Geitzenauer, M.    


3 publications (0 read)

Publications as Author


Cocoa marketing chain in developing countries: How do formal-informal linkages ensure its sustainability in Cameroon?, Nkouedjo, L. L., Mathe, S., Fon, D. E.*, Geitzenauer, M. and Manga, A. A.*, in: Geoforum, volume 117, pages 61-70, ISSN 0016-7185, 2020. [DOI]
Stakeholders' perceptions on sustainability transition pathways of the cocoa value chain towards improved livelihood of small-scale farming households in Cameroon, Vogel, C., Mathe, S., Geitzenauer, M., Ndah, H. T., Sieber, S., Bonatti, M. and Lana, M., in: International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, volume 18, number 1, pages 55-69, ISSN 1473-5903, 2020. [DOI]


The challenge of financing the implementation of Natura 2000 - empirical evidence from six European Union Member States, Geitzenauer, M., Blondet, M., De Koning, J., Ferranti, F., Sotirov, M., Weiss, G. and Winkel, G., in: Forest Policy and Economics, volume 82, pages 3-13, ISSN 1389-9341, 2017. [DOI]