Titles (115)Keywords (1)Abstracts (1)
A CRISPR/Cas9-based genome-editing system for yam (Dioscorea spp.), Syombua, E. D., Zhang, Z., Tripathi, J., Ntui, V. O., Kang, M., George, O. O.*, Edward, N. K.*, Wang, B., Yang, B. and Tripathi, L., in: Plant Biotechnology Journal, volume 19, number 4, pages 645-647, ISSN 1467-7644, 2021. [DOI]
Advanced genomic technologies for genetic enhancement of yam (dioscorea spp.): proceeding (poster), Bhattacharjee, R., Lopez-Montes, A., Abberton, M., Kumar, P. L., De Koeyer, D. and Asiedu, R., World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, 2016.
Advanced omic technologies for genetic enhancement of yam (Dioscorea spp.), Bhattacharjee, R., Tripathi, L., Lopez-Montes, A., Abberton, M., Kumar, P. L., Dekoyer, D. and Asiedu, R., Abstract, p. w900 in the book of abstracts of the Plant and Animal Genome XXIV Conference January 08 - 13, San Diego, CA, 2016.
Advances in yam (Dioscorea spp.) genetics and genomics, Mignouna, H., Abang, M. and Asiedu, R., in: Paper presented at the 13th Triennial symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC): 9-15 November 2003 Arusha, Tanzania, 2003.
An improved phenotyping method for evaluation of yam (Dioscorea spp.) resistance to nematodes belonging to the Genera Meloidogyne and Scutellonema, Kolombia, Y. A., Kumar, P. L., Lopez-Montes, A., Claudius-Cole, A. O., Maroya, N., Viaene, N., Bert, W. and Coyne, D., in: Plants, volume 13, number 9: 1175, pages 1-14, ISSN 2223-7747, 2024. [DOI]
Analysis of genetic diversity in Guinea yams (Dioscorea spp.) using AFLP fingerprinting, Mignouna, H., Ellis, N. T. H., Knox, M. R., Asiedu, R. and Ng, Q. N., in: Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad), volume 75, pages 224-229, 1998.
Analysis of relationships between production of yam [Dioscorea spp.] and its determinants in Nigeria: a cointegration approach, Ojiako, I. A., Tarawali, G., Akwarandu, B., Okechukwu, R. and Idowu, A.*, in: African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops, volume 10, number 1, pages 1-8, ISSN 1118-2075, 2013.
Application of molecular markers in germplasm enhancement of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and yam (Dioscorea spp.) at IITA, Mignouna, H., Asiedu, R., Dixon, A., Tonukari, N. J., Ng, N. Q., Thottappilly, G., Knox, M. R. and Ellis, T., in: Technical document, FAO/IAEA on 'Use of novel DNA fingerprinting techniques for the detection and characterisation of genetic variation in vegetatively propagated crops', Mumbi, India, 24-27 February 1997, 1998.
Assessment of the yam landraces (Dioscorea spp.) of DR Congo for reactions to pathological diseases, yield potential, and tuber quality characteristics, Adejumobi, I. I., Agre, A. P., Onautshu, O. D.*, Adheka, J. G.*, Cipriano, I. M.*, Monzenga, J. C. L. and Komoy, J.*, in: Agriculture, volume 12, number 5: 599, pages 1-20, ISSN 2077-0472, 2022. [DOI]
Association mapping in multiple yam species (Dioscorea spp.) of quantitative trait loci for yield-related traits, Adejumobi, I. I., Agre, A. P., Adewumi, A. S., Shonde, T. E., Cipriano, I. M.*, Komoy, J.*, Adheka, J. G.* and Onautshu, O. D.*, in: BMC Plant Biology, volume 23, number -: 357, pages 1-16, ISSN 1471-2229, 2023. [DOI]
Biotechnology approaches in breeding for biotic stress resistance in yam (Dioscorea spp.), Agre, A. P., Mondo, J., Edemodu, A., Matsumoto, R., Kolade, O., Kumar, P. L., Asiedu, R., Akoroda, M. O.*, Bhattacharjee, R., Gedil, M., Adebola, P. O. and Asfaw, A., pages 583-616, Springer, ISBN 978-3-031-09292-3, 2022. [DOI]
Breeding for abiotic stress resistance in yam (Dioscorea Spp.) using biotechnology approaches: present practices and prospects, Agre, A. P., Mondo, J., Edemodu, A., Matsumoto, R., Asiedu, R., Akoroda, M. O.*, Bhattacharjee, R., Gedil, M., Adebola, P. O. and Asfaw, A., pages 429-457, Springer, ISBN 978-3-031-05705-2, 2022. [DOI]
Characterization of cucumber mosaic virus isolated from yam (Dioscorea spp.) in West Africa, Eni, A*, Kumar, P. L., Asiedu, R., Alabi, O., Naidu, R., Hughes, J.+ and Rey, M.E.C., in: African Journal of Biotechnology, volume 12, number 22, pages 3472-3480, ISSN 1684-5315, 2013. [DOI]
Characterization of the photosynthetic pathway of some tropical food yams (Dioscorea spp.) using leaf natural 13C abundance, Cornet, D., Sierra, J. and Bonhomme, R., in: Photosynthetica, volume 45, number 2, pages 303-305, 2007.
