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Genome-edited foods, Tuncel, A., Pan, C.*, Sprink, T., Wilhelm, R., Barrangou, R., Li, L., Shih, P. M., Varshney, R. K., Tripathi, L., Van Eck, J., Mandadi, K. and Qi, Y., in: Nature Reviews Bioengineering, pages 1-18, ISSN 2731-6092, 2023. [DOI] |
Genome-wide association analyses reveal the genetic basis of biomass accumulation under symbiotic nitrogen fixation in African soybean, Torkamaneh, D., Chalifour, F. P., Beauchamp, C. J., Agrama, H., Boahen, S., Maaroufi, H., Rajcan, I. and Belzile, F., in: Theoretical and Applied Genetics, volume 133, pages 665-676, ISSN 0040-5752, 2020. [DOI] |
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Genome-wide association analysis of Striga resistance in early maturing tropical maize inbred lines, Adewale, S. A., Badu-Apraku, B., Garcia-Oliveira, A. L., Agre, A. P., Gedil, M., Sneller, C. and Adewale, R. O.*, Abstract P3. in, 15th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, June 30 - July 5, 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2019. |
Genome-wide association analysis reveals genetic architecture and candidate genes associated with grain yield and other traits under low soil nitrogen in early-maturing white quality protein maize inbred lines, Bhadmus, O. O., Badu-Apraku, B., Adeyemo, O.*, Agre, A. P., Offornedo, Q. N. and Ogunkanmi, L. A.*, in: Genes, volume 13, number 5: 826, pages 1-21, ISSN 2073-4425, 2022. [DOI] |
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Genome-wide association studies of Striga resistance in extra-early maturing quality protein maize inbred lines, Okunlola, G., Badu-Apraku, B., Ariyo, O.*, Agre, A. P., Offornedo, Q. N. and Ayo-Vaughan, M. A.*, in: G3-Genes Genomes Genetics, volume 13, number 2: jkac237, pages 1-11, ISSN 2160-1836, 2023. [DOI] |
Genome-wide association studies reveals new candidate genes associated with resistance to Striga gesneroides in Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] accessions from sub-Saharan Africa, Koura, A. A.*, Kena, A. W.*, Annor, B.*, Adejumobi, I. I., Sayadi Maazou, A. R., Awuku, F. J.*, Attamah, P.*, Boukar, O. and Richard, A.*, in: Ecological Genetics and Genomics, volume 32, number -: 100267, pages 1-8, ISSN 2405-9854, 2024. [DOI] |
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Genome-wide association study of resistance to cassava green mite pest and related traits in cassava, Ezenwaka, L.*, Del Carpio, D. P., Jannink, J., Rabbi, I. Y., Danquah, E.*, Asante, I.*, Danquah, A.*, Blay, E.* and Egesi, C., in: Crop Science, volume 58, pages 1907-1918, ISSN 0011-183X, 2018. [DOI] |
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Genome-wide association study of Striga resistance in early maturing white tropical maize inbred lines, Adewale, S. A., Badu-Apraku, B., Akinwale, R. O.*, Agre, A. P., Gedil, M. and Garcia-Oliveira, A. L., in: BMC Plant Biology, volume 20, number -: 203, pages 1-16, ISSN 1471-2229, 2020. [DOI] |
Genome-wide association study revealed SNP alleles associated with seed size traits in African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst ex. A. Rich.) harms), Olomitutu, O. E., Paliwal, R., Abe, A.*, Oluwole, O. O., Oyatomi, O. and Abberton, M., in: Genes, volume 13, number 12: 2350, pages 1-19, ISSN 2073-4425, 2022. [DOI] |
Genome-wide association study reveals genetic architecture and candidate genes for yield and related traits under terminal drought, combined heat and drought in tropical maize germplasm, Osuman, A. S., Badu-Apraku, B., Karikari, B.*, Ifie, B. E.*, Tongoona, P.* and Danquah, E.*, in: Genes, volume 13, number 2: 349, pages 1-21, ISSN 2073-4425, 2022. [DOI] |
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Genome-wide dissection of the genetic factors underlying food quality in boiled and pounded white Guinea yam, Asfaw, A., Agre, A. P., Matsumoto, R., Olatunji, A. A., Edemodu, A., Olusola, T., Odom-Kolombia, O. L., Adesokan, M., Alamu, E. O., Adebola, P. O., Asiedu, R. and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, pages 1-15, ISSN 0022-5142, 2023. [DOI] |
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Genome-wide mapping uncovers significant quantitative trait loci associated with yam mosaic virus infection, yield and dry matter content in White Guinea yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.), Adjei, E. A.*, Odong, T. L.*, Esuma, W.*, Bhattacharjee, R., Agre, A. P., Adebola, P. O., Chamba, E.*, Asfaw, A., Dramadri, I.*, Mbabazi, S. T.*, Edema, R.*, Ozimati, A.*, Ochwo-Ssemakula, M.* and Alicai, T.*, in: Frontiers in Horticulture, volume 3, number -: 1365567, pages 1-13, ISSN 2813-3595, 2024. [DOI] |
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Genomic distribution of loci exhibiting positive pleiotropic effects on delayed senescence, grain yield and biomass accumulation under drought stress in cowpea, Muchero, W., Ehlers, J. D., Drabo, I.*, Marunaka, S., Cisse, N.*, Diop, N. N., Wanamaker, S., Close, T. J. and Roberts, P. A., Abstract (Oral presentaion) in Program and Book of Abstracts of the 5th World Cowpea Research Conference, held at Palm Beach Hotel, Saly, Senegal. 27 September - 1 October, 2010. |
Genomic mating in outbred species: predicting cross usefulness with additive and total genetic covariance matrices, Wolfe, M., Chan, A. W., Kulakow, P., Rabbi, I. Y. and Jannink, J., in: Genetics, volume 219, number 3, pages 1-14, ISSN 0016-6731, 2021. [DOI] |
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Keywords: | Colletotrichum gloeosporioides; genotype x environment (G x E) interaction; stable resistance; water yam; yam anthracnose; yam mosaic virus
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Keywords: | fodder, genotype, grain yeild, Vigna unguiculata
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Keywords: | gender, agricultural innovations, adoption and diffusion, cowpea, west Africa
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Keywords: | D. rotundata; agroecologies; genotypes; genotype x environment interaction
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Keywords: | anthracnose, bacterial blight, cassava, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides prevalence, severity, Xanthomonas axonopodis
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Keywords: | Anthracnose; chemotype; chromatography; colletotrichum gloeosporioides; Dioscorea spp.; mass spectrometry; metabolite profiling; NMR; phytotoxin
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Keywords: | Adoption; impact; technology; estimates.
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Keywords: | socioeconomic studies, cowpea, sub-Saharan Africa
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Keywords: | D. rotundata; genotypes; genotype x environment interaction
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Keywords: | Pennisetum glaucum, Genotypes, heritability, yields, Sudan
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Fanou, A.* |
Farinola, A. |
Farinola, F. A.* |
Galiano, G. |
Garino, L. |
Gbehounou, G. |
Gbehounou, G.* |
Gbenou, D. |
Genovese, G. |
Gerrano, A. S.* |
Gnassounou, M. |
Gnomou, Y. E.* |
Gnonhouri, G. |
Gnonlonfin, B.* |
Gnonlonfin, P. |
Godonou, I. |
Gounou, S. |
Gouwakinnou, G. N.* |
Guarino, L. |
Guignon, V. |
Gullino, M. L. |
Hanotte, O. |
Hinnou, L. C.* |
Hintenou, M. |
Hintenou, M. V.* |
Hood-Nowotny, R. |
Houedjofonon, E. M.* |
Houemenou, G.* |
Houenou, G. |
Houessionon, P.* |
Hounkponou, S. |
Huambachano, N.* |
Huguenot, C. |
Ibnou, D. |
Igbinosa, I. |
Igbinosa, I. B.* |
Igbinovia, M. O.* |
IITA Insect Museum, Cotonou, Benin, |
Inoue-Nagata, A. K.* |
Inouye, J. |
Ivanova, A. |
Jekayinoluwa, T. |
Jekayinoluwa, T. A.* |
Jinnoros, J.* |
Kahono, S.* |
Kaitano, V. |
Kanno, H. |
Kanobe, C. |
Keino, L. |
Kekeunou, S. |
Kekeunou, S.* |
Kelno, L.* |
Keno, T.* |
Keukenou, S. |
Kikuno, H . |
Kikuno, H. |
Knoell, E. |
Knop, K. |
Knops, A. |
Knox, M. R. |
Koyano, E. |
Kpadonou, G. E.* |
La Notte, A. |
Laktionova, T.* |
Lascano, C |
Lienou, J. |
Lienou, L.* |
Llanos, L. |
Logrono, M.L. |
Londono, J. M. |
Lontsi-Demano, M. |
Lopez-Noriega, I. |
Loumedjinon, S. |
Lozano, D. L. |
Lozano, J. C. |
Lozano, R. |
Lozano-Duran, R.* |
Luambano, N.* |
Luambano-Nyoni, N.* |
Luigi Guarino, V. |
Maliano, M. R. |
Manoharan, R. |
Manoko, M. L. K.* |
Mapatano, S.* |
Marcotrigiano, R. A. |
Marnotte, P. |
Martorano, L. G.* |
Masanori, Y. |
Mbairanodji, A.* |
Mbenoun Masse, P. S.* |
Mengnoo, R. A.* |
Menozzi, P. |
Miano, D.* |
Mignouna, D. |
Mignouna, H. |
Mignouna, H. D.* |
Mignouna, J. |
Mignouna, J.* |
Milenovic, M. |
Minoia, S. |
Monhouanou, J. |
Montesinos-Lopez, O. A.* |
Moreno, M. T. |
Moreno, P. |
Moreno-Cadena, L. P. |
Mugnozza, T. |
Munoz-Amatriain, M. |
Munoz-Carpena, R. |
Nabanoga, G.* |
Nakano, S. |
Nnodu, E.* |
Nnonyelu, C. |
Noah, A. |
Nobime, G. |
Nobime, O. |
Noelle, N. M. |
Noellemeyer, E.* |
Nofemela, R. S.* |
Nogueira, M. A.* |
Noharinjanaharya, E. S.* |
Nohayi, N. |
Nohmi, M. |
Nokoe, K.* |
Nokoe, S. |
Nolan, L. |
Nolan, T. |
Nolte, C. |
Nolte, C.+ |
Nolte, P. |
Nomura, T. |
Nondichao, A. N. |
Nonfodji, O.* |
Nonfon, R. |
Nonga, N. E. |
Nonie, S.* |
Nonie, S.E.B |
Nonoh, J.* |
Nopsa, J. |
Nordey, T. |
Nordskog, B. |
Norero, N. |
Norgrove, D. |
Norgrove, L. |
Noriega, I. L. |
Norman, D |
Norman, P. E. |
Norman, P. E.* |
Normark, B. |
Norris, K. |
Nortje, K. |
Norton, B. |
Norton, J. |
Notenbaert, A. |
Nouazi, M. M.* |
Noudifoule, G. T.* |
Noudofinin, M. |
Noudogbessi, J.* |
Nouhoheflin, T. |
Nouhou, S.* |
Nour, A. M. |
Nouri, M.* |
Noussourou, M.* |
Nout, R. M. |
November, E. |
Nowak, A. |
Nowakunda, K. |
Noyer, J. |
Noyes, S. |
Obognon, F. |
Ochieno, D.* |
Odunola, A.* |
Odunola, O. O.* |
Odunola, O.* |
Omonona, B. T.* |
Onofre, K. F. A. |
Onoja, A. O.* |
Orankanok, W.* |
