Titles (51)Keywords (1)Notes (1)Abstracts (2)
Agroecozones and crop age influence on cassava root starch and sugar contents, Githunguri, C., Ekanayake, I. J., Chweya, J. and Imungi, J., in: Proceedings of African Crop Science Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, 13-17 January 1997, Vol.3, pages 739-746, African Crop Science Society, 1998.
Antioxidant, starch-digesting enzymes inhibitory, and pasting properties of elite yellow-fleshed cassava genotypes, Kareem, B., Irondi, E. A.*, Alamu, E. O., Ajani, E. O.*, Abass, A., Parkes, E. and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, volume 7, number : 1129807, pages 1-11, ISSN 2571-581X, 2023. [DOI]
Cassava flour and starch: processing technology and utilization, Shittu, T.*, Alimi, B. A.*, Wahab, B.*, Sanni, L. and Abass, A., pages 415-450, chapter 10.1, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-1-118-99269-2, 2016. [DOI]
Cassava starch pilot factory, the first of its kind in Malawi, Nthonyiwa, A., Mhone, A., Kazembe, H.*, Moyo, C., Sandifolo, V., Jumbo, S., Siyeni, D., Mahungu, N., Rweyendela, V. and Whyte, J., in: Roots, volume 9, number 2, pages 20-22, 2005.
Characterization of starches from some selected white and yellow cassava roots for dry starch noodle production, Akinde, H. A.*, Sanni, L., Shittu, T.*, Adegunwa, M.*, Abass, A. and Awoyale, W.*, in: Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, pages 1-19, ISSN 1542-8052, 2022. [DOI]
Chemical and functional properties of cassava starch, durum wheat semolina flour, and their blends, Oladunmoye, O.*, Aworh, O.*, Maziya-Dixon, B., Erukainure, O.* and Elemo, G. N.*, in: Food Science & Nutrition, volume 2, number 2, pages 132-138, ISSN 2048-7177, 2014. [DOI]
Comparing characteristics of root, flour and starch of biofortified yellow-flesh and white-flesh cassava variants, and sustainability considerations: a review, Ayetigbo, O., Latif, S., Abass, A. and Muller, J., in: Sustainability, volume 10, number -:3089, pages 1-32, ISSN 2071-1050, 2018. [DOI]
Determinants of productivity of smallholder farmers supplying cassava to starch processors in Nigeria: a baseline evidence, Ojiako, I., Tarawali, G., Okechukwu, R. and Chianu, J., in: Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, volume 2, number 62, pages 1-13, ISSN 2226-1184, 2017. [DOI]
Development of an optimized cassava starch-based custard powder, Awoyale, W., Sanni, L. O.*, Shittu, T.*, Adebowale, A.* and Adegunwa, M.*, in: Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, pages 1-23, ISSN 1542-8052, 2017. [DOI]
Effect of autoclaving on the formation of resistant starch from two Nigeria Cassava ( Manihot esculenta ) varieties, Abioye, V. F.*, Adeyemi, I.*, Akinwande, B.*, Kulakow, P. and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Food Research, volume 2, number 5, pages 468-473, ISSN 2550-2166, 2018. [DOI]
Effect of genotype and genotype by environment interaction on total cyanide content, fresh root, and starch yield in farmer-preferred cassava landraces in Tanzania, Mtunguja, M. K.*, Laswai, H. S.*, Kanju, E., Ndunguru, J.* and Muzanila, Y. C.*, in: Food Science & Nutrition, pages 1-11, ISSN 2048-7177, 2016. [DOI]
Effect of genotype on physicochemical and functional properties of cassava starch, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Saka, J., Herselman, L.* and Mahungu, N., in: Root and tuber crops for poverty alleviation through science and technology for sustainable development: proceedings of the 10th symposium of ISTRC-AB held from 8-12 October, 2007 in Maputo, Mozambique, pages 369-370, ISTRC-AB, 2010.
Effect of harvest dates on root yield and starch content of improved cassava varieties: poster, Ologunde, O.*, Adebayo, O.*, Busari, M.*, Hauser, S., Kreye, C., Salako, F. K.* and Pypers, P ., Global Cassava Partnership for the 21st Century - GCP21, 2018.
Effect of soy protein isolate on the functional, pasting, and sensory acceptability of cassava starch-based custard, Akinwale, T. E.*, Shittu, T.*, Adebowale, A.*, Adewuyi, S.* and Abass, A., in: Food Science & Nutrition, pages 1-7, ISSN 2048-7177, 2017. [DOI]
Effect of varieties on the adsorption isotherm of yellow-fleshed cassava root starches, Awoyale, W.*, Sanni, L. O.*, Shittu, T.*, Adegunwa, M.*, Gueye, B. and Kulakow, P., Abstract, P. 215 in the book of abstracts and programme of the 12th Triennial Symposium of International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 30 - 5, October, Alisa Hotel, Accra, Ghana, 2013.