Collecting germplasm of wild and cultivated yam (Dioscorea spp.) in Guinea, Mignouna, H., Camara, F. and Kourouma, S., in: Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, volume 109, pages 15-16, 1997.
Comparative effects of explants sources and age of plant on rooting, shooting and tuber formation of vine cuttings of yams (Dioscorea spp.), Kikuno, H ., Matsumoto, R., Shiwachi, H ., Toyohara, H. and Asiedu, R., in: Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture, volume 51, number Extra issue 2, pages 71-72, 2007.
Comparison of pathogenicity of geographically separate populations of Scutelllonema bradys on yam (Dioscorea spp.) in West Africa, Coyne, D., Williamson, V., Tchabi, A., Baimey, H. and Rotifa, I., in: Nematropica, volume 42, number 2, pages 181-190, ISSN 0099-5444, 2012.
Cross compatibility in intraspecific and interspecific hybridization in yam (Dioscorea spp.), Mondo, J., Agre, A. P., Edemodu, A., Asiedu, R., Akoroda, M. O.* and Asfaw, A., in: Scientific Reports, volume 12, number -: 3432, pages 1-13, ISSN 2045-2322, 2022. [DOI]
Cultural control of scutellonema bradys on Dioscorea spp., Claudius-Cole, A. O.*, Asiedu, R. and Fawole, B.*, in: Root crops: the small processor and development of local food industries for market economy: proceeding of the Eighth Triennial Syposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 12-16 November 2001, Ibadan, Nigeria, pages 572-576, 2003.
Cytological and molecular characterization for ploidy determination in yams (Dioscorea spp.), Gatarira, C., Sladekova, L., Nemeckova, A., Simonikova, D., Paliwal, R., Asfaw, A., Abberton, M., Gueye, B., Asiedu, R., Cizkova, J., Hřibová, E., Doležel, J., De Koeyer, D ., Adetimirin, V.* and Bhattacharjee, R., in: Agronomy, volume 11, number 10: 1897, pages 1-13, ISSN 2073-4395, 2021. [DOI]
Damage to yam (Dioscorea spp.) by root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) under field and storage conditions in Uganda, Mudiope, J., Coyne, D., Adipala, E.* and Talwana, H.*, in: Nematropica, volume 42, number 1, pages 137-145, ISSN 0099-5444, 2012.
Descriptors for yam ( Dioscorea spp.), IPGRI/IITA, , International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA); International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, 1997.
Determination of ploidy among yam (Dioscorea spp.) landraces in Kenya by flow cytometry, Muthamia, Z. K.*, Nyende, A. B.*, Mamati, E. G.*, Ferguson, M. and Wasilwa, J., in: African Journal of Biotechnology, volume 13, number 3, pages 394-402, ISSN 1684-5315, 2014. [DOI]
Development of a West African yam Dioscorea spp. core collection, Mahalakshmi, V., Atalobhor, J., Ogunsola, D., Lawson, M. and Ortiz, R., in: Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, volume 54, number 8, pages 1817-1825, 2007.
