@ARTICLE {RAKOTOVAO:2020, title = {Impacts on greenhouse gas balance and rural economy after agroecology development in Itasy Madagascar}, author = {Rakotovao, N. H. * and Chevallier, T. and Chapuis-Lardy, L. * and Deffontaines, S. * and Mathe, S. and Ramarofidy, M. A. * and Rakotoniamonjy, T. H. * and Lepage, A. * and Masso, C. and Albrecht, A. and Razafimbelo, T. M. *}, journal = {Journal of Cleaner Production}, year = {2020}, number = {-: 125220}, pages = {1--47}, issn = {0959-6526}, note = {CAHub; Science Area NRM; SSAB; Available online 19 November 2020; In Press, Corrected Proof}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.125220}, doi = {10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.125220}, } |