Othieno, C.O.* |
Otieno, D. J.* |
Otieno, G. |
Otieno, M. H. J.* |
Otieno, T. O.* |
Otieno, W. |
Ottaviano, E. |
Ouagoussounon, I. |
Ouagoussounon, I.* |
Owino, W. O.* |
Owusu-Bennoah, E.* |
Padonou, S. W.* |
Pagnotta, M. A. |
Pampolino, M. F. |
Papastylianou, I. |
Pasqualino, M. M. |
Patino, M. |
Pennock, D. J. |
Perrino, P. |
Prieto-Godino, L. |
Quinodoz, P. |
Rabinowicz, P. D. |
Rainon, B. |
Ranomenjanahary, S. |
Renou, A. |
Reynolds, L. |
Reynolds, M. |
Rhino, B. |
Roing de Nowina, K . |
Roing de Nowina, K. |
Roing de Nowina, K.+ |
Romano, G. |
Ronno, W. |
Rosenow, D. |
Rossignoli, C. M. |
Rufino, M. |
Rufino, M. C. |
Runo, S.* |
Saizonou, S.* |
Saizounou, Z. |
Salino, A. |
Sanogo, D. |
Sanogo, D.+ |
Sanogo, F.* |
Sanogo, K. |
Sanon, A. |
Sanon, A.* |
Segnon, A. C. |
Segnou, |
Senou, M. M.* |
Senouwa, V. |
Serrano, M. |
Setiyono, T. D. |
Shannon, D. A. |
Shanower, T. G. |
Shayanowako, A. I. T.* |
Shindano, J.* |
Shono, M. |
Signorelli, S. |
Snoeck, D. |
Snoek, H. |
Snow, J.P. |
Solano-Hermosilla, G. |
Soriano, A. |
Sounou, A. P.* |
Sovegnon, P. M.* |
Spiridonov, S. E. |
Stephano, F.* |
Syano, N.* |
Tanokura, M. |
Tenkouano, A . |
Tenkouano, A. |
Tenkouano, A.+ |
Tenkouano, A.++ |
Tenorio, F. A. |
Tenorio, J. |
Terano, Y. |
Thiombiano, B. |
Tollano, S. |
Tollano, S.* |
Tonou, K. E.* |
Tougnon, K. |
Tounou, A. K.* |
Turubanova, S. |
Utono, I. M.* |
Van Noordwijk, M. |
van Noort, S.* |
Vernon, G.* |
Villano, R. A. |
Walukano, W. |
Warnock, N. D. |
Wasano, K |
Wicaksono, W. A. |
Winotai, A.* |
Winowiecki, L. |
Yano, M. |
Yano-Melo, A. M.* |
Yasunobu, K. |
Yehouenou, A. |
Ynouye, C. |
Ynouye, C.* |
Yorinori, J. T. |
Zambrano, E. V. |
Zannou, E.* |
Zannou, I. |
Zannou, J. A. |
Zoumenou, D. |
Zuno-Alto Veros, C. |
A caco-2, Abstract, 2006. |
Abstract: Fe absorption from the tropical maize variety, ACR90POOL16-DT (ACR), previously found to have similar Fe content, but higher Fe bioavailability in vitro, was compared with a control variety, TZB-SR (TZB), in 26 non-anemic women, 21–48 y, with serum ferritin 3-248 µg/L. Porridge made from 50 g dw corn with extrinsic 55Fe or 59Fe was consumed w/wo orange juice (~40 mg ascorbate; AA). Fe absorption, determined from 14-d isotope retention in whole body and blood, did not differ between ACR [2.2% (1.7, 2.7); geom. mean (± 1 SEM)] and TZB [2.0% (1.6, 2.5)]. With the difference in Fe content (840 vs. 710 µg/meal), Fe absorbed from ACR tended to be higher than TZB [18 (15, 23) vs. 14 (11, 18) µg/meal; P = 0.07]. AA greatly increased (P<0.0001) Fe absorbed from ACR [58 µg (46, 73)] and TZB meals [51 µg (41, 64)], again with unsubstantial differences between varieties. Tested with the Caco-2 model, identical meals induced no difference in ferritin formation (ng/mg cell protein) between varieties alone (ACR 33 ± 4 vs. TZB 37 ± 10; mean ± SD) or with AA (ACR 174 ± 34 vs. TZB 165 ± 37). The absorption ratio in humans (3.4 w/wo AA) was closely predicted by the Caco-2 model (2.7) using the conversion of Yun et al (J Nutr, 2004). Small differences in Fe content or bioavailability between cultivars may not persist across growing seasons. AA-rich foods can substantially enhance Fe absorption and the Caco-2 model is a valid tool for predicting this enhancement.
An investigation of factors that influence the technical efficiency of soybean production in the Guinea savannas of Nigeria, Amaza, P. and Ogundari, K., in: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, volume 6, number 1, pages 132-136, ISSN 1459-0255, 2007. |
Abstract: The objective of this study was to examine the determinants of technical efficiency (TE) of soybean production in the Guinea savannas. A stochastic frontier production function, using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) technique was applied in the analysis of data collected in 2006 from a sample of 182 soybean farmers in the guinea savannas of Borno State, Nigeria. The MLE results revealed that farm size, seeds, family labour, hired labour and fertilizer were the major factors that were associated with change in the output of soybeans and were significant (Ï=0.05). About 78% variations in the farmers output can be attributed to differences in their technical efficiency. The mean farmers TE index was found to be 0.79. The implication is that soybean production could be increased by approximately 21% through the improved use of available resources, given the current state of technology. Farmer-specific efficiency factors, which comprise age, gender and use of animal traction and market accessibility, were the significant factors that account for the observed variation in efficiency among the farmers. The policy implication of this finding is that providing farmers with effective market linkage, access to education, especially extension education and credit facilities to purchase animal traction will strengthen their present level of TE and the productivity potential of the soybean farmers in the study area.
Analysis of the need for biotechnology research on cassava, yam, and plantain, Asiedu, R., Ng, S. Y. C., Vuylsteke, D., Terauchi, R. and Hahn, S. K., pages 27-32, CTA; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1992. |
Abstract: Cassava, yam, and plantain are staple food crops essential to food security in the humid and subhumid tropics of Africa. However, these crops have long growth cycles, high perishability and slow multiplication rates of propagation materials, and they are subject to a number of biological stresses. These stresses include diseases, insects, mites, nematodes, and weeds. There are gaps in our knowledge, especially in the area of genetics, which influence the pace
of breeding. Intensification of research i s needed in cytogenetics, molecular genetics, in vitro culture, cry op reservation, and disease diagnosis.
Antinutrients and heavy metals in new Nigerian Musa hybrid peels with emphasis on utilization in livestock production, Adeniji, T. A., Barimalaa, I. S.*, Tenkouano, A., Sanni, L. and Hart, A. D.*, in: Fruits, volume 63, number 2, pages 65-73, ISSN 0248-1294, 2008. |
Abstract: Introduction. A comparative study of antinutrients and heavy metals in the peels of five improved varieties of plantain and banana hybrids was investigated. Our aim was to provide information on plantain and banana peels that may circumvent huge losses during fruit processing by converting waste into wealth and health. Materials and methods. Four new plantain hybrids developed at the IITA, Nigeria, named PITA 14, PITA 17, PITA 24 and PITA 26, one cooking banana hybrid (BITA 3) and an African plantain landrace, Agbagba, were investigated. Antinutrient and heavy metal contents of the dried peels from the different cultivars were determined and the data were statistically analyzed. Results and discussion. The plantain hybrid PITA 14 differed significantly from other cultivars in saponin, tannin and oxalate. A significant difference was observed between PITA 17 in phytate compared with other cultivars. Cyanogenic glucosides found in PITA 17, PITA 26 and BITA 3 differed significantly from the values obtained in other cultivars. Both BITA 3 and Agbagba are significantly different from other cultivars in phenolic content, while PITA 24 and Agbagba differed significantly from other cultivars in lead. PITA 24 peels differed significantly from other cultivars in cadmium, but no significant difference was found among the different Musa varieties in mercury. Conclusion. In spite of the antinutritional properties ascribed to the various constituents investigated, the levels found in the peels of new Musa hybrids suggest that new varieties might not constitute a health hazard when ingested. Plantain and banana peels may be converted into livestock feeds, which will eventually provide protein and other nutrients to humans from consumption of meat and other products derived from the animals.
Assessment of banana planting practices and cultivar tolerance in relation to management of soilborne Xanthomonas campestris pv musacearum, Mwangi, M., Bandyopadhyay, R., Ragama, P. and Tushemereirwe, W. K.*, in: Crop Protection, volume 26, pages 1203-1208, 2007. [DOI] |
Abstract: Experiments were carried out to evaluate various options to reduce wilting of bananas replanted to rehabilitate farms previously destroyed by Xanthomonas campestris pv musacearum (Xcm). Paring, time taken to cure paring injuries and covering corms with infested or uninfested soil were evaluated. Nine banana cultivars were evaluated for tolerance to infection by Xcm through roots. An average of 75% of corms planted immediately after paring and covered with infested topsoil wilted as compared to 25% incidence when pared corms were covered in uninfested soil and over-layered with infested soil. No plants wilted when pared corms were cured for 3 days before planting. Unpared corms planted and covered with infested soil on the same day they were dislodged from mother plants had an average of 40% wilt incidence. Unpared corms had less wilt incidence if kept for 2{\^a}€“3 days before planting. Differences were observed in cultivar susceptibility to infection through corms and roots with cultivars Enzagata and Yangabi Km5 being least susceptible. Cultivars Gonja, Kibuzi and Pisang Awak were more susceptible with 50{\^a}€“75% wilt incidence in pot trials and 36{\^a}€“45% in field trials. The less susceptible cultivars had fewer and shorter primary roots, and took an average of 69{\^a}€“77 days to wilt while the more susceptible cultivars had more and longer primary roots and wilted within 40{\^a}€“50 days after planting. Results of the study show that adjustments in planting practices could contribute to reducing wilting incidence and hence support efforts to rehabilitate banana productivity in farms devastated by Xcm.