Effects of expanding cassava planting and harvesting windows on root yield, starch content and revenue in southwestern Nigeria, Enesi, R., Pypers, P ., Kreye, C., Tariku, M. and Hauser, S., in: Field Crops Research, volume 286, number -: 108639, pages 1-10, ISSN 0378-4290, 2022. [DOI]
Effects of fermentation length and varieties on the pasting properties of sour cassava starch, Adegunwa, M.*, Sanni, L. O.* and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Tropical Roots and Tuber Crops and the Challenges of Globalization and Climate Changes. Proceedings of the 11th triennial Symposium of the ISTRC-AB, 4 to 8 October 2010, pages 476-484, ISTRC-AB, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2012.
Effects of fermentation length and varieties on the pasting properties of sour cassava starch, Adegunwa, M.*, Sanni, L. O.* and Maziya-Dixon, B., Abstract (Poster) in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010.
Efficiency and its determinants among smallholder farming units supplying cassava to commercial starch processors in Nigeria: data envelopment analysis approach, Ojiako, I., Tarawali, G., Okechukwu, R., Chianu, J., Ezedinma, C. and Edet, M., in: Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, volume 9, number 16, pages 120-134, ISSN 2222-1700, 2018.
Efficient sugar utilization and transition from oxidative to substrate-level phosphorylation in high starch storage roots of African cassava genotypes, Lamm, C. E., Rabbi, I. Y., Medeiros, D. B., Rosado-Souza, L., Pommerrenig, B., Dahmani, I., Ruscher, D., Hofmann, J., van Doorn, A. M., Schlereth, A., Neuhaus, H. E., Fernie, A. R., Sonnewald, U. and Zierer, W., in: Plant Journal, volume 116, number 1, pages 38-57, ISSN 0960-7412, 2023. [DOI]
Enabling sustainable cassava root and starch yield increase through scheduled planting/harvesting and appropriate smallholder mechanization, Enesi, R. O., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, 2022.
Evaluation of glycaemic index, starch-hydrolyzing enzymes inhibitory and antioxidant properties of tradition products of select biofortified cassava varieties, Kareem, B.*, Kwara State University, 2022.
Evaluation of some quality parameters of cassava starch and soy protein isolate matrices during deep fat frying in soybean oil, Omidiran, A. T.*, Sobukola, O. P.*, Sanni, S. A.*, Adebowale, A.*, Shajobi, A. O.* and Kulakow, P., in: Food Science & Nutrition, volume 7, number 2, pages 656-666, ISSN 2048-7177, 2019. [DOI]
Evaluation of starches digestibility and glycemic index of commonly consumed sstaple foods from selected varieties of cassava (Manihot sp.) and yam (Dioscorea sp.), Eyinla, T. A.*, University of Ibadan, 2019.
Evaluation of starches from selected yellow and white flesh cassava roots for noodles production, Akinde, H. A.*, Federal University of Agriculture, 2020.
Fabrication and testing of the pulverizer from starch extraction for cassava in Malawi, Nthonyiwa, A., Hesse, H., Makutu, L.*, Mahungu, N., Mkumbira, J., Mhone, A., Moyo, C., Sandifolo, V. and Jumbo, S., in: Root and tuber crops for poverty alleviation through science and technology for sustainable development: proceedings of the 10th symposium of ISTRC-AB held from 8-12 October, 2007 in Maputo, Mozambique, pages 450-453, ISTRC-AB, 2010.
Feeding and economic value of cassava starch by-products to growing fattening pigs, Mhone, M. S.*, Gondwe, T. N.*, Safalaoh, A.*, Mhone, A., Mahungu, N. and Sandifolo, V., in: Root and tuber crops for poverty alleviation through science and technology for sustainable development: proceedings of the 10th symposium of ISTRC-AB held from 8-12 October, 2007 in Maputo, Mozambique, pages 426-436, ISTRC-AB, 2010.
Gene expression and metabolite profiling of thirteen Nigerian cassava landraces to elucidate starch and carotenoid composition, Olayide, P., Large, A., Stridh, L., Rabbi, I. Y., Baldermann, S., Stavolone, L. and Alexandersson, E., in: Agronomy, volume 10, number 3: 424, pages 1-17, ISSN 2073-4395, 2020. [DOI]
Genotype by environment interaction for native cassava(Manihot esculenta Crantz) starch quality and its use in the commercial sector, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Dixon, A., Viljeon, C. and Mahungu, N., in: Proceedings of the 13th ISTRC-Govt symposium, pages 144-157, Arusha, Tanzania, 2007.
Genotype x environment interaction effects on native cassava starch quality and potential for starch use in the commercial sector, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Dixon, A. and Mahungu, N., in: African Crop Science Journal, volume 12, number 3, pages 205-216, 2004.