Developments in the Propagation of Yam Dioscorea spp., Wilson, J. E., 1978.
Differential effect of hot water treatment on whole tubers versus cut setts of yam (Dioscorea spp.), Coyne, D., Claudius-Cole, A. O.*, Kenyon, L. and Baimey, H., in: Pest Management Science, volume 66, number 4, pages 385-389, ISSN 1526-498X, 2010.
Distribution and diversity of viruses infecting yams (Dioscorea spp.) in Cameroon, Azeteh, I. N., Hanna, R., Njukeng, A. P.*, Oresanya, A., Sakwe, P. N.* and Kumar, P. L., in: VirusDisease, pages 1-12, ISSN 2347-3584, 2019. [DOI]
Distribution and prevalence of nematodes (Scutellonema bradys and Meloidogyne spp.) on marketed yam (Dioscorea spp.) in West Africa, Coyne, D., Tchabi, A.*, Baimey, H., Labuschagne, N.* and Rotifa, I., in: Field Crops Research, volume 96, number 1, pages 142-150, ISSN 0378-4290, 2006.
Distribution and virulence of fungal species isolated from yam (Dioscorea spp.) tubers in three agroecological zones of Nigeria, Dania, V., Fadina, O.*, Ayodele, M. and Kumar, P. L., in: International Journal of Pest Management, pages 1-10, ISSN 0967-0874, 2019. [DOI]
Distribution, incidence and severity of viral diseases of yam (Dioscorea spp.) in Cote d'Ivoire, Toualy, M. N. Y., Diallo, H.*, Akinbade, S., Seka, K.* and Kumar, P. L., in: African Journal of Biotechnology, volume 13, number 3, pages 465-470, ISSN 1684-5315, 2014. [DOI]
Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soils of yam (Dioscorea spp.) cropping systems in four agroecologies of Nigeria, Dare, M. O.*, Abaidoo, R., Fagbola, O.* and Asiedu, R., in: Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, volume 59, number 4, pages 521-531, ISSN 0365-0340, 2013. [DOI]
Diversity of root-knot nematodes associated with tubers of yam (Dioscorea spp.) established using isozyme analysis and mitochondrial DNA-based identification, Kolombia, Y. A., Karssen, G., Viaene, N., Kumar, P. L., de Sutter, N., Joos, L., Coyne, D. and Bert, W., in: Journal of Nematology, volume 49, number 2, pages 177-188, ISSN 0022-300X, 2017.
Diversity of yam (Dioscorea spp.) using morphological and molecular characters in the North-West region of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Adejumobi, I. I.*, University of Kisangani, 2022.
Effect of day length on the development of tubers in yams (Dioscorea spp.), Shiwachi, H ., Ayankanmi, T. and Asiedu, R., in: Tropical Science, volume 42, pages 162-170, ISSN 1556-9179, 2002.
Effect of day length on the enlargement and maturation of tubers in yams (Dioscorea spp.), Shiwachi, H ., Ayankanmi, T. and Asiedu, R., volume 44, pages 33-34, 2001.
Effect of Ethephone and storage temperature on tuber sprouting in yams (Dioscorea spp.), Shiwachi, H ., Kikuno, H ., Asiedu, R., Onjo, M. and Toyohara, H., in: Journal of ISSAAS, volume 11, number 1, pages 36-43, 2005.
Effect of N-Propyl Dihydrojasmonate (Pdj) on in vitro growth of yam (Dioscorea spp.) explants, Kikuno, H ., Oladimeji, Z., Ebuehi, Z., Ebuehi, A., Shiwachi, H ., Onjo, M. and Asiedu, R., in: Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture, volume 49, number 2, pages 59-60, ISSN 0021-5260, 2005.
Effect of sample preparation methods on the prediction performances of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for quality traits of fresh yam (Dioscorea spp.), Alamu, E. O., Adesokan, M., Asfaw, A. and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Applied Sciences, volume 10, number 17: 6035, pages 1-12, ISSN 2076-3417, 2020. [DOI]
Effect of sucrose treatment on root, shoot and tuber formation of vine cuttings of yams (Dioscorea spp.), Kikuno, H ., Matsumoto, R., Shiwachi, H . and Asiedu, R., in: Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture, volume 51, number Extra issue 2, pages 69-70, 2007.