Beta-carotene micellarization during in vitro digestion and uptake by caco-2 cells is directly proportional to beta-carotene content in different genotypes of cassava, Thakkar, S. K., Maziya-Dixon, B., Dixon, A. and Failla, M. L., in: Journal of Nutrition, volume 137, number 10, pages 2229-2233, 2007. |
Abstract: Cassava, a staple food in sub-Saharan Africa, does not provide adequate amounts of pro-vitamin A (VA) carotenoids and has been targeted for biofortification (i.e. selectively breeding cultivars of increased nutrient density with agroeconomically acceptable characteristics). However, the accessibility of pro-VA carotenoids for absorption in different cultivars of cassava remains unknown. Here, we used the coupled in vitro digestion/Caco-2 cell uptake model to screen the relative accessibility of {\ss}-carotene ({\ss}C) in 10 cultivars of cassava with varying concentrations of {\ss}C. After cooking (boiled for 30 min), the {\ss}C concentration in tubers from different cultivars ranged from less than detectable to 6.9 {\"i}¿½g {\ss}C/g cassava. Samples were subjected to simulated oral, gastric, and small intestinal digestion to determine stability and micellarization of {\ss}C. All-trans {\ss}C, 9-cis {\ss}C, and 13-cis {\ss}C were the most abundant carotenoids in cooked cassava and recoveries after digestion exceeded 70%. Efficiency of micellarization of total {\ss}C was 30 {\"i}¿½ 2% for various cultivars with no significant difference in isomers and linearly proportional to concentration in cooked cassava (r = 0.87; P < 0.001). Accumulation of all-trans {\ss}C by Caco-2 cells incubated with the diluted micelle fraction for 4 h was proportional (R2 = 0.99; P < 0.001) to the quantity present in micelles. These results suggest that all-trans {\ss}C content appears to provide the key selection marker for breeding cassava to improve VA status and that the more complicated screening procedure using in vitro digestion coupled to cell uptake does not provide additional information on potential bioavailability.
Biological control of Imperata cylindrica, Beed, F., Charudattan, R. and Den Breeyen, A., in: Proceedings of the 4th International Weed Science Congress, 20-24 June 2004, Durban, South Africa, pages 33, 2004. |
Abstract: An overview will be provided of the prospects for the biological control of the
rhizomatous grass Imperata cylindrica [(L.) Raeuschel]. Imperata cylindrica is
an undisputed target for control technologies in West Africa as it reduces crop
yields and causes the abandonment of agricultural land for resource poor
farmers. Biological control can provide an environmentally friendly,
sustainable and selective method that will be adopted if it provides
advantages over alternative control strategies. The influence of variation
between biotypes of I. cylindrica will be considered in relation to their control
by a single biological organism. The potential of fungal pathogens recovered
from surveys in West Africa will be evaluated including Colletotrichum
caudatum, Drechslera gigantea, Exserohilum rostratum, Glomerella cingulata
and Puccinia rufipes. Malaysian isolates of C. caudatum have previously been
tested as a biocontrol agent against the biotype there and isolates of D.
gigantea and E. rostratum from USA were included in bioherbicide
preparations against an USA biotype of I. cylindrica. Puccinia rufipes could
potentially control this weed; as it is a biotroph, it is likely to act as a
physiological sink to deplete the carbohydrate reserves stored in the
rhizomes. It is the mobilisation of this stored carbohydrate which facilitates
this weed’s competitive advantage to rapidly produce leaves following
disturbance to the ecosystem, such as in slash and burn agriculture. This rust
pathogen has also been observed, along with other biotrophs, in South Africa,
where I. cylindrica is not considered a weed.
Biopreservative activities of Lactobacillus plantarum strains in fermenting cassava 'fufu', Obadina, A. O.*, Oyewole, O.*, Sanni, L. and Tomlins, K., in: African Journal of Biotechnology, volume 5, number 8, pages 620-623, ISSN 1684-5315, 2006. |
Abstract: The growth of three pathogens, namely Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhii were investigated in fermenting and non-fermenting cassava. The pH of the steeped cassava was also examined during fermentation. Antimicrobial effects of the Lactobacillus plantarum on the pathogens were also determined by agar diffusion method. All the pathogens were inhibited by L. plantarum strains with Staph. aureus having the highest inhibitory zone followed by E. coli and S. thyphii. However, in the fermenting cassava, the pathogens increased in population within the first 36 h of the process and decreased to complete extinction after the 96 h of fermentation. The L. plantarum exhibited high but varying degree of inhibition on the pathogens. The findings justify the bio-preservative roles of lactic acid bacteria in traditional cassava products.
Breeding soybeans for the tropics capable of nodulating effectively with indigenous Rhizobium spp., Kueneman, E., Root, W. R., Dashiell, K. and Hohenberg, J., in: Plant and Soil, volume 82, number 3, pages 387-396, 1984. [DOI] |
Abstract: Most soybean varieties fail to nodulate effectively in tropical soils unless inoculated with a competitive strain of Rhizobium japonicum. Developing countries in the tropics, with few exceptions, lack inoculant industries to produce and distribute viable inoculants to small farmers and extension programs to teach them to use inoculant. Several soybean genotypes have been identified that nodulate effectively with many strains of the cowpea inoculation group which is ubiquitous in tropical soils of Africa. Soybean genotypes that nodulate and grow well without inoculant application are called promiscuous. Methodologies for incorporation of the promiscuity character into high-yielding backgrounds are discussed.
Cassava improvement in sub-Saharan Africa: contributions of IITA and its partners, Dixon, A., Okechukwu, R., Ssemakula, G., Hanna, R., Thresh, J. M., Hughes, J., Ingelbrecht, I., Fregene, M.*, Legg, J., Mahungu, N., Nweke, F., Ntawuruhunga, P., Fauquet, C., Manyong, V., Neuenschwander, P., Whyte, J., Wydra, K., Asiedu, R., Egesi, C. N.*, Bandyopadhyay, R., Winter, S., Tarawali, G., Bokanga, M., Ezedinma, C., Sanni, L., Ferguson, M., Ogbe, F., Akoroda, M., Maziya-Dixon, B., Ilona, P., Ekanayake, I. J., Ariyo, O., Onyeka, J.*, Otim-Nape, G.*, Dahniya, M. T., Ortiz, R., Hahn, S. K. and Hartmann, P., 2008. |
Abstract: Cassava improvement in sub-Saharan Africa: contributions of IITA and its partners
Dixon, A.G.O., R.U. Okechukwu, G. Ssemakula, R. Hanna, J.M. Thresh, J.d'A. Hughes, I. Ingelbrecht, M. Fregene, J. Legg, N. Mahungu, F. Nweke, J.P. Legg, P. Ntawuruhunga, C. Fauquet, V. Manyong, P. Neuenschwander, J. Whyte, K. Wydra, R. Asiedu, C.N. Egesi, R. Bandyopadhyay, S. Winter, G. Tarawali, M. Bokanga, C. Ezedinma, L. Sanni, M. Ferguson, F.O. Ogbe, M. Akoroda, B. Maziya-Dixon, P. Ilona, I.J. Ekanayake, O. Ariyo, J. Onyeka, G.W. Otim-Nape, M.T. Dahniya, R. Ortiz, S.K. Hahn and P. Hartmann
Cassava is well recognized for its capacity to address food needs of vulnerable communities in unstable environments in SSA. IITA and colleagues in African NARS, in collaboration with CIAT and ARIs have played leading roles in the development of improved cassava varieties which are disease and pest resistant, early maturing, and high yielding. Through a combination of conventional and new approaches, over 400 cassava genotypes have been developed. The characteristics of the new generation of cassava germplasm broke what had been an apparent yield barrier in cassava improvement increasing yields in many locations by at least 50-100% without the use of fertilizer. The improved germplasm is shared with NARS within the region as specific genotypes or improved seed populations for evaluation and selection under local conditions. Improvement programs in Africa that received these materials have tested them under local conditions, selected varieties that outperform local varieties, and released them to farmers in virtually every major cassava producing country. Today, about 30% of the area cropped with cassava in Africa is planted with improved varieties. Without the introduction of more productive cultivars with multiple diseases and pest resistance, the effective biological control of the cassava mealybug and, to a certain extent, of the green mite, cassava production in SSA would be 50% or less of what it is today. That translates to over 13 million tons of dry cassava/year, enough to meet the calorie requirements of 65 million people. The significant gains in the crop's output in farmers' fields are not only contributing to the African diet but also propelling commercialization of the crop. This paper highlights contributions to cassava improvement in SSA since 1970 by IITA and its partners, and suggests areas needing strengthening in the drive to produce better crop varieties for different regions and enduses in Africa.
