Titles (674)Keywords (1)Notes (43)Abstracts (6)
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Acaulospora sieverdingii, an ecologically diverse new fungus in the Glomeromycota, described from lowland temperate Europe and tropical West Africa, Oehl, F., Sykorova, Z., Blaszkowski, J., Sanchez-Castro, I., Coyne, D., Tchabi, A.*, Lawouin, L., Hountondji, F. and Silva, G. A., in: Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, volume 84, pages 47-53, ISSN 1613-9216, 2011.
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Alley cropping in the moist savanna of West Africa III. Soil organic matter fractionation and soil productivity, Vanlauwe, B., Aman, S., Aihou, K.*, Tossah, B.*, Adebiyi, V., Sanginga, N., Lyasse, O., Diels, J . and Merckx, R ., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 42, number 3, pages 245-264, ISSN 0167-4366, 1999.
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Hippopotame=Hippopotamus, Assogbadjo, A. E.*, Amoussou, G., Sinsin, B.* and Neuenschwander, P., pages 289-292, chapter 27, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture(IITA), ISBN 978-978-49796-9-6, 2011.
Identification of cover crops for the semi-arid savanna zone of West Africa, Carsky, R. and Ndikawa, R., pages 179-187, chapter 9, International Development Research Centre (IDRC), ISBN 0-88936-852-X, 1998.
Information de base pour developper une liste rough pour le Benin=Basic information for developing a red list for Benin, Neuenschwander, P., Goergen, G . and Sinsin, B.*, pages 1-6, chapter 1, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-978-49796-9-6, 2011.
Insectes=Insects, Goergen, G ., Dupont, P., Neuenschwander, P., Tchibozo, S. and Le Gall, P., pages 67-93, chapter 7, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-978-49796-9-6, 2011.
LEXSYS: a computerized decision-support tool for selecting herbaceous legumes for improved tropical farming systems, Carsky, R., Weber, G. and Robert, A., in: Cover crops for natural resource management in West Africa = Plantes de couverture et gestion des ressources naturelles en Afrique occidentale: proceedings of a workshop organized by IITA and CIEPCA, 26-29 October 1999, Cotonou, Benin, pages 201-208, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2000.
Mapping and characterizing inland valley agroecosystems of West and Central Africa: RCMP Research monograph, No. 16, Thenkabail, P. and Nolte, C., RCMP Research monograph, No. 16, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 1995.
Nematode parasites of rice, Coyne, D. and Plowright, R., West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA); International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), 2004.
Novelty, rapidity and quality in seed yam production: the case of Temporary Immersion Bioreactors; YIIFSWA working paper series, No. 6, Balogun, M., Maroya, N., Asiedu, R. and Taiwo, J., YIIFSWA working paper series, 2014.
Perception of food quality in yams among Nigerian farmers, Otegbayo, B.*, kehinde, A. L.*, Sangoyomi, T.*, Samuel, F. O.* and Okonkwo, C., in: Securing livelihoods through yams: Proceedings of a technical workshop on progress in yam research for development in west and central Africa held in Accra, Ghana, 11-13 September, 2007, pages 147-156, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2009.
Petits poissons d'eau douce=Small fresh water fishes, Martin, D., Kouderin, M. and Neuenschwander, P., pages 112-128, chapter 11, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-978-49796-9-6, 2011.
Present status of maize diseases in the humid forest and western highlands of Cameroon, Ngoko, Z., Cardwell, K., Marasas, W., Tchamo, P., Tagne, A., Mwangi, M. and Wingfield, M., in: In Demand driven technologies for sustainable maize production in West and Central Africa, pages 243-256, WECAMAN; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 2007.
Primates=Primates, Nobime, G., Sinsin, B.* and Neuenschwander, P., pages 238-249, chapter 21, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-978-49796-9-6, 2011.
Principal methods for integrated control of fruit flies in West Africa, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A. and Adandonon, A., number Leaflet 6, 2009.
Production du niebe en Afrique de l'Ouest: guide du paysan, Dugje, I.*, Omoigui, L., Ekeleme, F., Kamara, A. and Ajeigbe, H., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2009.
Promoting maize technology transfer in West and Central Africa: a networking approach, Badu-Apraku, B., Fakorede, M. and Ajala, S., in: Maize revolution in West and Central Africa, pages 45-85, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), WECAMAN, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2003.
