title = {Effectiveness of communication channels on level of awareness and determinants of adoption of improved common bean technologies among smallholder farmers in Tanzania},
author = {Lugamara, C. B. * and Urassa, J. K. * and Dontsop-Nguezet, P. and Masso, C. },
editor = {Bamutaze, Y. * and Kyamanywa, S. * and Singh, B. R. and Nabanoga, G. * and Lal, R. },
series = {Climate Change Management},
year = {2019},
type = {In: Agriculture and ecosystem resilience in sub Saharan Africa: livelihood pathways under changing climate, edited by Bamutaze Y., Kyamanywa S., Singh B., Nabanoga G. & Lal R.},
pages = {613--632},
chapter = {27},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
address = {New York, USA},
isbn = {978-3-030-12973-6},
note = {CAHub; Science Area; NRM; SSAB; CRP Grain Legumes; Bean; First Online 23 May 2019},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-12974-3_27},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-12974-3_27},