Challenges and lessons when using farmer knowledge in agricultural research and development projects in Africa, Van Asten, P., Kaaria, S., Fermont, A. and Delve, R. J., in: Experimental Agriculture, volume 45, number 1, pages 1-14, ISSN 0014-4797, 2009. [DOI] |
Abstract: Farmer participatory research (FPR) approaches are now considered mainstream and are especially applicable for developing appropriate technology options in complex, diverse and risk-prone regions, where local adaptations are crucial. Although the advantages of using farmer knowledge to guide scientific research are numerous and well documented, the challenges and potential pitfalls that befall biophysical researchers, in particular, when using FPR approaches have received much less attention, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Our experiences show that in certain cases, the methods used to collect farmer knowledge are flawed, leading to inaccurate or incomplete information being gathered. This potentially leads to the development and promotion of unsustainable, unprofitable or socially unacceptable technologies. This paper uses a series of examples to illustrate that discrepancies between farmer and researcher observations may occur because (i) farmers and scientists may not have sufficient insight into the systems complexity, (ii) farmers and scientists use different reference frameworks, and (iii) methodological errors may lead to farmers intentionally or unintentionally providing false or {\^a}??desired{\^a}?? information to achieve (short-term) benefits. This paper concludes by providing guidelines to improve the integration of farmer and scientific knowledge in order to develop appropriate technology options that are both environmentally sound and adaptable to local conditions
Characterisation of resistance in cassava against viruses causing cassava mosaic and cassava brown streak disease in Africa, Koerbler, M., Stein, B., Ingelbrecht, I., Dixon, A. and Winter, S., 2008. |
Abstract: Cassava mosaic disease caused by diverse geminiviruses (CMG) and Cassava brown streak disease caused by cassava brown streak virus (CBSV), are key constraints to the cultivation of cassava in Sub-Sahara Africa. We have collected and characterised the diversity of the most prominent geminiviruses from all African cassava cultivation areas and Cassava brown streak viruses from East Africa, to use defined viruses for resistance studies in selected IITA cassava breeding lines and African land races. Virus infections were established in cassava by either graft inoculation with scions of virus infected plants or, by particle bombardment of cloned infectious viruses. Resistance against cassava mosaic geminiviruses was identified in several breeding lines e.g. TME 4, TMS 96/0529 and TMS 96/0160 responding with abortion of virus infections after virus introduction. Other genotypes, e.g. TMS 96/0304, became infected but recovered from symptoms but maintaining the infection status. When cassava clones were analysed for CBSV resistance, it became evident that geminivirus resistance was tightly correlated with susceptibility against CBSV. Geminivirus resistant cassava responded with often severe CBSV infections (e.g. TMS 96/0160) upon virus inoculation. Interestingly, cassava genotypes with an intermediate resistance, TMS 96/0304, initially became mixed infected with CBSV/CMG however subsequently aborting CMG, to establish single CBSV infections. Differential responses were also recorded for strains of CBSV. While CMG resistance in cassava was against all CMG, differential responses were observed in cassava inoculated with CBSV isolates obtained from Kenya and Mozambique. While the CMG susceptible cassava landrace TME 117 was resistant against CBSV from Kenya, it became infected with CBSV from Mozambique. Only the cassava genotype TMS/ 1089A revealed immunity against CMG and also did not establish infections with the CBSV isolates from diverse origins.
Determinants of food demend among rural households in Borno state, Nigeria, Amaza, P. and Fregene, T.*, in: The Empirical Economics Letters, volume 7, number 6, pages 607-613, ISSN 1681-8997, 2008. |
Abstract: This study uses a food consumption survey of rural households to examine the determinants of food demand in Borno State, Nigeria. The Linear- Approximate Almost Idea Demand System (LA/AIDS) model was used in analysis of data. Results showed that the income elasticities (expenditure) for animal protein and fat & oil are
positive but greater than one, while those of cereals, legumes, roots & tubers and vegetables & fruits were less than one but positive. The policy implication of this finding is that due to the high cost of animal protein, it is important to introduce new recipe of legume-based food in order to supplement protein intake.
Developing a Nigerian-specific food and nutrient coding database, Day, R. S., Douglass, D. L. and Maziya-Dixon, B., in: Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, volume 21, pages S109-S114, 2008. |
Abstract: A Nigerian-specific food and nutrient coding database was developed by adding Nigerian-specific foods, recipes, measure descriptions, and gram weights to information from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) databases used for the 1994{\^a}€“1996, 1998 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals. The Nigerian database was used to analyze intakes from the 2001 Nigerian Food Consumption and Nutrition Survey. The Food Intake Analysis System (FIAS) (developed by The University of Texas School of Public Health and the USDA Agricultural Research Services Food Surveys Research Group) and food and nutrient data from the USDA databases were used to aid creation of foods and recipes specific to Nigeria. USDA data had only 214 of the basic foods reported consumed by Nigerians. Researchers developed food descriptions and nutrient profiles for another 117 foods specific to Nigerian intake. An additional 14 foods
were created from ingredients in the USDA database. Complete profiles of 14 nutrients were included for every new food from food composition books and tables. A total of 422 recipes were created from the USDA and Nigerian foods using the nutrient retention factor recipe methodology and the FIAS software. Recipes were kitchen tested to obtain a weight before and after cooking, and the weight of a typical serving. It was necessary to add measure descriptions and gram weights to 359 USDA and 164 Nigerian foods. Development of this unique population-specific database of foods and recipes for this African country constitutes an important milestone for future diet and nutrition studies.
Development of a semi-selective medium for isolating Xanthomonas camprestris pv. musacearum from insect vectors, infected plant material and soil, Mwangi, M., Mwebaze, M., Bandyopadhyay, R., Aritua, V.*, Eden-Green, S., Tushemereirwe, W. K.* and Smith, J., in: Plant Pathology, volume 56, number 3, pages 383-390, ISSN 0032-0862, 2007. |
Abstract: A semiselective medium was developed for isolating Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum (Xcm) from infected banana plants, soil and insect vectors. The new medium was named cellobiose-cephalexin agar (CCA) and it contained (L{\^a}ˆ’1): 1 g yeast extract, 1 g glucose, 1 g peptone, 1 g NH4Cl, 1 g MgSO4{\"i}¿½7H2O, 3 g K2HPO4, 1 g beef extract, 10 g cellobiose, 14 g agar, 40 mg cephalexin, 10 mg 5-fluorouracil and 120 mg cycloheximide. The medium was evaluated for selectivity using 21 bacterial isolates and for plating efficiency using Xcm. The bacterial isolates included a soilborne Xanthomonas species and three pathogenic Xanthomonas strains that infect cassava, cabbage and beans. Although the plating efficiency of Xcm on CCA was lower (59%) than on non-selective yeast extract peptone glucose agar (YPGA), its selectivity was significantly higher, averaging 60 and 82%, when isolating from banana fruits and soil, respectively. CCA was also superior when isolating Xcm from insect vectors, with selectivity of 48-75%, compared with 8-17% on YPGA. Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli did not grow on CCA, while X. campestris pv. campestris and X. axonopodis pv. manihotis grew, but their colonies were smaller than those of Xcm. Twenty-nine out of 33 suspected Xcm strains isolated from plants, soil and insects using CCA were pathogenic when inoculated onto banana plants, indicating that CCA can be a reliable tool in isolating Xcm populations. The medium should prove useful in studies on ecology, epidemiology and management of the banana bacterial wilt pathogen that is currently ravaging bananas in East and Central Africa.
Efficiency of food production under old and new technology: the case of farmers within and outside the Extension Package Program in Ethiopia, Alene, A. and Hassan, R. M.*, in: Journal of Developing Areas, volume 41, number 2, pages 233-249, 2008. |
Abstract: This paper measures the technical, allocative, and economic efficiencies of farmers within and outside the Extension Package Program (EPP) in high and low potential agro-ecological zones in eastern Ethiopia. Within-group farmer efficiencies are analyzed relative to respective technologies to examine performance variation under traditional and improved technology. The results showed considerable efficiency variation not only among farmers outside EPP who mainly used traditional technologies, but also among farmers within the EPP who used improved technological packages. The results further showed that, in the high potential zone, farmers within the EPP used a superior technology, whereas both groups in the low potential zone used a homogenous technology, confirming the lack of appropriate technologies for less-favored agricultural areas. Education, credit, and the share of the leading cropping system are significantly related to production efficiency. The results suggest that an integrated credit, extension, and input supply system with appropriate technologies would raise food production efficiency.
Evaluation of application timing in fertilizer micro-dosing technology on millet producing in Niger, West Africa, Hayashi, K., Abdoulaye, T., Gerard, B.* and Bationo, A.*, in: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, volume 80, pages 257-265, 2008. [DOI] |
Abstract: Micro-dosing technology has been developed
by the International Crops Research Institute for
the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and its partners to
help subsistence farmers in the Sahel improve inorganic
fertilizer application. However, the ICRISAT's
recommendations regarding fertilizer application
through this technology are only applicable at sowing
and do not allow any flexibility in terms of labor and/
or capital management. In rural areas, fertilizer cannot
always be applied at sowing due to financial and labor
constraints. The purpose of this study was to evaluate
the effect of the timing of fertilizer application on
millet production. A 2-year on-station experiment and
a 1-year on-farm field experiment were conducted in
the western region of Niger, West Africa. Even under
the heterogeneous climatic conditions of the region
during our experimental period, the results showed
that the trend was the same as observed in previous
studies: millet production improved through fertilizer
application compared to the control (without fertilizer).
The harvest index was also higher compared to
that of the control. This increased production was
consistently the same for all application timings. The
marginal value-cost ratio on the investment calculated
using a budgeting analysis for the on-farm
experiment showed that-regardless of application
timing-millet farmers who fertilized their fields with
inorganic fertilizer made more profit than those who
did not (control). This was also true for farmers who
were unable to fertilize at sowing-delayed application
was still the more profitable option relative to the
no fertilizer control. Our results indicate that small
subsistence farmers can be offered more options for
inorganic fertilizer application timing using the
micro-dosing technology. Delayed inorganic fertilizer
application can help small farmers who are often labor
constrained at the sowing period improve their yields
as well as their economic returns.
Evaluation of water yam (Dioscorea alata L.) germplasm for reaction to yam anthracnose and virus diseases and their effect on yield, Egesi, C. N.*, Odu, B., Ogunyemi, S., Asiedu, R. and Hughes, J., in: Journal of Phytopathology, volume 155, number 9, pages 536-543, 2007. |
Abstract: Use of genetic resistance is the most practical and economic way to manage major diseases of yams. In a search for sources of resistance, 40 water yam (Dioscorea alata L.) accessions from Benin, Ghana, Nigeria and Puerto Rico were screened under natural disease infection conditions in Ibadan, Nigeria. The accessions were evaluated at 1, 3 and 6 months after planting (MAP) for severity of yam anthracnose and viral diseases. The effect of the pathogens on yield was also evaluated at harvest 9 MAP. There were significant differences (P < 0.001) between accessions for severities of anthracnose and viral diseases. Eight (20%) of them had lower anthracnose area under disease progress curves (AUDPC) values than the resistant check while 10 (25%) had AUDPC values below the trial mean. There were significant variations (P < 0.001) in yield components among the accessions. There was significant negative correlation of anthracnose severity with fresh tuber yield (r = -0.51) and with number of tubers per plot (r = -0.40). Similarly, significant negative correlations were observed of virus disease severity with fresh tuber yield (r = -0.78) and number of tubers per plot (r = -0.65). Linear regression models also showed that the fresh yield had significant negative relationships with anthracnose (R2 = 0.26) and viral (R2 = 0.62) diseases. The accessions identified as resistant constitute a valuable resource for breeding of resistant germplasm.