Range of cultivated and wild host plants of the main mango fruit fly species in Benin, Vayssieres, J., Sinzogan, A. and Adandonon, A., number Leaflet 8, 2009.
Residual benefits of soybeans genotypes and natural fallow to subsequent maize in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria, Yusuf, A. A.*, Iwuafor, E.*, Olufajo, O.*, Abaidoo, R. and Sanginga, N., in: In Demand driven technologies for sustainable maize production in West and Central Africa, pages 138-154, WECAMAN; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria, 2007.
Role of biotechnology in medicinal plants, Tripathi, L., in: Paper presented at: The 30th Annual Regional Conference of the West African Society for Pharmacology, October, Lagos, Nigeria, 2003.
Securing livelihoods through yams: proceedings of a technical workshop on progress in yam research for development in west and central Africa held in Accra, Ghana, 11-13 September, 2007, Nkamleu, G. B., Annang, D.* and Bacco, N. M., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2009.
Smallholders' use of Stylosanthes for sustainable food production in subhumid West Africa, Tarawali, G., Dembele, E.*, N'Guessan*, B. and Youri, A.*, pages 107-170, chapter 7, International Development Research Centre (IDRC, ISBN 0-88986-852-X, 1998.
The WASHC ISFM legacy database: milestone report 1.6a: develop ISFM database and ISFM data repository, Huising, J. E., Mesele, S. A.* and Adebayo, F., 2017.
Transforming Agrifood Systems in West and Central Africa (TAFS-WCA), Babalola, E. and Oladejo, R., International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 2023.
Une protection durable de la nature pour le Benin: conclusions=Sustainable nature protection for Benin: conclusions, Neuenschwander, P. and Sinsin, B.*, pages 331-347, chapter 33, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), ISBN 978-978-49796-9-6, 2011.
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 12, IITA, , 2004.
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 13, IITA, , 2004.
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 14, IITA, , 2005.
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 15, IITA, , 2005.
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 16, IITA, , 2006.
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 17, IITA, , 2006.
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 6, IITA, , 2000.
West Africa Seed and Planting Material, No. 8, IITA, , 2001.
Yam: a cash crop in West Africa: YIIFSWA working paper series, No. 3, Mignouna, D., Akinola, A., Suleman, I., Nweke, F. and Abdoulaye, T., YIIFSWA working paper series, 2014.
Biological control of Imperata cylindrica, Beed, F., Charudattan, R. and Den Breeyen, A., in: Proceedings of the 4th International Weed Science Congress, 20-24 June 2004, Durban, South Africa, pages 33, 2004.
An overview will be provided of the prospects for the biological control of the rhizomatous grass Imperata cylindrica [(L.) Raeuschel]. Imperata cylindrica is an undisputed target for control technologies in West Africa as it reduces crop yields and causes the abandonment of agricultural land for resource poor farmers. Biological control can provide an environmentally friendly, sustainable and selective method that will be adopted if it provides advantages over alternative control strategies. The influence of variation between biotypes of I. cylindrica will be considered in relation to their control by a single biological organism. The potential of fungal pathogens recovered from surveys in West Africa will be evaluated including Colletotrichum caudatum, Drechslera gigantea, Exserohilum rostratum, Glomerella cingulata and Puccinia rufipes. Malaysian isolates of C. caudatum have previously been tested as a biocontrol agent against the biotype there and isolates of D. gigantea and E. rostratum from USA were included in bioherbicide preparations against an USA biotype of I. cylindrica. Puccinia rufipes could potentially control this weed; as it is a biotroph, it is likely to act as a physiological sink to deplete the carbohydrate reserves stored in the rhizomes. It is the mobilisation of this stored carbohydrate which facilitates this weed’s competitive advantage to rapidly produce leaves following disturbance to the ecosystem, such as in slash and burn agriculture. This rust pathogen has also been observed, along with other biotrophs, in South Africa, where I. cylindrica is not considered a weed.

