Njoroge, L.*    

Institute:National Museums of Kenya, Museum Hill, P.O. Box 40658 - 00100, Nairobi, Kenya 
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The pollinator information network for two-winged insects (PINDIP): an update, Jordaens, K., Copeland, R., Goergen, G ., Hamer, M.*, Janssens, S., Kirk-Spriggs, A.*, Midgley, J.*, Muller, B.* and Njoroge, L.*, Abstract in the book of Abstracts: 10th International Symposium on Syrphidae 8th-12th September, Lesvos, Greece, 2019.


The pollinator information network for two-winged insects (PINDIP), Jordaens, K., Copeland, R., Goergen, G ., Hamer, M.*, Janssens, S., Kirk-Spriggs, A.*, Midgley, J.*, Muller, B.* and Njoroge, L.*, Abstract p. 36 in the book of abstracts of the 9th International Syrphidae Symposium, Curitiba, Brazil, 28th August - 1st September, 2017.