Genotype-by-environment interaction for native cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) starch quality and its use in the commercial sector, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Viljeon, C., Mahungu, N. and Dixon, A., in: Paper presented at: 13th Symposium of the International Society of Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC); 10-14 November, International Conference Center, Arusha, Tanzania, 2003.
Household characteristics and market participation competence of smallholder farmers supplying cassava to starch processors in Nigeria, Ojiako, I., Tarawali, G., Okechukwu, R. and Chianu, J., in: International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology, volume 6, number 2, pages 42-56, ISSN 2224-0616, 2016.
Marketing opportunities for starch and high quality flour production from cassava and sweetpotato in Uganda: RCMP Research monograph, No. 29, Ferris, R. S. B., Muganga, A., Matovu, R., Kolijn, S., Hagenimana, V.* and Karuri, E.*, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2002.
Native starch quality of Malawian cassava genotypes in different environments, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.* and Mahungu, N., in: Book of Abstracts of the 6th International Scientific Meeting of the Cassava Biotechnology Network, 8-14 March 2004, Cali, Colombia, CIAT, Cali, Colombia, 2004.
Pasting, color, and granular properties of starches from local and improved cassava varieties in high rainfall region of Nigeria, Eke, J.*, Achinewhu, S. C.*, Sanni, L., Barimalaa, I. S.*, Maziya-Dixon, B. and Dixon, A., in: International Journal of Food Properties, volume 12, number 2, pages 438-449, ISSN 1094-2912, 2009.
Physicochemical and functional properties of native starches from cassava varieties in southwest Nigeria, Onitilo, M., Sanni, L., Daniel, I.*, Maziya-Dixon, B. and Dixon, A., in: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, volume 5, number 3&4, pages 108-114, 2007.
Physicochemical and functional properties of native starches from CMD cassava varieties, Maziya-Dixon, B., Onitilo, M., Sanni, L. and Daniel, I.*, in: Acta Alimentaria, 2006.
Physicochemical and functional properties of sour starches from different cassava varieties, Maziya-Dixon, B., Onitilo, M., Sanni, L. and Oyewole, O.*, in: International Journal of Food Properties, 2006.
Physicochemical properties, rheology, and storage stability of salad creams made from different cassava starch varieties, Adeleke, D. M.*, Shittu, T.*, Abass, A., Awoyale, W.*, Awonorin, S.* and Eromosele, C. O.*, in: Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, volume 44, number 9, pages 1-11, ISSN 0145-8892, 2020. [DOI]
Physicochemical, rheological and consumer acceptability of cassava starch salad cream, Ashaye, O. A.*, Sanni, L. O.* and Arowosafe, B., in: Journal of American Science, volume 6, number 1, pages 65-72, ISSN 1545-1003, 2010.
Predicting starch content in cassava fresh roots using near-infrared spectroscopy, Mbanjo, E., Hershberger, J. M., Peteti, P., Agbona, A ., Ikpan, A., Ogunpaimo, K., Kayondo, S. I., Abioye, R. S., Nafiu, K., Alamu, E. O., Adesokan, M., Maziya-Dixon, B., Parkes, E., Kulakow, P., Gore, M. A., Egesi, C. and Rabbi, I. Y., in: Frontiers in Plant Science, volume 13, number -: 990250, pages 1-16, ISSN 1664-462X, 2022. [DOI]
Proximate composition and physical properties of steamed sour cassava starch bread, Adegunwa, M.*, Edema, M. O.*, Sanni, L. O.* and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Tropical Roots and Tuber Crops and the Challenges of Globalization and Climate Changes. Proceedings of the 11th triennial Symposium of the ISTRC-AB, 4 to 8 October 2010, pages 514-518, ISTRC-AB, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2012.
Proximate composition and physical properties of steamed sour cassava starch bread. Running title: Effect of steaming on the qualities of sour cassava starch bread, Adegunwa, M.*, Edema, M. O.*, Sanni, L. O.* and Maziya-Dixon, B., Abstract in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010.
Quality attributes of formulated snacks from blends of cassava starch and soy protein isolate deep fried in palmolein oil, Omidiran, A. T.*, Sobukola, O. P.*, Sanni, S. A.*, Sanni, L. O.*, Adebowale, A.*, Azeez, R.* and Iluebbey, P., in: Legume Science, number -: e61, pages 1-8, ISSN 5193-5763, 2020. [DOI]
Screening of some cassava starches for their potential applications in custard and salad cream productions, Akinwale, T. E.*, Niniola, D. M.*, Abass, A., Shittu, T.*, Adebowale, A.*, Awoyale, W.*, Awonorin, S.*, Adewuyi, S.* and Eromosele, C. O.*, in: Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, pages 1-11, ISSN 1932-7587, 2016. [DOI]
Seasonal variations in the chemical and functional properties of starches from local and improved cassava varieties in high rainfall region of Nigeria, Eke, J.*, Achinewhu, S. C.*, Sanni, L., Barimalaa, I. S.*, Maziya-Dixon, B. and Dixon, A., in: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, volume 5, number 3&4, pages 36-42, 2007.
