Titles (18)Keywords (1)
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Residual B-carotene and cyanide levels in gari produced from unfermented yellow cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) using local processing method, Osagie, V. E.*, Onimawo, I. A.* and Alamu, E. O., in: Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, volume 16, number 2, pages 1-5, ISSN 2320-0227, 2017. [DOI]
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Residual effects of natural bush, Cajanus cajan, and Tephrosia candida on the productivity of an acid soil in southeastern Nigeria, Gichuru, M., in: Plant and Soil, volume 134, number 1, pages 31-36, ISSN 0032-079X, 1991.
Residual phosphorus effects and nitrogen x phosphorus interactions in soybean-maize rotations on a P-deficient Ferralsol, Vandamme, E., Pypers, P., Vanlauwe, B., Baijukya, F., Smolders, E. and Merckx, R ., in: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, volume 98, number 2, pages 187-201, ISSN 1385-1314, 2014. [DOI]
Response of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp] to residual effect of different application rates of sheep manure on chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum), Babaji, B. A.*, Yahaya, R. A.*, Mahadi, M.*, Jaliya, M. M.*, Ajeigbe, H., Sharifai, A. I.*, Kura, H. N., Arunah, O. L.* and Ibrahim, A.*, in: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, volume 8, number 2, pages 339-343, ISSN 1459-0255, 2010.
Storage life of eleven cultivars of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) grown with or without NPK fertilizer and the relationship with residual soil NPK, Asadu, C.*, Egbobe, O. B.* and Asiedu, R., in: Agro-Science, volume 7, number 3, pages 235-241, ISSN 1119-7455, 2008.
Phosphorus recovery from triple superphosphate by soyabean in the Guinea savanna of Nigeria, Ogoke, I.*, Togun, A.*, Carsky, R. and Dashiell, K., in: Tropical Science, volume 46, number 3, pages 129-133, ISSN 0041-3291, 2006.
Keywords:Phosphorus; Soyabean; Guinea savanna; Apparent fertilizer P recovery; Residual P