@BOOKLET {MIGNOUNA:2017a, title = {Impact assessment report of YIIFSWA project: raising household income, improving food security and reducing poverty in Ghana}, author = {Mignouna, D. and Maroya, N. and Aighewi, B. and Kumar, P. L. and Abdoulaye, T. and Akinola, A. and Otabil, P. and Braimah, H. and Alene, A. and Manyong, V. and Asiedu, R. }, year = {2017}, address = {Ibadan, Nigeria}, howpublished = {Booklet}, note = {WAHub; Science Area; SSAB; BPB; PPPH; CRP CCAFS; Food Security; ISBN: 978-978-8444-95-4; 49p.}, } |