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Use of modelling tools to assess climate change impacts on smallholder oil seed yields in South Africa, Kephe, P. N., Mkuhlani, S., Rusere, F.* and Chemura, A., in: PLoS ONE, volume 19, number 5: e0301254, pages 1-19, ISSN 1932-6203, 2024. [DOI] |
Variability in agricultural and biological yields of ten musa genotypes evaluated for two cropping cycles in a sub-humid environment of Nigeria, Baiyeri, K. and Tenkouano, A., in: Journal of Crop Improvement, volume 21, number 1, pages 27-40, ISSN 1542-7528, 2008. |
Weed biomass production and cassava yields in varying cassava cropping systems, Hauser, S., Ekeleme, F. and Dixon, A., Abstract, p. 175 in the book of abstracts of the Tropentag 2015: management of land use systems for enhanced food security - conflicts, controversies and resolutions, in Humboldt-Universitat Berlin, Germany, September 16 - 18, 2015. |
What shapes yields of East African Highland banana? An explorative study from farmers' fields, den Braber, H., van de Ven, G., van Heerwaarden, J., Marinus, W., Ronner, E ., Descheemaeker, K. and Taulya, G., in: European Journal of Agronomy, volume 156, number -: 127141, pages 1-22, ISSN 1161-0301, 2024. [DOI] |
Wheat farmers in Sudan record increased yields after adoption of proven technologies: TAAT news Vol. 1, TAAT, , 2019. |
Yields of maize/cassava intercrops grown with hedgerows of three multipurpose trees on an acid Ultisol of Cameroon, Hauser, S., Ndi, J. and Hulugalle, N., in: Agroforestry Systems, volume 49, pages 111-122, ISSN 0167-4366, 2000. |
Zero input technologies to increase yields in cassava production, IITA, , 2010. |
Variability and grain yield potential of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L) R. Br.) genotypes under irrigated conditions in the Sudan, Ishaq, J.* and Meseka, S. K., in: Canadian Journal of Plant Breeding, volume 2, number 2, pages 76-79, ISSN 2291-6342, 2014. |
Keywords: | Pennisetum glaucum, Genotypes, heritability, yields, Sudan
Biological control of Imperata cylindrica, Beed, F., Charudattan, R. and Den Breeyen, A., in: Proceedings of the 4th International Weed Science Congress, 20-24 June 2004, Durban, South Africa, pages 33, 2004. |
Abstract: An overview will be provided of the prospects for the biological control of the
rhizomatous grass Imperata cylindrica [(L.) Raeuschel]. Imperata cylindrica is
an undisputed target for control technologies in West Africa as it reduces crop
yields and causes the abandonment of agricultural land for resource poor
farmers. Biological control can provide an environmentally friendly,
sustainable and selective method that will be adopted if it provides
advantages over alternative control strategies. The influence of variation
between biotypes of I. cylindrica will be considered in relation to their control
by a single biological organism. The potential of fungal pathogens recovered
from surveys in West Africa will be evaluated including Colletotrichum
caudatum, Drechslera gigantea, Exserohilum rostratum, Glomerella cingulata
and Puccinia rufipes. Malaysian isolates of C. caudatum have previously been
tested as a biocontrol agent against the biotype there and isolates of D.
gigantea and E. rostratum from USA were included in bioherbicide
preparations against an USA biotype of I. cylindrica. Puccinia rufipes could
potentially control this weed; as it is a biotroph, it is likely to act as a
physiological sink to deplete the carbohydrate reserves stored in the
rhizomes. It is the mobilisation of this stored carbohydrate which facilitates
this weed’s competitive advantage to rapidly produce leaves following
disturbance to the ecosystem, such as in slash and burn agriculture. This rust
pathogen has also been observed, along with other biotrophs, in South Africa,
where I. cylindrica is not considered a weed.
