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Seed longevity evaluation and genome-wide association studies on some nutritional traits of African yam bean, Oluwole, O. O.*, Covenant University, 2023. |
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An investigation of factors that influence the technical efficiency of soybean production in the Guinea savannas of Nigeria, Amaza, P. and Ogundari, K., in: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, volume 6, number 1, pages 132-136, ISSN 1459-0255, 2007. |
Abstract: The objective of this study was to examine the determinants of technical efficiency (TE) of soybean production in the Guinea savannas. A stochastic frontier production function, using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) technique was applied in the analysis of data collected in 2006 from a sample of 182 soybean farmers in the guinea savannas of Borno State, Nigeria. The MLE results revealed that farm size, seeds, family labour, hired labour and fertilizer were the major factors that were associated with change in the output of soybeans and were significant (Ï=0.05). About 78% variations in the farmers output can be attributed to differences in their technical efficiency. The mean farmers TE index was found to be 0.79. The implication is that soybean production could be increased by approximately 21% through the improved use of available resources, given the current state of technology. Farmer-specific efficiency factors, which comprise age, gender and use of animal traction and market accessibility, were the significant factors that account for the observed variation in efficiency among the farmers. The policy implication of this finding is that providing farmers with effective market linkage, access to education, especially extension education and credit facilities to purchase animal traction will strengthen their present level of TE and the productivity potential of the soybean farmers in the study area.
Challenges and lessons when using farmer knowledge in agricultural research and development projects in Africa, Van Asten, P., Kaaria, S., Fermont, A. and Delve, R. J., in: Experimental Agriculture, volume 45, number 1, pages 1-14, ISSN 0014-4797, 2009. [DOI] |
Abstract: Farmer participatory research (FPR) approaches are now considered mainstream and are especially applicable for developing appropriate technology options in complex, diverse and risk-prone regions, where local adaptations are crucial. Although the advantages of using farmer knowledge to guide scientific research are numerous and well documented, the challenges and potential pitfalls that befall biophysical researchers, in particular, when using FPR approaches have received much less attention, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Our experiences show that in certain cases, the methods used to collect farmer knowledge are flawed, leading to inaccurate or incomplete information being gathered. This potentially leads to the development and promotion of unsustainable, unprofitable or socially unacceptable technologies. This paper uses a series of examples to illustrate that discrepancies between farmer and researcher observations may occur because (i) farmers and scientists may not have sufficient insight into the systems complexity, (ii) farmers and scientists use different reference frameworks, and (iii) methodological errors may lead to farmers intentionally or unintentionally providing false or {\^a}??desired{\^a}?? information to achieve (short-term) benefits. This paper concludes by providing guidelines to improve the integration of farmer and scientific knowledge in order to develop appropriate technology options that are both environmentally sound and adaptable to local conditions
Efficiency of food production under old and new technology: the case of farmers within and outside the Extension Package Program in Ethiopia, Alene, A. and Hassan, R. M.*, in: Journal of Developing Areas, volume 41, number 2, pages 233-249, 2008. |
Abstract: This paper measures the technical, allocative, and economic efficiencies of farmers within and outside the Extension Package Program (EPP) in high and low potential agro-ecological zones in eastern Ethiopia. Within-group farmer efficiencies are analyzed relative to respective technologies to examine performance variation under traditional and improved technology. The results showed considerable efficiency variation not only among farmers outside EPP who mainly used traditional technologies, but also among farmers within the EPP who used improved technological packages. The results further showed that, in the high potential zone, farmers within the EPP used a superior technology, whereas both groups in the low potential zone used a homogenous technology, confirming the lack of appropriate technologies for less-favored agricultural areas. Education, credit, and the share of the leading cropping system are significantly related to production efficiency. The results suggest that an integrated credit, extension, and input supply system with appropriate technologies would raise food production efficiency.
Evaluation of application timing in fertilizer micro-dosing technology on millet producing in Niger, West Africa, Hayashi, K., Abdoulaye, T., Gerard, B.* and Bationo, A.*, in: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, volume 80, pages 257-265, 2008. [DOI] |
Abstract: Micro-dosing technology has been developed
by the International Crops Research Institute for
the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and its partners to
help subsistence farmers in the Sahel improve inorganic
fertilizer application. However, the ICRISAT's
recommendations regarding fertilizer application
through this technology are only applicable at sowing
and do not allow any flexibility in terms of labor and/
or capital management. In rural areas, fertilizer cannot
always be applied at sowing due to financial and labor
constraints. The purpose of this study was to evaluate
the effect of the timing of fertilizer application on
millet production. A 2-year on-station experiment and
a 1-year on-farm field experiment were conducted in
the western region of Niger, West Africa. Even under
the heterogeneous climatic conditions of the region
during our experimental period, the results showed
that the trend was the same as observed in previous
studies: millet production improved through fertilizer
application compared to the control (without fertilizer).
The harvest index was also higher compared to
that of the control. This increased production was
consistently the same for all application timings. The
marginal value-cost ratio on the investment calculated
using a budgeting analysis for the on-farm
experiment showed that-regardless of application
timing-millet farmers who fertilized their fields with
inorganic fertilizer made more profit than those who
did not (control). This was also true for farmers who
were unable to fertilize at sowing-delayed application
was still the more profitable option relative to the
no fertilizer control. Our results indicate that small
subsistence farmers can be offered more options for
inorganic fertilizer application timing using the
micro-dosing technology. Delayed inorganic fertilizer
application can help small farmers who are often labor
constrained at the sowing period improve their yields
as well as their economic returns.