Effect of various fertilizer treatments on Scutellonema bradys populations and damage in yam (Dioscorea spp.) in the field and in storage, Baimey, H., Coyne, D. and Labuschagne, N.*, in: International Journal of Pest Management, volume 52, number 1, pages 63-70, 2006.
Effects de Scutellonema bradys et de l'application d'engrais sur le rendement de l'igname(Dioscorea spp.) et sur le s dégât occassionés aux tubercules au cours du stockage, Baimey, H., Coyne, D., Labuschagne, N.* and Tchabi, A.*, in: Paper presented at: The 4th Atelier Scientique Sud du Bénin, 10-12 Décembre, Centre du recherche Agricoles Sud -Bénin de Niaouli et Plantes Pérennes de Pobè, Cotonou, Bénin, 2003.
Evaluation of biological control agents (BCAs) for the control of tuber rot of yam (Dioscorea spp.), Dania, V., Fadina, O.*, Ayodele, M. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, P.162 in the Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 23 - 28, September, 2012.
Evaluation of isolates of Trichoderma, Pseudomonas and Bacillus species as treatment for the control of post-harvest fungal rot disease of yam (Dioscorea spp.), Dania, V., Fadina, O.*, Ayodele, M. and Kumar, P. L., in: Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, pages 1-15, ISSN 0323-5408, 2016. [DOI]
Expanding Guinea yam (Dioscorea spp.) production in Uganda: results of a short survey in Luweero district, Coyne, D., Kajumba, C. and Asiedu, R., in: African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops, volume 6, number 1, pages 53-58, ISSN 1118-2075, 2005.
Farmers' knowledge and perceptions of termites as pests of yam (Dioscorea spp.) in central Benin, Loko, Y.*, Agre, A. P.*, Orobiyi, A.*, Dossou-Aminon, I.*, Roisin, Y., Tamo, M. and Dansi, A.*, in: International Journal of Pest Management, volume 62, number 1, pages 1-10, ISSN 0967-0874, 2016. [DOI]
First report of cucumber mosaic virus in yams (Dioscorea spp.) in Ghana, Togo and Republic of Benin in West Africa, Eni, A., Kumar, P. L., Asiedu, R., Alabi, O., Naidu, R.*, Hughes, J. and Rey, M.*, in: Plant Disease, volume 92, number 5, pages 833, ISSN 0191-2917, 2008. [DOI]
Floral biology and pollination efficiency in yam (Dioscorea spp.), Mondo, J., Agre, A. P., Edemodu, A., Adebola, P. O., Asiedu, R., Akoroda, M. O.* and Asfaw, A., in: Agriculture, volume 10, number 11, pages 1-21, ISSN 2077-0472, 2020. [DOI]
Flowering in yams (Dioscorea spp.), Asiedu, R. and Egunjobi, J.*, pages 652-661, International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC) - Africa Branch; Government of Benin, 2001.
Genetic and phenotypic diversity in a germplasm working collection of cultivated tropical yams (Dioscorea spp.), Sartie, A. M., Asiedu, R. and Franco, J., in: Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, pages 1-15, ISSN 0925-9864, 2012. [DOI]
Genetic diversity and population structure of Uganda yam (Dioscorea spp.) genetic resource based on DArTseq, Adjei, E. A.*, Esuma, W.*, Alicai, T.*, Bhattacharjee, R., Dramadri, I.*, Edema, R.*, Chamba, E.* and Odong, T. L.*, in: PLoS ONE, volume 18, number 2: e0277537, pages 1-26, ISSN 1932-6203, 2023. [DOI]
Genetic purity of yam (Dioscorea spp.) multiplied through different seed multiplication techniques based on DArT SNP markers, Maroya, N., Agre, A. P. and Balogun, M., in: Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization, pages 1-6, ISSN 1479-2621, 2023. [DOI]
Genetic variation and genotype x environment interaction in yams (Dioscorea spp.) for root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhiza, Dare *, O., Abaidoo, R., Fagbola, O.* and Asiedu, R., in: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, volume 6, number 2, pages 227-233, ISSN 1459-0255, 2008.
