Titles (13)Keywords (1)
An index for assessing the quality of plant residues and evaluating their effects on soil and crop in the (sub-) humid tropics, Tian, G., Brussaard, L. and Kang, B., in: Applied Soil Ecology, volume 2, pages 25-32, ISSN 0929-1393, 1994.
Biophysical potential of crop residues for biochar carbon sequestration and co-benefits, in Uganda, Roobroeck, D., Hood-Nowotny, R., Nakubulwa, D.*, Tumuhairwe, J. B.*, Mwanjalolo, M. J.*, Ndawula, I.* and Vanlauwe, B., in: Ecological Applications, pages 1-10, ISSN 1051-0761, 2019. [DOI]
Decomposition and nutrient release patterns of Pueraria phaseoloides, Flemingia macrophylla dnd Chromolaena odorata leaf residues in tropical land use systems, Banful, B.*, Ofori, K.*, Kumaga, F.*, Hauser, S. and Ndango, R., in: Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science, volume 41, pages 11-22, ISSN 0855-0042, 2008.
Disease management factors influencing yield and quality of sorghum and groundnut crop residues, Pande, S., Bandyopadhyay, R., Blummel, M.*, Narayan Rao, J., Thomas, D. and Navi, S., in: Field Crops Research, volume 84, pages 89-103, 2003.
Effect of cropping systems on accumulation of Fusarium head blight of wheat inocula in crop residues and soils, Njeru, N. K.*, Muthomi, J. W.*, Mutegi, C. and Wagacha, M.*, in: Journal of Plant Sciences, volume 11, number 1-3, pages 12-21, ISSN 2331-0723, 2016. [DOI]
Effect of different cowpea-cereal row to row planting systems and insecticide sprays of cowpea on the quality of the crop residues, Ajeigbe, H., Oseni, T., Singh, B. and Tarawali, S., in: African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, pages 1057-1061, African Crop Science Society, 2007.
Effect of plant diseases on yield and nutritive value of sorghum and groundnut crop residues, Bandyopadhyay, R., Pande, S., Blummel, M.*, Thomas, D. and Rama Devi, K., in: Proceedings, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2002.
Mineral N dynamics in bare and cropped Leucaena leucocephala and Dactyladenia barteri alley cropping systems after the addition of 15N-labelled leaf residues, Vanlauwe, B., Diels, J ., Duchateau, L., Sanginga, N. and Merckx, R ., in: European Journal of Soil Science, volume 49, pages 417-425, 1998.
Nitrogen contributions from decomposing cover crop residues to maize in a tropical derived savanna, Ibewiro, B., Vanlauwe, B., Sanginga, P. and Merckx, R ., in: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, volume 57, pages 131-140, 2000.
Response of cryptostigmatid mites (Oribatida) to plant residues of different chemical compositions in a maize cropping system, Badejo, M. A.*, Tian, G. and Brussaard, L., in: Acarology IX, pages 595-597, The Ohio Biological Survey, Columbus, 1997.
Smallholder farmers' perception and challenges toward the use of crop residues and agro-industrial byproducts in livestock feeding systems in eastern DR Congo, Mutwedu, V. B., Bacigale, S. B., Mugumaarhahama, Y.*, Muhimuzi, F. L., Munganga, B., Ayagirwe, R.*, Dontsop-Nguezet, P. and Manyawu, G., in: Scientific African, volume 16, number -: e01239, pages 1-11, ISSN 2468-2276, 2022. [DOI]
Studies on potential uses of crop residues and some industrial by-products in soil management in the humid tropics, Kang, B. T., Okigbo, B., Lal, R., Akobundu, O. A. and Caveness, F. E., 1980.
Studies on potential uses of crop residues and some industrial by-products in soil management in the humid tropics, Okigbo, B., Caveness, F. E., Kang, B. T., Lal, R. and Akobundu, I., 1980.
The use of cowpea for increasing crop-livestock integration and improved productivities in the dry savannas of West Africa, Ajeigbe, H., Musa, A., Singh, B. B. and Tarawali, S., Abstract (Oral presentaion) in Program and Book of Abstracts of the 5th World Cowpea Research Conference, held at Palm Beach Hotel, Saly, Senegal. 27 September - 1 October, 2010.
Keywords:Cowpea, Crop-livestock integration, Cropping system, crop residues, Manure