title = {Manual for the analysis of Fe and Zn in fresh cassava roots and products},
author = {Parkes, E. and Steiner-Asiedu, M. and Saalia, K. and Acquatey-Mensah, A. * and Aina, O. and Kulakow, P. and Hanna, R. and Iluebbey, P. and Zhenchuk, A. and Schweigert, F. J. and Meyer, S. and Dingelstaedt, Y. and Hurtienne, A. and Kirscht, H. },
year = {2018},
organization = {International Institute of Tropical Agriculture},
address = {Ibadan, Nigeria},
note = {WAHub; Science Area; BPB; PPPH; Learning material; 28p. RTB; Cassava;},