Germplasm conservation in food yams (Dioscorea spp.): constraints, application and future prospects, Ng, S. Y. C. and Ng, N. Q., volume 1, pages 257-286, Science Publishers, 1997.
Harnessing modern biotechnology for tropical tuber crop improvement: yam (Dioscorea spp.) molecular breeding, Mignouna, H., Abang, M. and Asiedu, R., in: African Journal of Biotechnology, volume 2, number 12, pages 478-485, ISSN 1684-5315, 2003.
Identification of diagnostic KASP-SNP markers for routine breeding activities in yam (Dioscorea spp.), Agre, A. P., Clark, L. V., Garcia-Oliveira, A. L.+, Bohar, R., Adebola, P. O., Asiedu, R., Terauchi, R. and Asfaw, A., in: Plant Genome, pages 1-11, ISSN 1940-3372, 2023. [DOI]
Identification of diagnostic KASP-SNP markers for routine breeding activities in yam (Dioscorea spp.), Agre, A. P., Clark, L. V., Garcia-Oliveira, A. L.+, Bohar, R., Adebola, P. O., Asiedu, R., Terauchi, R. and Asfaw, A., in: Plant Genome, volume 17, number -: e20419, pages 1-11, ISSN 1940-3372, 2024. [DOI]
Incidence and epidemiology of three yam virus species in various plantings of yams (Dioscorea spp.) in Nigeria, Asala, S., Kumar, P. L., Alegbejo, M.*, Kashina, B. D.* and Banwo, O. O.*, Abstract, P. 322 in the Book of Abstracts, 16th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 23 - 28th September, 2012.
Induction of germination in dormant yam (Dioscorea spp.) tubers with inhibitions of gibberellins, Shiwachi, H ., Ayankanmi, T. and Asiedu, R., pages 52, 2001.
Induction of germination in dormant yam (Dioscorea spp.) tubers with inhibitors of gibberellins, Shiwachi, H ., Ayankanmi, T., Asiedu, R. and Onjo, M., in: Paper presented at: The 8th symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 12-16 November 2001, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2003.
Induction of sprouting in dormant yam (Dioscorea spp.) tubers with inhibitors of gibberellins, Shiwachi, H ., Ayankanmi, T., Asiedu, R. and Onjo, M., in: Experimental Agriculture, volume 39, number 2, pages 209-217, ISSN 0014-4797, 2003.
Iron toxicity symptoms in yams (Dioscorea spp.) grown in water culture, Shiwachi, H ., Kikuno, H ., Okonkwo, C. and Asiedu, R., in: Tropical Science, volume 46, number 3, pages 160-165, ISSN 0041-3291, 2006. [DOI]
Is the yam (dioscorea spp.) tuber-head and primary nodal complex (Pnc) and the origin of the vine, feeder root and tuber? A mini review, Ile, E., Craufurd, P. and Asiedu, R., in: Proceedings of 9th ISTRC-AB symposium, pages 235-243, Mombasa, Kenya, 2007.
Is the yam (dioscorea spp.) tuber-head the primary modal complex (Puc) and the origin of the vine, feeder root and tuber? A mini review, in: Proceedings of 9th ISTRC-AB symposium, pages 235-243, Mombasa, Kenya, 2007.
Is the yam (Dioscorea spp.) Tuber-head the primary nodal complex (PNC) and the origin of the vine, feeder root and tuber? A mini review, Ile, E., Craufurd, P., Asiedu, R. and Battey, N., in: 9th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB); October 31 to November 5, 2004, Mombasa, Kenya, 2004.
Metabolite profiling of yam (Dioscorea spp.) accessions for use in crop improvement programmes, Price, E. J., Bhattacharjee, R., Lopez-Montes, A. and Fraser, P. D., in: Metabolomics, volume 13, number 144, pages 1-12, ISSN 1573-3882, 2017. [DOI]
Microstructure of boiled yam (Dioscorea spp.) and its implication for assessment of textural quality, Otegbayo, B.*, Aina, J., Asiedu, R. and Bokanga, M., in: Journal of Texture Studies, volume 36, pages 324-332, 2005.
