@INBOOK {FREGENE:2001a, title = {Genetic differentiation in cassava ( Manihot esculenta) landraces as assessed by simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers}, author = {Fregene, M. * and Suarez, M. and Mkumbira, J. and Kulembeka, H. * and Ndedya, E. and Kulaya, A. and Mitchel, S. and Gullberg, U. and Rosling, H. and Kresovich, S. }, year = {2001}, type = {Book of Abstracts of the Fifth International Scientific Meeting of the Cassava Biotechnology Network, 4-9 Nov, St. Louis, Missouri, USA}, pages = {S4--02}, note = {RTB; Root and Tuber; Cassava}, } |