title = {Performance evaluation of developed cooking steamer for optimum retention of carotenoid in Attieke produced from biofortified cassava (Manihot esculenta, crantz): poster},
author = {Sangodoyin, O. M. * and Alamu, E. O. and Diallo, T. A. and Kolawole, P. and Abass, A. and Maziya-Dixon, B. and Kulakow, P. and Parkes, E. and Adesokan, M. and Jekayinfa, S. O. * and Olajide, J. O. *},
booktitle = {Poster presentation presented at IARSAF 22nd Annual Symposium: Innovative Agricultural Research for food security and climate change mitigation in sub-Saharan Africa", on Monday 20th - Friday 24 May, IITA Conference Center, Ibadan, Nigeria},
year = {2019},
month = {May},
organization = {International Institute of Tropical Agriculture},
address = {Ibadan, Nigeria},
note = {SAHub; EAHu; WAHub; Science Area: NHH; SSAB; BPB; RTB; Cassava},