Molecular characterization of a new virus species identified in yam (Dioscorea spp.) by high-throughput sequencing, Silva, G., Bomer, M., Rathnayake, A. I., Sewe, S. O., Visendi, P., Oyekanmi, J., Quain, M. D.*, Akomeah, B.*, Kumar, P. L. and Seal, S., in: Plants, volume 8, number 6: 167, pages 1-10, ISSN 2223-7747, 2019. [DOI]
Molecular markers in germplasm enhancement of yams (Dioscorea spp.), Mignouna, H., Ng, N. Q., Asiedu, R. and Thottappilly, G., in: 2nd Internaitonal Crop Science Congress, 17-24 November 1996, Newsletter, India: abstracts of poster session, pages 312, 1996.
Molecular markers in germplasm enhancement of yams (Dioscorea spp.), Mignouna, H., Ng, N. Q., Asiedu, R. and Thottappilly, G., in: 2nd Internaitonal Crop Science Congress, 17-24 November 1996, Newsletter, India: abstracts of poster session, pages 312, 1996.
Morphological and molecular characterisation of Scutellonema species from yam (Dioscorea spp.) and a key to the species of the genus, Kolombia, Y. A., Karssen, G., Viaene, N., Kumar, P. L., Joos, L., Coyne, D. and Bert, W., in: Nematology, pages 1-37, ISSN 1388-5545, 2017. [DOI]
Morphological and molecular characterization of Pratylenchus species from Yam (Dioscorea spp.) in west Africa, Kolombia, Y. A., Ogundero, O., Olajide, E., Viaene, N., Kumar, P. L., Coyne, D. and Bert, W., in: Journal of Nematology, volume 52, pages 1-25, ISSN 0022-300X, 2020. [DOI]
Morphological, biochemical and molecular approaches to yam (Dioscorea spp.) genetic resource characterisation, Mignouna, H., Abang, M., Dansi, A., Asiedu, R., Thangadurai, D. and Pullaiah, T., volume 1, pages 162-185, Regency, 2005.
Nutrient deficiency symptoms in yams (Dioscorea spp.), Shiwachi, H ., Okonkwo, C. and Asiedu, R., in: Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture, volume 48, number 2, pages 73-74, 2004.
Nutritional and biochemical composition of D. alata (Dioscorea spp.) tubers, Baah, F. D.*, Maziya-Dixon, B., Asiedu, R., Oduro, I.* and Ellis, W.*, in: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, volume 7, number 2, pages 373-378, ISSN 1459-0255, 2009.
Occurrence, incidence and distribution of viruses infecting yam (Dioscorea spp.) in Nigeria, Asala, S.*, Alegbejo, M.*, Kashina, B. D.*, Banwo, O. O.*, Asiedu, R. and Kumar, P. L., Abstract, 2010.
On the forefront of the yam (Dioscorea spp.) and cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cryopreservation long journey, Gueye, B., Akinyemi, O., Adeyemi, A. and Abberton, M., Abstract in World Congress on Root & Tuber Crops (WCRTC), Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18-22, 2016.
Optimized protocol for in vitro pollen germination in yam (Dioscorea spp.), Mondo, J., Agre, A. P., Asiedu, R., Akoroda, M. O.* and Asfaw, A., in: Plants, volume 10, number 4: 795, pages 1-12, ISSN 2223-7747, 2021. [DOI]
Optimum time for collecting root samples for chromosome observation in Dioscorea spp., Babil, P. K., Kikuno, H ., Sanada, A., Shiwachi, H ., Toyohara, H. and Fujimaki, H., in: Proceedings of Japanese Society for Tropical Agriculture: Research for Tropical Agriculture, 18-19 October, 2008, pages 73-74, 2008.
Optimum time for collection of root samples for chromosome observation in yams (Dioscorea spp.), Babil, P. K., Kikuno, H ., Shiwachi, H ., Toyohara, H., Fujigaki, J., Fujimaki, H. and Asiedu, R., in: Tropical Agriculture and Development, volume 54, number 3, pages 71-75, 2010.