Evaluation of application timing in fertilizer micro-dosing technology on millet producing in Niger, West Africa, Hayashi, K., Abdoulaye, T., Gerard, B.* and Bationo, A.*, in: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, volume 80, pages 257-265, 2008. [DOI]
Micro-dosing technology has been developed by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and its partners to help subsistence farmers in the Sahel improve inorganic fertilizer application. However, the ICRISAT's recommendations regarding fertilizer application through this technology are only applicable at sowing and do not allow any flexibility in terms of labor and/ or capital management. In rural areas, fertilizer cannot always be applied at sowing due to financial and labor constraints. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the timing of fertilizer application on millet production. A 2-year on-station experiment and a 1-year on-farm field experiment were conducted in the western region of Niger, West Africa. Even under the heterogeneous climatic conditions of the region during our experimental period, the results showed that the trend was the same as observed in previous studies: millet production improved through fertilizer application compared to the control (without fertilizer). The harvest index was also higher compared to that of the control. This increased production was consistently the same for all application timings. The marginal value-cost ratio on the investment calculated using a budgeting analysis for the on-farm experiment showed that-regardless of application timing-millet farmers who fertilized their fields with inorganic fertilizer made more profit than those who did not (control). This was also true for farmers who were unable to fertilize at sowing-delayed application was still the more profitable option relative to the no fertilizer control. Our results indicate that small subsistence farmers can be offered more options for inorganic fertilizer application timing using the micro-dosing technology. Delayed inorganic fertilizer application can help small farmers who are often labor constrained at the sowing period improve their yields as well as their economic returns.

First report of cucumber mosaic virus in yams (Dioscorea spp.) in Ghana, Togo and Republic of Benin in West Africa, Eni, A., Kumar, P. L., Asiedu, R., Alabi, O., Naidu, R.*, Hughes, J. and Rey, M.*, in: Plant Disease, volume 92, number 5, pages 833, ISSN 0191-2917, 2008. [DOI]
Yam (Dioscorea spp., family Dioscoreaceae) is one of the most important food crops cultivated in the West African yam zone comprising the forest and savannah areas of Nigeria, Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Republic of Benin, and Togo, which account for more than 90% of the 4.59 million ha of yam cultivation worldwide (1). A survey was conducted in 2005 to document viruses in yams in Ghana, Togo, and the Republic of Benin. Samples (1,405) from five species of yam showing mosaic, chlorosis, and stunting as well as asymptomatic plants were tested for Dioscorea bacilliform virus (DBV, genus Badnavirus), Yam mosaic virus (YMV, genus Potyvirus), and Yam mild mosaic virus (YMMV, genus Potyvirus), the three most common viruses infecting yams. In addition, samples were tested for Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), since CMV was previously reported to infect yams in Cote d'Ivoire (2) and Nigeria (3). In protein-A sandwich-ELISA with polyclonal antibodies to a cowpea isolate of CMV, 23 of the 1,405 samples (6 of 218 samples from Togo, 13 of 628 samples from Ghana, and 4 of 559 samples from Republic of Benin) tested positive for CMV. The CMV-positive samples were from D. alata (N = 16) and D. rotundata (N = 7), whereas all samples from D. cayenensis, D. dumetorum, and D. bulbifera tested negative. CMV was detected as mixed infections with DBV, YMV, or YMMV in 21 of 23 samples. Some of these samples showed puckering, chlorosis, mottling, and crinkling, whereas some plants infected by two or more viruses were asymptomatic. Only two samples from D. rotundata had a single infection of CMV and they showed mild chlorotic symptoms in young leaves that were inconspicuous in mature leaves. In sap inoculations, the virus induced systemic mosaic in Nicotiana glutinosa. The presence of CMV in ELISA-positive yam samples was further confirmed by immunocapture-reverse transcription (IC-RT)-PCR using CMV antibodies as trapping antibody and oligonucleotide primers specific for a 485 nt corresponding to 3' end of the coat protein gene and C-terminal noncoding region of RNA-3 (4). To confirm the specificity of ICRT-PCR, the 485-bp amplicons from an isolate from the Republic of Benin was cloned into pCR2.1 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and three independent clones were sequenced from both orientations. Pairwise comparison of a consensus sequence (Accession No. EU274471) with corresponding sequences of other CMV isolates deposited in GenBank showed 99% identity at the nucleotide sequence level (Accession No. U22821) and revealed that the CMV isolate from yam belongs to sub-Group IA. To our knowledge, this is the first report of CMV infection in yams (D. alata and D. rotundata) in Ghana, Togo, and the Republic of Benin. Together with a previous documentation of CMV in D. alata and D. trifida in Cote d'Ivoire and Nigeria (2,3), this report adds to existing knowledge on distribution of CMV in yams with implications for yam production and germplasm distribution in the West Africa Region.

