@PROCEEDINGS {PARKES:2017a, title = {Mainstreaming cassava biofortification in Africa: a contribution towards reducing malnutrition and hunger: proceeding/poster}, author = {Parkes, E. and Kanju, E. and Ntawuruhunga, P. and Mahungu, N. and Aina, O. and Moshood, B. A. and Agbona, A. and Akuwa, K. C. and Bello, A. A. and Olaosebikan, O. and Ilona, P. and Dixon, A. and Kulakow, P. }, booktitle = {Poster presented at the Tropentag 2017: Future Agriculture: Social-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts, organised by the University of Bonn and the Center for Development Research, Bonn, Germany, September 20-22}, year = {2017}, organization = {University of Bonn/Center for Development Research}, address = {Bonn, Germany}, note = {WAHub; RTB; Cassava;}, } |