Optimum time for hand pollination in yam (Dioscorea spp.), Mondo, J., Agre, A. P., Asiedu, R., Akoroda, M. O.* and Asfaw, A., in: PloS ONE, volume 17, number 8: e0269670, pages 1-16, ISSN 1932-6203, 2022. [DOI]
Pasting characteristics of fresh yams (Dioscorea spp.) as indicators of textural quality in a major food product: pounded yam, Otegbayo, B.*, Aina, J., Asiedu, R. and Bokanga, M., in: Food Chemistry, volume 99, pages 663-669, 2006.
Pathogenicity of Scutellonema bradys (Steiner and Le Hew) Andrassy on yams (Dioscorea spp.) in Benin and its control using water, neem-leaf extracts and fertilizer, Baimey, H., Coyne, D. and Labuschagne, N.*, in: Oral prsentation at the First PINCNET-Africa Workshop, 21-26 September, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2003.
Pathogenicity of Scutellonema bradys populations from different geographical areas in Benin on yam (Dioscorea spp.), Baimey, H., Coyne, D. and Labuschagne, N.*, in: Crop Protection, volume 28, number 9, pages 715-721, ISSN 0261-2194, 2009.
PCR marker-based analysis of wild and cultivated yams (Dioscorea spp.)in Nigeria: genetic relationships and implication for ex situ conservation, Mignouna, H., Abang, M., Wanyera, N., Chikaleke, V., Asiedu, R. and Thottappilly, G., in: Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, volume 52, pages 755-763, 2005. [DOI]
Phosphoglucose dehydrogenase (6-PGD) in yam (Dioscorea spp.): variation and potential in germplasm characterization and classification, Mignouna, H., Dansi, A. and Asiedu, R., in: Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, volume 133, pages 27-30, 2003.
Physicochemical and passing characterisation of water yam (Dioscorea spp.) and relationship with eating quality of pounded yam, Baah, F. D.*, Maziya-Dixon, B., Asiedu, R., Oduro, I.* and Ellis, W.*, in: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, volume 7, number 2, pages 107-112, ISSN 1459-0255, 2009.
Potential applications of the CRISPR/Cas technology for genetic improvement of yam (Dioscorea spp.), Syombua, E. D., Tripathi, J., Obiero, G.*, Nguu, E.*, Yang, B., Wang, K. and Tripathi, L., in: Food and Energy Security, number -: e330, pages 1-18, ISSN 2048-3694, 2021. [DOI]
Production of yams (Dioscorea spp.) in Sierra Leone: initiatives for increased production, Salia-Konneh, T., Jalloh, A.* and Asiedu, R., in: Root crops: the small processor and development of local food industries for market economy: proceeding of the Eighth Triennial Syposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), 12-16 November 2001, Ibadan, Nigeria, pages 602-603, 2003.
Progress in the Breeding of Yam Dioscorea spp., Wilson, J. E., 1978.
Promiscuous arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis of yam (Dioscorea spp.), a key staple crop in West Africa, Tchabi, A.*, Burger, S., Coyne, D., Hountondji, F., Lawouin, L., Wiemken, A. and Oehl, F., in: Mycorrhiza, volume 19, number 6, pages 375-392, ISSN 1432-1890, 2009. [DOI]
Rapid and mass propagation system for yams (Dioscorea spp.) based on vine cuttings and tissue culture techniques for germplasm collection: on-the job training, Kikuno, H ., 2010.
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Rapid propagation system for yams (Dioscorea spp.) based on vine cuttings, Kikuno, H ., 2009.
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Secondary metabolite profile and phytotoxic activity of genetically distinct forms of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from yam (Dioscorea spp.), Abang, M., Abraham, W., Asiedu, R., Hoffmann, P., Wolf, G. and Winter, S., in: Mychological Research, volume 113, pages 130-140, ISSN 0953-7562, 2009.
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Vegetative Compatibility Among Isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from Yam (Dioscorea spp.) in Nigeria, 2004.
Vegetative compatibility among isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from yam (Dioscorea spp.) in Nigeria, Abang, M., Hoffmann, P., Winter, S., Green, K. and Wolf, G., in: Journal of Phytopathology, volume 152, pages 21-27, ISSN 0931-1785, 2004.
