@ARTICLE {ZAMUKULU:2018a, title = {Reponse du soja (Glycine max L.) a des doses croissantes du DAP et Uree au Sud-Kivu, RD Congo = Response of the soybean (Glycine max L.) to increasing doses of DAP and Urea in the South-Kivu, DR Congo}, author = {Zamukulu, P. * and Mondo, J. * and Kalumire, P. * and Ayagirwe, R. * and Bagula, E. * and Karume, K. * and Katunga, D. * and Baboy, L. * and Njukwe, E. and Nabahungu, N. L. and Lubobo, A. K. and Ndjadi, S. * and Mushagalusa, G. *}, journal = {Journal of Applied Biosciences}, year = {2018}, volume = {122}, pages = {12309--12318}, issn = {1997-5902}, note = {CAHub; Science Area; BPB; NRM; CRP Grain Legumes; Soybean; Published online 28 February 2018}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jab.v122i1.10}, doi = {10.4314/jab.v122i1.10}, } |