Stability of native starch quality parameters, starch extraction, and root dry matter of cassava genotypes in different environments, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Dixon, A. and Mahungu, N., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, volume 84, pages 1381-1388, 2004.
Synergistic action of á-Amylase and thermostable glucoamylase on cassava starch, Kareem *, S. O., Akpan, I.*, Popoola, T.O.S.* and Sanni, L., Abstract in Book of Abstracts of the 11th Triennial Symposium of ISTRC-AB, held at Memling Hotel, Kinshasa. 4-8 October, 2010.
The effect of genotype, location and season on cassava starch extraction, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Herselman, L.*, Mahungu, N. and Saka, J., in: Euphytica, volume 160, pages 59-74, 2008. [DOI]
Varietal effect on the moisture adsorption isotherm of yellow-fleshed cassava root starches, Awoyale, W.*, Sanni, L. O.*, Shittu, T.*, Adegunwa, M.*, Gueye, B. and Kulakow, P., in: African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops, volume 11, number 1, pages 41-49, ISSN 1118-2075, 2014.
Viscosity and In Vitro starch digestibility of extruded and conventionally cooked cassava/soybean porridges, Muoki, P. N., De Kock, R.*, Maziya-Dixon, B. and Emmambux, M. N.*, 2010.
Chemical and functional properties of cassava starch, durum wheat semolina flour, and their blends, Oladunmoye, O.*, Aworh, O.*, Maziya-Dixon, B., Erukainure, O.* and Elemo, G. N.*, in: Food Science & Nutrition, volume 2, number 2, pages 132-138, ISSN 2048-7177, 2014. [DOI]
Keywords:cassava starch; durum wheat; semolina; functional properties.

Checklist for commercial cassava cultivation, 2004.
The effect of genotype, location and season on cassava starch extraction, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Herselman, L.*, Mahungu, N. and Saka, J., in: Euphytica, volume 160, pages 59-74, 2008. [DOI]
When cassava is harvested too early, it often leads to reduction in yield, while delayed harvest leads to development of woody and fibrous tuberous roots, and reduction in starch content. The optimum harvest time is not known. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of genotype, location and season on starch extraction in order to find an optimum harvest regime for cassava, and to find the best parameter for monitoring starch levels in cassava tuberous roots. Results showed that genotypic effect was large for starch weight, starch extraction rate on fresh weight basis, and root dry matter content. This suggested that high starch weights could be realised by selection of suitable varieties for starch extraction. It was found that cassava harvesting and starch extractions should be done between October and November since the highest starch extraction rates were achieved during that period, and drying of the extracted starch using the open air method was fast and convenient. The results also suggested that starch levels can efficiently be monitored using starch extraction rate on fresh root weight basis. Starch content on fresh root basis and root dry matter content can also be used to determine the optimum time to harvest cassava for starch extraction but were inferior to starch extraction on fresh root weight basis.

Utilization of ESTs from cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz): progress on development of EST-SSR markers and an oligo DNA microarray, Ingelbrecht, I., Jorgensen, K., Bak, S., Gorodkin, J., Raji, A., Winter, S., Lokko, Y., Gedil, M., Anderson, J., Moller, B. and Dixon, A., 2008.
Cassava is one of the most important sources of carbohydrates for over 500 million people in the tropics and subtropics. Cassava can be cultivated under conditions considered marginal for most other staple crops and has the added advantage of being utilized as an industrial crop for producing starch and derived products. Thus, cassava appeals to resource-limited, small-scale farmers as well as commercial farming systems. Due to high levels of heterozygosity and low flowering, breeding of cassava is arduous and advances in biotechnology could complement conventional breeding programs. However, as an orphan crop, tools for biotechnology-mediated improvement of cassava are currently limited. To enhance available genomics resources for cassava, we generated and characterized an 18,166 Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) dataset enriched for drought responsive genes. This dataset contains 8,577 unigenes comprised of 3,194 clusters and 5,383 singletons. About 63% of these ESTs could be annotated, while 11% were homologous to hypothetical genes with unknown function. The remaining 26% were not significantly homologous to sequences in public databases. To increase the repertoire of markers for molecular genetic applications, we identified Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) from this EST resource and validated these using a diverse cassava panel. We also utilized this EST resource, as well as publicly available sequences, to develop a 60-mer oligo DNA microarray: a total of 35,785 ESTs were assembled into 5,230 contigs and 8,838 singletons and used to design an array with ~11,000 probes for transcriptome analysis. Progress in these areas will be presented.