Exploration of the acarine fauna on coconut palm in Brazil with emphasis on Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyidae) and its natural enemies, Lawson-Balagbo, L. M., Gondim, M.*, De Moraes, G.*, Hanna, R. and Schausberger, P., in: Bulletin of Entomological Research, volume 98, pages 83-96, ISSN 0007-4853, 2008. [DOI] |
Abstract: Coconut is an important crop in tropical and subtropical regions. Among the
mites that infest coconut palms, Aceria guerreronis Keifer is economically the most
important. We conducted surveys throughout the coconut growing areas of Brazil.
Samples were taken from attached coconuts, leaflets, fallen coconuts and
inflorescences of coconut palms in 112 localities aiming to determine the
occurrence and the distribution of phytophagous mites, particularly A. guerreronis,
and associated natural enemies. Aceria guerreronis was the most abundant
phytophagous mite followed by Steneotarsonemus concavuscutum Lofego & Gondim
Jr. and Steneotarsonemus furcatus De Leon (Tarsonemidae). Infestation by
A. guerreronis was recorded in 87% of the visited localities. About 81% of all
predatory mites belonged to the family Phytoseiidae, mainly represented by
Neoseiulus paspalivorus De Leon, Neoseiulus baraki Athias-Henriot and Amblyseius
largoensis Muma; 12% were Ascidae, mainly Proctolaelaps bickleyi Bram, Proctolaelaps
sp nov and Lasioseius subterraneus Chant. Neoseiulus paspalivorus and
N. baraki were the most abundant predators on attached coconuts. Ascidae were
predominant on fallen coconuts, while A. largoensis was predominant on leaflets;
no mites were found on branches of inflorescences. Leaflets harboured higher mite
diversity than the attached coconuts. Mite diversity was the highest in the state
Para' and on palms surrounded by seasonal forests and Amazonian rain-forests.
Neoseiulus paspalivorus, N. baraki and P. bickleyi were identified as the most
promising predators of A. guerreronis. Analyses of the influence of climatic factors
revealed that dry ambient conditions favour the establishment of A. guerreronis.
Neoseiulus paspalivorus and N. baraki have differing climatic requirements; the
former being more abundant in warm and dry areas, the latter prevailing in
moderately tempered and humid areas. We discuss the significance of our findings
for natural and biological control of A. guerreronis.
First report of cucumber mosaic virus in yams (Dioscorea spp.) in Ghana, Togo and Republic of Benin in West Africa, Eni, A., Kumar, P. L., Asiedu, R., Alabi, O., Naidu, R.*, Hughes, J. and Rey, M.*, in: Plant Disease, volume 92, number 5, pages 833, ISSN 0191-2917, 2008. [DOI] |
Abstract: Yam (Dioscorea spp., family Dioscoreaceae) is one of the most important food crops cultivated in the West African yam zone comprising the forest and savannah areas of Nigeria, Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Republic of Benin, and Togo, which account for more than 90% of the 4.59 million ha of yam cultivation worldwide (1). A survey was conducted in 2005 to document viruses in yams in Ghana, Togo, and the Republic of Benin. Samples (1,405) from five species of yam showing mosaic, chlorosis, and stunting as well
as asymptomatic plants were tested for Dioscorea bacilliform virus (DBV, genus Badnavirus), Yam mosaic virus (YMV, genus Potyvirus), and Yam mild mosaic virus (YMMV, genus Potyvirus), the three most common viruses infecting yams. In addition, samples were tested for Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), since CMV was previously reported to infect yams in Cote d'Ivoire (2) and Nigeria (3). In protein-A sandwich-ELISA with polyclonal antibodies to a cowpea isolate of CMV, 23 of the 1,405 samples (6 of 218 samples from Togo, 13 of 628 samples from Ghana, and 4 of 559 samples from Republic of Benin) tested positive for CMV.
The CMV-positive samples were from D. alata (N = 16) and D. rotundata (N = 7), whereas all samples from D. cayenensis, D. dumetorum, and D. bulbifera tested negative. CMV was detected as mixed infections with DBV, YMV, or YMMV in 21 of 23 samples. Some of these samples showed puckering, chlorosis, mottling, and crinkling, whereas some plants infected by two or more viruses were asymptomatic. Only two samples from D. rotundata had a single infection of CMV and they showed mild chlorotic symptoms in young leaves that were inconspicuous in mature leaves. In sap inoculations, the virus induced systemic mosaic in
Nicotiana glutinosa. The presence of CMV in ELISA-positive yam samples was further confirmed by immunocapture-reverse transcription (IC-RT)-PCR using CMV antibodies as trapping antibody and oligonucleotide primers specific for a 485 nt corresponding to 3' end of the coat protein gene and C-terminal noncoding region of RNA-3 (4). To confirm the specificity of ICRT-PCR, the 485-bp amplicons from an isolate from the Republic of Benin was cloned into pCR2.1 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and three independent clones were sequenced from both orientations. Pairwise comparison of a consensus sequence (Accession No. EU274471) with corresponding sequences of other CMV isolates deposited in GenBank showed 99% identity at the nucleotide sequence level (Accession No. U22821) and revealed that the CMV isolate from yam belongs to sub-Group IA. To our knowledge,
this is the first report of CMV infection in yams (D. alata and D. rotundata) in Ghana, Togo, and the Republic of Benin. Together with a previous documentation of CMV in D. alata and D. trifida in Cote d'Ivoire and Nigeria (2,3), this report adds to existing knowledge on distribution of CMV in yams with implications for yam production and germplasm distribution in the West Africa Region.
Fruit characteristics and ripening pattern of ten Musa genotypes in a sub-humid environment in Nigeria, Baiyeri, K. and Tenkouano, A., in: Fruits, volume 63, number 1, pages 3-9, 2008. |
Abstract: Introduction. Conventional evaluation of Musa through multilocation trials has
often been carried out to ascertain the yield stability and ecological range of new varieties but, for prospective growers, it is equally important to know the fruit characteristics and ripening pattern of the genotypes. Indeed, fruit characteristics determine consumers' attitudes towards the new varieties, and the associated market value of these varieties. Materials and methods. The metric traits and ripening pattern of fruits from nine Musa hybrids and one local variety of plantain were evaluated during two cropping seasons in a sub-humid environment in Nigeria. Results. All the traits measured varied with the genotype, but cropping cycle influenced only fruit weight and days to complete senescence of fruits. The interaction between genotype and cropping cycle was significant on fruit weight, fruit length and days to attain four different ripening stages. Most genotypes had better values in the ratoon harvest than in the plant crop. Fruit length and shape of PITA 21 were comparable with those of the local check, but the index of edible proportion was highest in PITA 22. PITA 21 and PITA 26 had the longest green life and total shelf life. Conclusion. The genotypes evaluated in our study revealed different utilization potentials. Also, the better postharvest life of some of the hybrids and comparable metric traits with the local check suggested the high adoption potential of the hybrids.
Genetic gains from 30 years of cassava breeding in Nigeria for storage root yield and disease resistance in elite cassava genotypes, Okechukwu, R. and Dixon, A., in: Journal of Crop Improvement, volume 22, number 2, pages 181-208, 2008. |
Abstract: Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is crucial for both food security and poverty alleviation in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Cassava improvement for SSA started at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture in 1970, and several improved lines with different characteristics have been developed to date. The primary focus of breeding work has been to increase root yield, early bulking, tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, and increased dry matter content. This paper represents a study of 112 varieties cloned and introduced between 1970 and 2000, and
evaluated in 2003 and 2004 to quantify genetic gains in root yield and disease resistance. The genetic gain per year was 1.3% for fresh root yield, 1.2% for dry root yield, 0.65% for cassava mosaic disease resistance, 0.21% for cassava anthracnose disease resistance, and -0.03% for cassava bacterial blight disease resistance. Though there was no statistical significance in the net negative genetic gain in cassava bacterial blight resistance, it is essential that more emphasis be placed on improving this trait to enhance stability and productivity in African environments.
Genetic transformation of cassava - independent of genotype, Jorgensen, K., Ingelbrecht, I., Jensen, S., Olsen, E., Sorensen, C., Kannangara, R. and Moller, B., 2008. |
Abstract: Cassava is a vegetatively propagated crop and its improvement through conventional breeding is challenging due to its high heterozygosity and low fertility. As it has not been possible to solve all cassava's problems connected to agriculture and consumption by traditional breeding, another solution could be to use molecular breeding. Major deficits of cassava are low protein content in the tubers, rapid post-harvest tuber deterioration and high content of cyanogenic glucosides. Careful processing of cassava roots is required to remove the released hydrogen cyanide which can cause acute or chronic cyanide intoxication. Unfortunately, processing to remove hydrogen cyanide typically results in loss of protein, minerals, and vitamins. For successfull molecular breeding of cassava, a genotype-independent genetic transformation method is essential. So far it has only been possible to transform model lines which have limited agricultural importance. Here a regeneration and transformation method is presented which has been successfully applied to all African varieties tested so far with a transformation frequency ranging from 0.2% to 3.8%. The method is based on the procedure developed by Li et al. (1996). This method is among others now used to 1) produce acyanogenic cassava (J{\o}rgensen et al 2005), 2) improve the nutritional value in the tubers, 3) virus resistance. The improvement of the nutritional value is focused on increasing the protein content in the tubers in varieties with and without a naturally increased levels of pro-vitamin A.
Highly client-oriented breeding with farmer participation in the Ethiopian cereal tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter), Tefera, H., Belay, G.*, Assefa, K.* and Metaferia, G.*, in: African Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 3, number 1, pages 022-028, 2008. |
Abstract: This paper describes a highly client-oriented breeding applied to enhance the development and release of a tef (Eragrostis tef) variety with farmer participation in Ethiopia. The main features include; clear objective, target cross, early-stage researcher selection, multi-location yield trial, farmer on-station selection, judicious selection of few candidate varieties based on farmers' and researchers' selections,
farmer managed on-farm trials, and release through the existing formal procedure. In the application of this strategy, tef exemplifies a crop with local importance, a clear market-driven selection criterion (cash crop) and farmers have better judgment of the criterion than researchers. Using farmers' consistent selection of genotypes, in conjunction with the required quantifiable data, breeders were able to release a new tef variety named ''Quncho''. The new variety was not the highest yielder, but it
was higher in grain yield and better in seed-color quality (very white seed-color) than the long-time cultivated variety DZ-01-196 (Magna), which was used as quality check. Given the appropriate degree of client-orientation, the results also show how farmer participation and formal breeding programs complement each other so as to overcome the rather prohibitive variety release procedures based on
data from participatory breeding alone.
