kinshasa XI, RD Congo 
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Publications as Author


Criblage de genotypes de manioc (Manihot esculenta CRANTZ) pour la resistance a la cochenille Africaine de racines et tubercules (Stictococcus vayssierei Richard) dans differentes zones agro-ecologiques de Beni (Nord Kivu, RD Congo), Ndengo, N. E.*, Munseki, L.*, Hanna, R. and Ngbolua, K.*, in: International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, volume 16, number 1, pages 210-225, ISSN 2028-9324, 2016.