Insecticide dissipation from soil and plant surfaces in tropical horticulture of southern Benin, West Africa, Rosendahl, I., Laabs, V., Atcha-Ahove, C.*, James, B. and Amelung, W., in: Journal of Environmental Monitoring, volume 11, pages 1157-1164, ISSN 1464-0325, 2009.
In Sub-Saharan Africa, horticulture provides livelihood opportunities for millions of people, especially in urban and peri-urban areas. Although the vegetable agroecosystems are often characterized by intensive pesticide use, risks resulting therefrom are largely unknown under tropical horticultural conditions. The objective of this study therefore was to study the fate of pesticides in two representative horticultural soils (Acrisol and Arenosol) and plants (Solanum macrocarpon L.) after field application and thus to gain first insight on environmental persistence and dispersion of typical insecticides used in vegetable horticulture in Benin, West Africa. On plant surfaces, dissipation was rapid with half lives ranging from 2 to 87 h (a-endosulfan < b-endosulfan < deltamethrin). Soil dissipation was considerably slower than dissipation from plant surfaces with half-lives ranging from 3 (diazinon) to 74 d (total endosulfan), but persistence of pesticides in soil was still reduced compared to temperate climates. Nevertheless, for deltamethrin and endosulfan, a tendency for mid-term accumulation in soil upon repeated applications was observed. The soil and plant surface concentrations of the metabolite endosulfan sulfate increased during the entire trial period, indicating that this compound is a potential long-term pollutant even in tropical environments.

Screening landraces for additional sources of field resistance to Cassava Mosaic Disease and green mite for integration into the Cassava Improvement Program, Raji, A., Ladeinde, O.* and Dixon, A., in: Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, volume 50, number 3, pages 311-318, 2008.
Twelve cassava landraces were evaluated for sources of resistance genes to diseases and pests of major economic importance in Africa. The objective was to assess their levels of field resistance to mosaic disease (ACMD), bacterial blight (CBB), anthracnose (CAD), and green mite (CGM), compared to TMS30572, an elite cultivar widely adopted in Africa. Considerable genotypic variation was observed among cultivars for resistance to ACMD and CGM but not for CBB and CAD. The lowest mean incidence of 12% and severity of 1.8 on a scale of 1-5 for ACMD was recorded for Atu, a landrace with farmer acceptable qualities. In comparison, the improved cultivar, TMS 30572, had a mean disease incidence of 72% and a severity score of 2.8. Another landrace, MS-20 had the lowest CGM damage score (2.1) while TMS 30572 emerged as one of the susceptible cultivars with a damage score of 3. Additional sources of resistance to ACMD and CGM that may possibly be better than the popular improved cultivar, TMS 30572, were identified in this study. These could serve as novel sources of additional genes to complement existing resources for elite cassava breeding in Africa.

Somatic embryogenesis and genetic transformation of African farmer-grown cassava genotypes that are susceptible to the Cassava Brown Streak Disease, Ingelbrecht, I., Raji, A., Oyelakin, O., Winter, S., Moller, B., Dixon, A. and Jorgensen, K., 2008.
Cassava is one of the most important sources of carbohydrates for over 500 million people in the (sub)tropics. Cassava plays an important role in the food security of many developing nations, especially in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Cassava is highly heterozygous, genetically complex, and many varieties either do not flower or produce few seeds thus hampering conventional crop improvement. Several major constraints limit the production and utilization of cassava roots, including two viral diseases, the Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) and the Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD), which are specific to SSA. Farmer-preferred landraces are often susceptible to CBSD and/or CMD. Genetic transformation of cassava could complement conventional breeding programs for CBSD and/or CMD resistance. Current protocols for genetic transformation of cassava are limited to model genotypes which are not used by farmers of breeders in SSA. Since transformation protocols are genotype-dependent, suitable procedures for genetic modification of the landraces need to be developed. We have established somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis for three farmer/breeder-preferred varieties, two from East Africa (cv Kibaha and cv Albert) and one from West Africa (TME12) which are susceptible to CBSD. Primary and cyclical somatic embryogenesis was established for the three varieties. Cotyledon tissues from somatic embryos were used as source explants for Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation. Using an intron-interrupted {\^a}{\"i}¿½glucuronidase reporter gene construct under control of the Cassava vein mosaic virus promoter, stably transformed cassava tissues and plants were obtained. Molecular evidence for stable expression of the transgenes will be presented.