Cassava improvement in sub-Saharan Africa: contributions of IITA and its partners, Dixon, A., Okechukwu, R., Ssemakula, G., Hanna, R., Thresh, J. M., Hughes, J., Ingelbrecht, I., Fregene, M.*, Legg, J., Mahungu, N., Nweke, F., Ntawuruhunga, P., Fauquet, C., Manyong, V., Neuenschwander, P., Whyte, J., Wydra, K., Asiedu, R., Egesi, C. N.*, Bandyopadhyay, R., Winter, S., Tarawali, G., Bokanga, M., Ezedinma, C., Sanni, L., Ferguson, M., Ogbe, F., Akoroda, M., Maziya-Dixon, B., Ilona, P., Ekanayake, I. J., Ariyo, O., Onyeka, J.*, Otim-Nape, G.*, Dahniya, M. T., Ortiz, R., Hahn, S. K. and Hartmann, P., 2008. |
Abstract: Cassava improvement in sub-Saharan Africa: contributions of IITA and its partners
Dixon, A.G.O., R.U. Okechukwu, G. Ssemakula, R. Hanna, J.M. Thresh, J.d'A. Hughes, I. Ingelbrecht, M. Fregene, J. Legg, N. Mahungu, F. Nweke, J.P. Legg, P. Ntawuruhunga, C. Fauquet, V. Manyong, P. Neuenschwander, J. Whyte, K. Wydra, R. Asiedu, C.N. Egesi, R. Bandyopadhyay, S. Winter, G. Tarawali, M. Bokanga, C. Ezedinma, L. Sanni, M. Ferguson, F.O. Ogbe, M. Akoroda, B. Maziya-Dixon, P. Ilona, I.J. Ekanayake, O. Ariyo, J. Onyeka, G.W. Otim-Nape, M.T. Dahniya, R. Ortiz, S.K. Hahn and P. Hartmann
Cassava is well recognized for its capacity to address food needs of vulnerable communities in unstable environments in SSA. IITA and colleagues in African NARS, in collaboration with CIAT and ARIs have played leading roles in the development of improved cassava varieties which are disease and pest resistant, early maturing, and high yielding. Through a combination of conventional and new approaches, over 400 cassava genotypes have been developed. The characteristics of the new generation of cassava germplasm broke what had been an apparent yield barrier in cassava improvement increasing yields in many locations by at least 50-100% without the use of fertilizer. The improved germplasm is shared with NARS within the region as specific genotypes or improved seed populations for evaluation and selection under local conditions. Improvement programs in Africa that received these materials have tested them under local conditions, selected varieties that outperform local varieties, and released them to farmers in virtually every major cassava producing country. Today, about 30% of the area cropped with cassava in Africa is planted with improved varieties. Without the introduction of more productive cultivars with multiple diseases and pest resistance, the effective biological control of the cassava mealybug and, to a certain extent, of the green mite, cassava production in SSA would be 50% or less of what it is today. That translates to over 13 million tons of dry cassava/year, enough to meet the calorie requirements of 65 million people. The significant gains in the crop's output in farmers' fields are not only contributing to the African diet but also propelling commercialization of the crop. This paper highlights contributions to cassava improvement in SSA since 1970 by IITA and its partners, and suggests areas needing strengthening in the drive to produce better crop varieties for different regions and enduses in Africa.
Evaluation of application timing in fertilizer micro-dosing technology on millet producing in Niger, West Africa, Hayashi, K., Abdoulaye, T., Gerard, B.* and Bationo, A.*, in: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, volume 80, pages 257-265, 2008. [DOI] |
Abstract: Micro-dosing technology has been developed
by the International Crops Research Institute for
the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and its partners to
help subsistence farmers in the Sahel improve inorganic
fertilizer application. However, the ICRISAT's
recommendations regarding fertilizer application
through this technology are only applicable at sowing
and do not allow any flexibility in terms of labor and/
or capital management. In rural areas, fertilizer cannot
always be applied at sowing due to financial and labor
constraints. The purpose of this study was to evaluate
the effect of the timing of fertilizer application on
millet production. A 2-year on-station experiment and
a 1-year on-farm field experiment were conducted in
the western region of Niger, West Africa. Even under
the heterogeneous climatic conditions of the region
during our experimental period, the results showed
that the trend was the same as observed in previous
studies: millet production improved through fertilizer
application compared to the control (without fertilizer).
The harvest index was also higher compared to
that of the control. This increased production was
consistently the same for all application timings. The
marginal value-cost ratio on the investment calculated
using a budgeting analysis for the on-farm
experiment showed that-regardless of application
timing-millet farmers who fertilized their fields with
inorganic fertilizer made more profit than those who
did not (control). This was also true for farmers who
were unable to fertilize at sowing-delayed application
was still the more profitable option relative to the
no fertilizer control. Our results indicate that small
subsistence farmers can be offered more options for
inorganic fertilizer application timing using the
micro-dosing technology. Delayed inorganic fertilizer
application can help small farmers who are often labor
constrained at the sowing period improve their yields
as well as their economic returns.
Influence of phosphorus application on growth and yield of soybean genotypes in the tropical savannas of northeast Nigeria, Kamara, A., Abaidoo, R., Kwari, J.* and Omoigui, L., in: Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, volume 53, number 5, pages 539-552, 2007. |
Abstract: The cultivation of soybean is increasing in the savannas of Nigeria due to its widespread use in the food and feed industry. Production is, however, constrained by low soil phosphorus (P) levels in northeast Nigeria. This study evaluated four soybean varieties for their response to three rates of P in two agro-ecozones in 2004 and 2005. Experimental design was a split-plot arrangement of treatments with three replications. The main plots were assigned the P treatments and subplots were soybean cultivars randomised within the main plots. The studies found that soybean responds to P application but differences between 20 and 40 kg P/ha were not significant, despite low test P levels. This may be due to limitations in other nutrients. More studies are needed to determine the synergistic effect of P and other nutrients on soybean growth and yield. Soybean growth and seed yield were lower in 2004 than in 2005 because trials were established comparatively late in 2004 and crops were therefore affected by late season moisture stress. There is, therefore, a need to establish the appropriate time for planting soybean in these zones. Late maturing varieties produced higher yields than early maturing varieties in 2005 probably due to early planting which allowed full use of the growing season.