title = {Effect of periodic vine pruning on the carotenoid profile of Umuspo 3 orange-fleshed sweet potato variety: proceeding},
author = {Emetole, J. M. * and Ojimelukwe, P. C. * and Omodamiro, R. M. * and Ukom, A. N. * and Iheomamere, N. O. * and Onuigbo, E. O. * and Alamu, E. O. },
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 41st Conference and Annual General Meeting: rejuvenating the Nigerian economy through promotion of the food value chain, 22-25 October, International Conference Center, Herbert Macaulay Way, FCT Abuja},
year = {2017},
organization = {Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology},
address = {FCT Abuja},
note = {SAHub; p. 409-410; RTB; Sweet potato},