Host plant odours enhance the responses of adult banana weevil to the synthetic aggregation pheromone Cosmolure+, Tinzaara, W., Gold, C., Dicke, M., Van Huis, A. and Ragama, P., in: International Journal of Pest Management, volume 53, number 2, pages 127-137, ISSN 0967-0874, 2007. |
Abstract: Attraction of adult banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus to volatiles from banana pseudostem tissue and the synthetic pheromone Cosmolure+ presented singly or in combination, was studied in the laboratory and in the field. Olfactometric studies in the laboratory showed that 50 g of fermented banana pseudostem tissue was as attractive as pheromone but more attractive than 50 g of fresh pseudostem tissue. In the laboratory, volatiles from pseudostem tissue had an additive effect on attraction of weevils to the pheromone but the effect was not significant in the field. Field trials, however, showed that attractiveness to weevils was positively correlated with the amount of fermented tissue added to the pheromone. The results indicate that fresh or fermented pseudostem tissue may enhance pheromone trap catches but the effect was not large enough to warrant their deployment for the optimisation of the infochemical-based trapping system for the management of C. sordidus.
Identification and validation of EST-derived microsatellites for genome analyses of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and related taxa in the Euphorbiaceae, Raji, A., Kolade, O., Anderson, J., Ugwu, C. D., Gedil, M., Dixon, A. and Ingelbrecht, I., 2008. |
Abstract: Using bioformatics tools, we identified 646 Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) in silico from a unigene set of 8,577 Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) in cassava for the development of genic microsatellite markers. A total of 346 primer pairs were designed. Of these, 96 primer pairs were tested for polymorphism among diverse, cultivated genotypes of cassava (M. esculenta) from Africa and South America and three wild species. The cassava array comprised landraces as well as elite lines, five of which have previously been used as parents of mapping populations. Ninety percent of the primers amplified DNA fragments. Candidate EST-SSRs were analyzed on high resolution agarose gels and on ABI 3100 Genetic Analyzer. The number of alleles ranged from 1 to 8 which is lower compared to microsatellites derived from genomic sources. Approximately 80% of the microsatellites detected only one or two alleles per accession indicating a low degree of duplicated loci, a surprising finding for a highly heterozygous species such as cassava. Several markers showed cross-genus amplification across castor bean (Ricinus communis) and leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula), thus showing transferability from cassava to other taxa of the Euphorbiaceae. This study provides an in-depth view of the frequency of microsatellites in the cassava transcriptome, demonstrates the successful development of genic SSRs, and also indicates that available EST and genomic resources of leafy spurge and castor bean can be utilized for microsatellite marker development in cassava.
Identifying aflatoxin resistance-related proteins/genes through proteomics and RNAi gene silencing, Chen, Z. Y., Brown, R., Guo, B. Z., Menkir, A. and Cleveland, T. E., in: Peanut Science, volume 36, number 1, pages 35-41, ISSN 0095-3679, 2009. |
Abstract: Aflatoxins are carcinogenic secondary metabolites
produced mainly by Aspergillus flavus Link ex. Fries, and A. prarasiticus Speare during infection of susceptible crops, such as maize, cottonseed, peanuts and tree nuts. This paper will review research efforts in identifying aflatoxin resistance-related proteins/genes in maize. Similar strategies may be useful in peanut. For maize, although genotypes resistant to A. flavus infection or aflatoxin production have been identified, the incorporation of resistance into commercial lines has been slow due to the lack of selectable markers
and poor understanding of host resistance mechanisms. Recently, resistance-associated proteins (RAPs) were identified through proteomic comparison of constitutive protein profiles between
resistant and susceptible maize genotypes. These
proteins belong to three major groups based on
their peptide sequence homologies: storage proteins, stress-related proteins, and antifungal proteins. Preliminary characterization of some of
these RAPs suggest that they play a direct role in
host resistance, such as pathogenesis-related
protein 10 (PR10), or an indirect role, such as
glyoxalase I (GLX I), through enhancing the host
stress tolerance. To verify whether these RAPs
play a role in host resistance, RNA interference
(RNAi) gene silencing technique was used to
silence the expression of these genes in maize.
RNAi vectors (glx I RNAi and pr10 RNAi) were
constructed using Gateway technology, and then
transformed into immature maize embryos using
both bombardment and Agrobacterium infection.
The extent of gene silencing in transgenic callus
tissues ranged from 20% to over 99%. The RNAi
silenced transgenic maize seeds have also been
obtained from plants regenerated from Agrobacterium transformed callus lines. Kernel screen assay of the transgenic maize kernels demonstrated a significant increase in susceptibility to A. flavus colonization and aflatoxin production in
some of the silenced transgenic lines compared
with non-silenced control kernels, suggesting the
direct involvement of these two proteins in
aflatoxin resistance in maize.
Influence of phosphorus application on growth and yield of soybean genotypes in the tropical savannas of northeast Nigeria, Kamara, A., Abaidoo, R., Kwari, J.* and Omoigui, L., in: Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, volume 53, number 5, pages 539-552, 2007. |
Abstract: The cultivation of soybean is increasing in the savannas of Nigeria due to its widespread use in the food and feed industry. Production is, however, constrained by low soil phosphorus (P) levels in northeast Nigeria. This study evaluated four soybean varieties for their response to three rates of P in two agro-ecozones in 2004 and 2005. Experimental design was a split-plot arrangement of treatments with three replications. The main plots were assigned the P treatments and subplots were soybean cultivars randomised within the main plots. The studies found that soybean responds to P application but differences between 20 and 40 kg P/ha were not significant, despite low test P levels. This may be due to limitations in other nutrients. More studies are needed to determine the synergistic effect of P and other nutrients on soybean growth and yield. Soybean growth and seed yield were lower in 2004 than in 2005 because trials were established comparatively late in 2004 and crops were therefore affected by late season moisture stress. There is, therefore, a need to establish the appropriate time for planting soybean in these zones. Late maturing varieties produced higher yields than early maturing varieties in 2005 probably due to early planting which allowed full use of the growing season.
Insecticide dissipation from soil and plant surfaces in tropical horticulture of southern Benin, West Africa, Rosendahl, I., Laabs, V., Atcha-Ahove, C.*, James, B. and Amelung, W., in: Journal of Environmental Monitoring, volume 11, pages 1157-1164, ISSN 1464-0325, 2009. |
Abstract: In Sub-Saharan Africa, horticulture provides livelihood opportunities for millions of people, especially in urban and peri-urban areas. Although the vegetable agroecosystems are often characterized by intensive pesticide use, risks resulting therefrom are largely unknown under tropical horticultural conditions. The objective of this study therefore was to study the fate of pesticides in two representative horticultural soils (Acrisol and Arenosol) and plants (Solanum macrocarpon L.) after field application and thus to gain first insight on environmental persistence and dispersion of typical insecticides used in vegetable horticulture in Benin, West Africa. On plant surfaces, dissipation was rapid with half lives
ranging from 2 to 87 h (a-endosulfan < b-endosulfan < deltamethrin). Soil dissipation was considerably slower than dissipation from plant surfaces with half-lives ranging from 3 (diazinon) to 74 d (total endosulfan), but persistence of pesticides in soil was still reduced compared to temperate climates. Nevertheless, for deltamethrin and endosulfan, a tendency for mid-term accumulation in soil upon repeated applications was observed. The soil and plant surface concentrations of the metabolite endosulfan sulfate increased during the entire trial period, indicating that this compound is a potential
long-term pollutant even in tropical environments.
Mycoflora and natural occurrence of aflatoxins and fumonisin B1 in cassava and yam chips from Benin, West Africa, Gnonlonfin, B.*, Hell, K., Fandohan, P.* and Siame, A. B.*, in: International Journal of Food Microbiology, volume 122, number 1-2, pages 140-147, 2008. |
Abstract: The presence of fungi, aflatoxins and fumonisin B1 in cassava and yam chips (during 28 processing and storage) were evaluated during two consecutive seasons in two agroecological zones of Benin (Northern Guinea Savannah, NGS and Sudan Savannah, SS). The Benin samples were assessed for moisture content, fungal infestation and total aflatoxin and fumonisin B1 contamination. During the two seasons, samples collected from the NGS, had moisture contents ranging from 10.0 to 14.7% in cassava chips and from 11.4 to 15.3% in yam chips. In samples from the SS, moisture content ranged from 10.1 to 14.5% and 11.1 to 14.5% in cassava and yam chips, respectively. A. flavus was the predominant fungal species. The maximum cfu/g in cassava and yam chips was 8950 and 6030, respectively. Other fungal species isolated included P. chrysogenum, M. piriformis, Phoma sorghina, F. verticillioides, R. oryzae and Nigrospora oryzae. High performance liquid chromatography analysis of both cassava and yam chips showed no contamination by either aflatoxins or fumonisin B1.
Novel sources of resistance to Fusarium stalk rot of maize in tropical Africa, Afolabi, C., Ojiambo, P., Ekpo, E.*, Menkir, A. and Bandyopadhyay, R., in: Plant Disease, volume 92, number 5, pages 772-780, ISSN 0191-2917, 2008. |
Abstract: Fusarium stalk rot is one of the most widespread and destructive diseases of maize, and deployment of resistant genotypes is one of the most effective strategies for controlling the disease. Fifty inbred lines and four checks from the breeding program of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture were evaluated in field trials at Ikenne and Ibadan, Nigeria in 2003 and 2004 to identify new sources of resistance to stalk rot caused by Fusarium verticillioides. Evaluations were conducted under artificial inoculation and natural infection at Ibadan and Ikenne, respectively. Disease severity was recorded using a severity scale (SS) and direct estimation of stalk discoloration (SD). The two methods of disease assessment were compared and combined to classify genotypes into resistance groups using results from rank-sum analysis. In 2003, disease severity ranged from SS = 1 to 5 and SD = 1.3 to 33.8% at both locations. Both SS and SD were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in 2003 than in 2004 at the two locations. In both years, inbred lines significantly differed in SS (P < 0.02) and SD (P < 0.04) at Ibadan. Similarly, inbred lines significantly differed in SS (P < 0.04) and SD (P < 0.04) when genotypes were evaluated at Ikenne. Disease assessments based on SS and SD were significantly correlated (0.68 < r < 0.95, P < 0.01) in both years. Based on the results from rank-sum analysis, inbred lines were separated into highly resistant, resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible, susceptible, and highly susceptible groups. At Ibadan, 6 (11.1%) and 8 (14.8%) were identified as highly resistant and resistant, respectively, whereas 11 (20.4%) were identified as resistant at Ikenne. Inbred lines 02C14609, 02C14643, 02C14654, and 02C14678 were consistently classified as either highly resistant or resistant to stalk rot across locations and years while the check genotypes were classified either as susceptible or moderately susceptible to stalk rot. These four inbred lines identified to have high levels of disease resistance may be used for breeding maize with resistance to Fusarium stalk rot.