Identifying aflatoxin resistance-related proteins/genes through proteomics and RNAi gene silencing, Chen, Z. Y., Brown, R., Guo, B. Z., Menkir, A. and Cleveland, T. E., in: Peanut Science, volume 36, number 1, pages 35-41, ISSN 0095-3679, 2009. |
Abstract: Aflatoxins are carcinogenic secondary metabolites
produced mainly by Aspergillus flavus Link ex. Fries, and A. prarasiticus Speare during infection of susceptible crops, such as maize, cottonseed, peanuts and tree nuts. This paper will review research efforts in identifying aflatoxin resistance-related proteins/genes in maize. Similar strategies may be useful in peanut. For maize, although genotypes resistant to A. flavus infection or aflatoxin production have been identified, the incorporation of resistance into commercial lines has been slow due to the lack of selectable markers
and poor understanding of host resistance mechanisms. Recently, resistance-associated proteins (RAPs) were identified through proteomic comparison of constitutive protein profiles between
resistant and susceptible maize genotypes. These
proteins belong to three major groups based on
their peptide sequence homologies: storage proteins, stress-related proteins, and antifungal proteins. Preliminary characterization of some of
these RAPs suggest that they play a direct role in
host resistance, such as pathogenesis-related
protein 10 (PR10), or an indirect role, such as
glyoxalase I (GLX I), through enhancing the host
stress tolerance. To verify whether these RAPs
play a role in host resistance, RNA interference
(RNAi) gene silencing technique was used to
silence the expression of these genes in maize.
RNAi vectors (glx I RNAi and pr10 RNAi) were
constructed using Gateway technology, and then
transformed into immature maize embryos using
both bombardment and Agrobacterium infection.
The extent of gene silencing in transgenic callus
tissues ranged from 20% to over 99%. The RNAi
silenced transgenic maize seeds have also been
obtained from plants regenerated from Agrobacterium transformed callus lines. Kernel screen assay of the transgenic maize kernels demonstrated a significant increase in susceptibility to A. flavus colonization and aflatoxin production in
some of the silenced transgenic lines compared
with non-silenced control kernels, suggesting the
direct involvement of these two proteins in
aflatoxin resistance in maize.
Responding to food supply shocks through global partnerships in technology development and transfer: the case of the IITA-led biological control of cassava mealybug in sub-Saharan Africa, Alene, A., Manyong, V. and Coulibaly, O., in: Outlook on Agriculture, volume 35, number 4, pages 255-261, ISSN 0030-7270, 2006. |
Abstract: Partnerships involving national agricultural research systems (NARS), the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), universities, advanced research institutes, the private sector, civil society, non-governmental organizations, farmer organizations and international investors represent a global capacity to provide solutions to strategic problems and to fulfil the overall objective of combating rural poverty and food insecurity. Drawing on the experiences and achievements of the IITA-led biological control of the cassava mealybug in Sub-Saharan Africa, this paper gives an account of the role of global partnerships in technology development and transfer in addressing food security challenges. It concludes with implications for national and international agricultural research centres for an efficient, demand-driven technology development and delivery.
Smallholder market participation under transactions costs: maize supply and fertilizer demand in Kenya, Alene, A., Manyong, V., Omanya, G.*, Mignouna, H., Bokanga, M. and Odhiambo, G. D.*, in: Food Policy, volume 33, pages 318-328, ISSN 0306-9192, 2008. [DOI] |
Abstract: This paper assessed the effects of transactions costsrelative to price and non-price factorson smallholder marketed surplus and
input use in Kenya. A selectivity model was used that accounts for the effects of transactions costs, assets, technology, and support services
in promoting input use and generating a marketable surplus. Output supply and input demand responses to changes in transactions
costs and price and non-price factors were estimated and decomposed into market entry and intensity. The results showed that while
transactions costs indeed have significant negative effects on market participation, institutional innovationssuch as group marketing
are also emerging to mitigate the costs of accessing markets. Output price has no effect on output market entry and only provides
incentives for increased supply by sellers. On the other hand, both price and non-price factors have significant influence on adoption and
intensity of input use. Overall, the findings suggest that policy options are available other than price policies to promote input use and
marketed surplus. The paper concludes with implications for policy to induce greater inputoutput market participation among smallholders
in Africa.
Keywords: Commercialization; Kenya; Africa
Utilization of ESTs from cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz): progress on development of EST-SSR markers and an oligo DNA microarray, Ingelbrecht, I., Jorgensen, K., Bak, S., Gorodkin, J., Raji, A., Winter, S., Lokko, Y., Gedil, M., Anderson, J., Moller, B. and Dixon, A., 2008. |
Abstract: Cassava is one of the most important sources of carbohydrates for over 500 million people in the tropics and subtropics. Cassava can be cultivated under conditions considered marginal for most other staple crops and has the added advantage of being utilized as an industrial crop for producing starch and derived products. Thus, cassava appeals to resource-limited, small-scale farmers as well as commercial farming systems. Due to high levels of heterozygosity and low flowering, breeding of cassava is arduous and advances in biotechnology could complement conventional breeding programs. However, as an orphan crop, tools for biotechnology-mediated improvement of cassava are currently limited. To enhance available genomics resources for cassava, we generated and characterized an 18,166 Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) dataset enriched for drought responsive genes. This dataset contains 8,577 unigenes comprised of 3,194 clusters and 5,383 singletons. About 63% of these ESTs could be annotated, while 11% were homologous to hypothetical genes with unknown function. The remaining 26% were not significantly homologous to sequences in public databases. To increase the repertoire of markers for molecular genetic applications, we identified Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) from this EST resource and validated these using a diverse cassava panel. We also utilized this EST resource, as well as publicly available sequences, to develop a 60-mer oligo DNA microarray: a total of 35,785 ESTs were assembled into 5,230 contigs and 8,838 singletons and used to design an array with ~11,000 probes for transcriptome analysis. Progress in these areas will be presented.