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YIIFSWA research brief: improving yam micropropagation series 2. Development of micropropagation system for yam (Dioscorea spp.) using somatic embryogenesis, Ossai, C., Balogun, M., Maroya, N. and Asiedu, R., YIIFSWA-II research brief: series 2, 2018.
Secondary metabolite profile and phytotoxic activity of genetically distinct forms of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from yam (Dioscorea spp.), Abang, M., Abraham, W., Asiedu, R., Hoffmann, P., Wolf, G. and Winter, S., in: Mychological Research, volume 113, pages 130-140, ISSN 0953-7562, 2009.
Keywords:Anthracnose; chemotype; chromatography; colletotrichum gloeosporioides; Dioscorea spp.; mass spectrometry; metabolite profiling; NMR; phytotoxin

First report of cucumber mosaic virus in yams (Dioscorea spp.) in Ghana, Togo and Republic of Benin in West Africa, Eni, A., Kumar, P. L., Asiedu, R., Alabi, O., Naidu, R.*, Hughes, J. and Rey, M.*, in: Plant Disease, volume 92, number 5, pages 833, ISSN 0191-2917, 2008. [DOI]
Yam (Dioscorea spp., family Dioscoreaceae) is one of the most important food crops cultivated in the West African yam zone comprising the forest and savannah areas of Nigeria, Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Republic of Benin, and Togo, which account for more than 90% of the 4.59 million ha of yam cultivation worldwide (1). A survey was conducted in 2005 to document viruses in yams in Ghana, Togo, and the Republic of Benin. Samples (1,405) from five species of yam showing mosaic, chlorosis, and stunting as well as asymptomatic plants were tested for Dioscorea bacilliform virus (DBV, genus Badnavirus), Yam mosaic virus (YMV, genus Potyvirus), and Yam mild mosaic virus (YMMV, genus Potyvirus), the three most common viruses infecting yams. In addition, samples were tested for Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), since CMV was previously reported to infect yams in Cote d'Ivoire (2) and Nigeria (3). In protein-A sandwich-ELISA with polyclonal antibodies to a cowpea isolate of CMV, 23 of the 1,405 samples (6 of 218 samples from Togo, 13 of 628 samples from Ghana, and 4 of 559 samples from Republic of Benin) tested positive for CMV. The CMV-positive samples were from D. alata (N = 16) and D. rotundata (N = 7), whereas all samples from D. cayenensis, D. dumetorum, and D. bulbifera tested negative. CMV was detected as mixed infections with DBV, YMV, or YMMV in 21 of 23 samples. Some of these samples showed puckering, chlorosis, mottling, and crinkling, whereas some plants infected by two or more viruses were asymptomatic. Only two samples from D. rotundata had a single infection of CMV and they showed mild chlorotic symptoms in young leaves that were inconspicuous in mature leaves. In sap inoculations, the virus induced systemic mosaic in Nicotiana glutinosa. The presence of CMV in ELISA-positive yam samples was further confirmed by immunocapture-reverse transcription (IC-RT)-PCR using CMV antibodies as trapping antibody and oligonucleotide primers specific for a 485 nt corresponding to 3' end of the coat protein gene and C-terminal noncoding region of RNA-3 (4). To confirm the specificity of ICRT-PCR, the 485-bp amplicons from an isolate from the Republic of Benin was cloned into pCR2.1 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and three independent clones were sequenced from both orientations. Pairwise comparison of a consensus sequence (Accession No. EU274471) with corresponding sequences of other CMV isolates deposited in GenBank showed 99% identity at the nucleotide sequence level (Accession No. U22821) and revealed that the CMV isolate from yam belongs to sub-Group IA. To our knowledge, this is the first report of CMV infection in yams (D. alata and D. rotundata) in Ghana, Togo, and the Republic of Benin. Together with a previous documentation of CMV in D. alata and D. trifida in Cote d'Ivoire and Nigeria (2,3), this report adds to existing knowledge on distribution of CMV in yams with implications for yam production and germplasm distribution in the West Africa Region.