Perception of farmers in Benin, West Africa to Imperata cylindrica, Ayeni, S., Avocanh, A. and Beed, F., in: Proceedings of the 4th International Weed Science Congress, 20-24th June, Durban, South Africa, pages 45, 2004. |
Abstract: Questionnaires and sampling techniques were developed to assess the
distribution, problems caused by, and the efficacy of control methods for
Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel. One hundred farmers were interviewed
from each of the three agro-ecological zones of Benin. These differ in climate,
especially annual rainfall, and in crops cultivated. I. cylindrica was the most
serious weed in the high and medium rainfall zones but was less prevalent in
the arid zone. In all zones, the recent intensification of agricultural land use
caused a reduction in the use of fallow and cover crops, resulting in increased
incidence and severity of I. cylindrica. Significant yield losses due to I.
cylindrica infestation were reported for all crops, including cassava, cotton,
cowpea, maize, millet, peanut, sorghum, and yam. Furthermore, the
clearance of vegetation by “slash and burn” agriculture encouraged rapid leaf
growth from rhizomes to create dense stands of I. cylindrica that virtually
eliminated other species. Such areas were frequently abandoned because
existing control methods were ineffective. Weeding by hand caused cuts due
to sharp leaf margins and leaf tips occasionally caused injury leading to
blindness. Frequent ploughing can break rhizome sections into pieces
sufficiently small to avoid plant regeneration, but was considered too time and
labour intensive. Of the 300 farmers surveyed, none used chemical
herbicides, due to high cost. This study showed the need to develop
sustainable methods of I. cylindrica control for resource poor farmers.
Phytoseiid mites of the tribe Paraseiulini Wainstein (Acari: Phytoseiidae) from sub-Saharan Africa, De Moraes, G.*, Zannou, I., Ueckermann, E.*, Oliveira, A.*, Hanna, R. and Yaninek, J., in: Zootaxa, volume 1687, pages 1-34, ISSN 1175-5326, 2008. |
Abstract: This is the eighth publication of a series on the determination of phytoseiid mites of sub-Saharan Africa. Twenty-three phytoseiid species of the tribe Paraseiulini Wainstein are reported in this paper. They refer to all species of this tribe known to occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Six of these species are described for the first time and 13 species are redescribed. Most of the reported species were collected in cassava habitats in tropical Africa and in other habitats in South Africa. A key is included to help in the separation of the species treated in this paper.
Prospects for cassava breeding in sub-Saharan Africa in the next decade, Dixon, A. and Ssemakula, G., in: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, volume 6, number 3&4, pages 132-138, ISSN 1459:0255, 2008. |
Abstract: Cassava is an appropriate commodity to feature in Africa's future economic development. As the crop rapidly changes from a basic foodstuff to a source of income and employment for rural populations, there is a parallel need to increase productivity, marketing opportunities and profitability. This calls for development and/or the introduction of technologies that will drive down costs of production, harvesting, processing and marketing to make cassava competitive with other raw materials and improve the quantity and quality of cassava products for diversified uses. The development and delivery/promotion of productivity-enhancing technologies and adding value will attract urban consumers and industries, create demand, stimulate increased production and provide more income for producers, processors and traders. This paper highlights prospects for cassava breeding in sub-Saharan Africa in the next decade with a view to meeting these challenges.
Reproductive efficiency and breeding potential of East African highland (Musa AAA-EA) bananas, Ssebuliba, R., Talengera, D., Makumbi, D., Namanya, P., Tenkouano, A., Tushemereirwe, W. K.* and Pillay, M., in: Field Crops Research, volume 95, number 2-3, pages 250-255, 2006. |
Abstract: The East African highland banana (Musa spp. AAA) is an economically important food crop. The crop is affected by a number of diseases and pests. Genetic improvement of the crop is hindered by very low seed set and poor seed germination. The objective of this study was to compare seed set, seed quality and embryo rescue rates of hybrid seeds obtained from 20 East African highland banana cultivars crossed with a fertile diploid species, Musa acuminata spp. burmannicoides 'Calcutta 4', as a male parent. There was great variation in seed set, seed quality and in vitro embryo germination rates among the cultivars. Although 72% (range = 47-88%) of the seeds appeared normal externally characterized by black hard integuments, only 59% (range = 35-81%) contained embryos, of which 9% (range = 0-22%) germinated. This study demonstrated that hard-seeded-ness alone does not signify the presence of an embryo and should not be regarded as a measure of seed fertility in East African highland bananas. Cultivars 'Entukura', 'Enzirabahima' and 'Kabucuragye' of the 'Nfuuka' clone set were superior in terms of seed set, presence of seeds with embryos and culturability of embryos. These cultivars are recommended as female parents for a crossing program in the improvement of East African highland bananas. The low embryo rescue rates suggest that hybrid seeds derived from East African highland banana possess factors that cause high embryo abortion. This may be ascribed to endosperm breakdown, which can release toxins.
Responding to food supply shocks through global partnerships in technology development and transfer: the case of the IITA-led biological control of cassava mealybug in sub-Saharan Africa, Alene, A., Manyong, V. and Coulibaly, O., in: Outlook on Agriculture, volume 35, number 4, pages 255-261, ISSN 0030-7270, 2006. |
Abstract: Partnerships involving national agricultural research systems (NARS), the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), universities, advanced research institutes, the private sector, civil society, non-governmental organizations, farmer organizations and international investors represent a global capacity to provide solutions to strategic problems and to fulfil the overall objective of combating rural poverty and food insecurity. Drawing on the experiences and achievements of the IITA-led biological control of the cassava mealybug in Sub-Saharan Africa, this paper gives an account of the role of global partnerships in technology development and transfer in addressing food security challenges. It concludes with implications for national and international agricultural research centres for an efficient, demand-driven technology development and delivery.
Screenhouse and field persistence of nonpathogenic endophytic Fusarium oxysporum in Musa tissue culture plants, Paparu, P., Dubois, T., Gold, C., Adipala, E.*, Niere, B. and Coyne, D., in: Microbial Ecology, volume 55, number 3, pages 561-568, ISSN 1432-184X, 2008. |
Abstract: Two major biotic constraints to highland cooking banana (Musa spp., genome group AAA-EA) production in Uganda are the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus and the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis. Endophytic Fusarium oxysporum strains inoculated into tissue culture banana plantlets have shown control of the banana weevil and the nematode. We conducted screenhouse and field experiments to investigate persistence in the roots and rhizome of two endophytic Fusarium oxysporum strains, V2w2 and III4w1, inoculated into tissue-culture banana plantlets of highland cooking banana cultivars Kibuzi and Nabusa. Re-isolation of F. oxysporum showed that endophyte colonization decreased faster from the rhizomes than from the roots of inoculated plants, both in the screenhouse and in the field. Whereas rhizome colonization by F. oxysporum decreased in the screenhouse (4-16 weeks after inoculation), root colonization did not. However, in the field (17-33 weeks after inoculation), a decrease was observed in both rhizome and root colonization. The results show a better persistence in the roots than rhizomes of endophytic F. oxysporum strains V2w2 and III4w1.
Screening landraces for additional sources of field resistance to Cassava Mosaic Disease and green mite for integration into the Cassava Improvement Program, Raji, A., Ladeinde, O.* and Dixon, A., in: Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, volume 50, number 3, pages 311-318, 2008. |
Abstract: Twelve cassava landraces were evaluated for sources of resistance genes to diseases and pests of major economic importance in Africa. The objective was to assess their levels of field resistance to mosaic disease (ACMD), bacterial blight (CBB), anthracnose (CAD), and green mite (CGM), compared to TMS30572, an elite cultivar widely adopted in Africa. Considerable genotypic variation was observed among cultivars for resistance to ACMD and CGM but not for CBB and CAD. The lowest mean incidence of 12% and severity of 1.8 on a scale of 1-5 for ACMD was recorded for Atu, a landrace with farmer acceptable qualities. In comparison, the improved cultivar, TMS 30572, had a mean disease incidence of 72% and a severity score of 2.8. Another landrace, MS-20 had the lowest CGM damage score (2.1) while TMS 30572 emerged as one of the susceptible cultivars with a damage score of 3. Additional sources of resistance to ACMD and CGM that may possibly be better than the popular improved cultivar, TMS 30572, were identified in this study. These could serve as novel sources of additional genes to complement existing resources for elite cassava breeding in Africa.
Severity of anthracnose and virus diseases of water yam (dioscorea alata L.) in NIgeria I: effects of yam genotype and date of planting, Egesi, C. N.*, Onyeka, T. and Asiedu, R., in: Crop Protection, volume 26, number 8, pages 1259-1265, ISSN 0261-2194, 2007. |
Abstract: Anthracnose and virus diseases exert devastating impacts on yam production in many tropical regions of the world where the crop contributes to food security and income generation. The complexities in their epidemiology necessitate the use of integrated approaches in their management. Six genotypes of Dioscorea alata, planted on six dates (March?August) in each of 1998 and 1999 in Ibadan, Nigeria, were evaluated to determine the effects of planting date and genotype on severity of the two diseases. The date of planting had a profound influence on anthracnose severity, contributing 72% of the observed variation due to combined effects of planting date, genotype and their interactions. In contrast, the genotype effect was most dominant with respect to virus severity, accounting for 85% of the total observed variation. Planting in August supported least anthracnose development while April and May plantings resulted in the least severity of virus diseases. While selection of planting time could be used to manage anthracnose disease, its application could be influenced by the prevailing weather conditions in a particular location. Two of the genotypes (TDa 291 and TDa 297) had low severity values for both diseases across the different planting dates. Availability of such sources of multiple disease resistance and appropriate choice of planting date would be very useful in integrated management of the two major yam diseases.
