@BOOKLET {ANDRADEPIEDRA:2020, title = {User guide to the toolbox for working with root, tuber and banana seed systems}, author = {Andrade-Piedra, J. and Almekinders, C. J. and McEwan, M. A. and Kilwinger, F. B. and Mayanja, S. and Mulugo, L. * and Delaquis, E. and Garrett, K. A. and Omondi, A. and Rajendran, S. and Kumar, P. L. }, year = {2020}, month = {November}, address = {Lima, Peru}, howpublished = {RTB User Guide. No. 2020-1. (Toolbox RTB Seed Systems User Guide)}, note = {WAHub; Science Area PPPH; RTB; Banana; ISBN: 978-92-9060-557-7; 29p.}, url = {http://www.rtb.cgiar.org/}, doi = {10.4160/9789290605577}, } |