@ARTICLE {NEVE:2018, title = {Reviewing research priorities in weed ecology, evolution and management: a horizon scan}, author = {Neve, P. and Barney, J. N. and Buckley, Y. and Cousens, R. D. and Graham, S. and Jordan, N. and Lawton-Rauh, A. and Liebman, M. and Mesgaran, M. B. and Schut, M. and Shaw, J. and Storkey, J. and Baraibar, B. and Baucom, R. S. and Chalak, M. and Childs, D. Z. and Christensen, S. and Eizenberg, H. and Fernandez-Quintanilla, C. and French, K. and Harsch, M. A. and Heijting, S. and Harrison, L. J. and Loddo, D. and Macel, M. and Maczey, N. and Merotto Jr, A. and Mortensen, D. and Necajeva, J. and Peltzer, D. A. and Recasens, J. and Renton, M. and Riemens, M. and Sonderskov, M. and Williams, M. }, journal = {Weed Research}, year = {2018}, volume = {58}, pages = {250--258}, issn = {0043-1737}, note = {CAHub; Science Area; NRM; First published 28 March 2018}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1111/wre.12304}, doi = {10.1111/wre.12304}, } |