Sink competition and desuckering effects on field performance of triploid and tetraploid plantain genotypes, Tenkouano, A., Vuylsteke, D. and Swennen, R.+, in: Journal of Crop Improvement, volume 20, number 1/2, pages 31-51, 2007. [DOI] |
Abstract: Reproductive growth in polyarchic Musa spp. varieties occurs by the simultaneous growth of several shoots, resulting in competitive inhibition of fruit development in the individual shoots, particularly under poor soil fertility conditions. Nine plantain genotypes were forced into single-culm growth by continuous sucker removal in the ratoon crop (RC). There were no significant differences among genotypes for days to flowering (DTF) and days to harvest (DTH) in the plant crop (PC), but significant differences occurred in RC for both traits. There was a negative correlation between degree of sucker growth in the PC and DTF or DTH in RC, indicating that early flowering and maturity in the RC occurred as a result of fast sucker development in the PC. Likewise, bunch weight in the RC was positively correlated with sucker growth in the previous crop. However, sucker growth appeared to compete against the development of the bunch in the PC, resulting in a significant reduction in fruit size but not fruit number. Desuckering significantly reduced DTF and DTH in the RC. Bunch weight and fruit size were significantly improved by sucker removal in the RC. Gains were highest for genotypes that normally produce multiple lateral shoots and lowest for those displaying a more hierarchical growth habit. Thus, sucker removal could be recommended as a crop management option for the polyarchic Musa genotypes.
Smallholder market participation under transactions costs: maize supply and fertilizer demand in Kenya, Alene, A., Manyong, V., Omanya, G.*, Mignouna, H., Bokanga, M. and Odhiambo, G. D.*, in: Food Policy, volume 33, pages 318-328, ISSN 0306-9192, 2008. [DOI] |
Abstract: This paper assessed the effects of transactions costs—relative to price and non-price factors—on smallholder marketed surplus and
input use in Kenya. A selectivity model was used that accounts for the effects of transactions costs, assets, technology, and support services
in promoting input use and generating a marketable surplus. Output supply and input demand responses to changes in transactions
costs and price and non-price factors were estimated and decomposed into market entry and intensity. The results showed that while
transactions costs indeed have significant negative effects on market participation, institutional innovations—such as group marketing
—are also emerging to mitigate the costs of accessing markets. Output price has no effect on output market entry and only provides
incentives for increased supply by sellers. On the other hand, both price and non-price factors have significant influence on adoption and
intensity of input use. Overall, the findings suggest that policy options are available other than price policies to promote input use and
marketed surplus. The paper concludes with implications for policy to induce greater input–output market participation among smallholders
in Africa.
Keywords: Commercialization; Kenya; Africa
Somatic embryogenesis and genetic transformation of African farmer-grown cassava genotypes that are susceptible to the Cassava Brown Streak Disease, Ingelbrecht, I., Raji, A., Oyelakin, O., Winter, S., Moller, B., Dixon, A. and Jorgensen, K., 2008. |
Abstract: Cassava is one of the most important sources of carbohydrates for over 500 million people in the (sub)tropics. Cassava plays an important role in the food security of many developing nations, especially in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Cassava is highly heterozygous, genetically complex, and many varieties either do not flower or produce few seeds thus hampering conventional crop improvement. Several major constraints limit the production and utilization of cassava roots, including two viral diseases, the Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) and the Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD), which are specific to SSA. Farmer-preferred landraces are often susceptible to CBSD and/or CMD. Genetic transformation of cassava could complement conventional breeding programs for CBSD and/or CMD resistance. Current protocols for genetic transformation of cassava are limited to model genotypes which are not used by farmers of breeders in SSA. Since transformation protocols are genotype-dependent, suitable procedures for genetic modification of the landraces need to be developed. We have established somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis for three farmer/breeder-preferred varieties, two from East Africa (cv Kibaha and cv Albert) and one from West Africa (TME12) which are susceptible to CBSD. Primary and cyclical somatic embryogenesis was established for the three varieties. Cotyledon tissues from somatic embryos were used as source explants for Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation. Using an intron-interrupted {\^a}{\"i}¿½glucuronidase reporter gene construct under control of the Cassava vein mosaic virus promoter, stably transformed cassava tissues and plants were obtained. Molecular evidence for stable expression of the transgenes will be presented.
Soybean maturity and environmental effects in savanna systems; I: dry matter accumulation, Singh, A.*, Carsky, R., Lucas, E. O.* and Dashiell, K., in: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, volume 20, number 1, pages 75-93, 2002. |
Abstract: Growing soybean varieties with high residue yield may help to sustain the soil organic matter (SOM) content when recycled. Replicated field trials were conducted in four Guinea savanna sites in Nigeria
to study the dry matter partitioning in six soybean genotypes and evaluate them for biomass production. The varieties were early TGx1485-1D
and late TGx1670-1F in Trial 1 and early TGx1485-1D, TGx1805-2E and TGx1681-3F, medium TGx1809-12E and late TGx923-2E and TGx1670-1F in Trial 2. On average, the proportion of total dry matter ac-cumulated in soybean plant parts was 42% in grain, 36% in stover, 12% in leaf litter and 11% in roots and nodules. While maturity class had no significant effect on the grain yield of soybean, significantly higher dry matter accumulation of roots and nodules, leaf litter, and stover was observed in medium and late varieties compared with early varieties (P < 0.05). Thus, medium and late varieties would be better able to sustain the
SOM content than early varieties when the residues are recycled. Strongly acid soils in a high rainfall environment limited soybean biomass production and potential to maintain SOM.
The effect of genotype, location and season on cassava starch extraction, Benesi, I.*, Labuschagne, M.*, Herselman, L.*, Mahungu, N. and Saka, J., in: Euphytica, volume 160, pages 59-74, 2008. [DOI] |
Abstract: When cassava is harvested too early, it
often leads to reduction in yield, while delayed
harvest leads to development of woody and fibrous
tuberous roots, and reduction in starch content. The
optimum harvest time is not known. The objectives of
this study were to determine the effect of genotype,
location and season on starch extraction in order to
find an optimum harvest regime for cassava, and to
find the best parameter for monitoring starch levels in
cassava tuberous roots. Results showed that genotypic
effect was large for starch weight, starch
extraction rate on fresh weight basis, and root dry
matter content. This suggested that high starch
weights could be realised by selection of suitable
varieties for starch extraction. It was found that
cassava harvesting and starch extractions should be
done between October and November since the
highest starch extraction rates were achieved during
that period, and drying of the extracted starch using
the open air method was fast and convenient. The
results also suggested that starch levels can efficiently
be monitored using starch extraction rate on fresh
root weight basis. Starch content on fresh root basis
and root dry matter content can also be used to
determine the optimum time to harvest cassava for
starch extraction but were inferior to starch extraction
on fresh root weight basis.
The impact of agricultural research on productivity and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa, Alene, A. and Coulibaly, O., in: Food Policy, volume 34, number 2, pages 198-209, ISSN 0306-9192, 2009. |
Abstract: While it is widely recognized that agricultural research is a key driver of broad-based technological change in agriculture that benefits the poor in many different ways, little is known about its aggregate impacts on productivity growth and poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Using a polynomial distributed lag structure for agricultural research within a simultaneous system of equations framework,this paper first demonstrates that agricultural research contributes significantly to productivity growth in SSA. Productivity growth is again shown to raise per capita incomes, with income increases finally having significant poverty-reducing effects. With an aggregate rate of return of 55%, the payoffs to agricultural research are also impressive. Agricultural research currently reduces the number of poor by 2.3 million or 0.8% annually. While the actual impacts are not large enough to more than offset the poverty-increasing effects of population growth and environmental degradation, the potential impacts of agricultural research are far greater. Apart from low research investments, SSA faces several constraints outside the research system that hinder realization of potential research benefits. The results show that doubling research investments in SSA would reduce poverty by 9% annually. However, this would not be realized without more efficient extension, credit, and input supply systems.
Use of Alternaria eichhorniae to control the invasive aquatic weed water hyacinth in Africa, Avocanh, A., Senouwa, V., Diogo, R. and Beed, F., in: Proceedings of the 8th International Congress for Plant Pathology, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-7 February, pages 52, 2003. |
Abstract: Water hyacinth has been given the dubious honour by the UN of the
world’s most troublesome weed. Since its introduction as an ornamental
it has attained a pan-African distribution. It prevents transport, fishing,
commerce, the generation of hydroelectricity and increases incidences of
malaria, bilharzia, filariasis and encephalitis. We are studying the
potential of using a fungal pathogen as an environmentally friendly
method of control. Field surveys and laboratory tests have identified
those fungi that are indigenous to Africa, with distribution across the
continent and specific to water hyacinth. Of these Alternaria eichhorniae
exhibits the greatest virulence. However, control of weed populations by
this pathogen varies greatly across the different aquatic environments
found in Africa. One factor that varies across environments is the nutrient
status of the water. We report on studies to determine the influence of
varied nutrient status on the growth of water hyacinth and how this
influences the efficacy of control by A. eichhorniae. In addition, we
report on formulations used in mycoherbicides to overcome
environmental factors that limit infection. Finally, because this fungal
pathogen is foliar, its mode of action can be crudely seen as causing plant
defoliation. We report on mechanical defoliation studies of plants to
demonstrate whether the rapid regenerative potential of water hyacinth
enables plants to overcome leaf losses.
Utilization of ESTs from cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz): progress on development of EST-SSR markers and an oligo DNA microarray, Ingelbrecht, I., Jorgensen, K., Bak, S., Gorodkin, J., Raji, A., Winter, S., Lokko, Y., Gedil, M., Anderson, J., Moller, B. and Dixon, A., 2008. |
Abstract: Cassava is one of the most important sources of carbohydrates for over 500 million people in the tropics and subtropics. Cassava can be cultivated under conditions considered marginal for most other staple crops and has the added advantage of being utilized as an industrial crop for producing starch and derived products. Thus, cassava appeals to resource-limited, small-scale farmers as well as commercial farming systems. Due to high levels of heterozygosity and low flowering, breeding of cassava is arduous and advances in biotechnology could complement conventional breeding programs. However, as an orphan crop, tools for biotechnology-mediated improvement of cassava are currently limited. To enhance available genomics resources for cassava, we generated and characterized an 18,166 Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) dataset enriched for drought responsive genes. This dataset contains 8,577 unigenes comprised of 3,194 clusters and 5,383 singletons. About 63% of these ESTs could be annotated, while 11% were homologous to hypothetical genes with unknown function. The remaining 26% were not significantly homologous to sequences in public databases. To increase the repertoire of markers for molecular genetic applications, we identified Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) from this EST resource and validated these using a diverse cassava panel. We also utilized this EST resource, as well as publicly available sequences, to develop a 60-mer oligo DNA microarray: a total of 35,785 ESTs were assembled into 5,230 contigs and 8,838 singletons and used to design an array with ~11,000 probes for transcriptome analysis. Progress in these areas will be presented.