title = {Overcoming the fertility crisis in bananas (Musa spp.)},
author = {Amah, D. and Turner, D. and Gibbs, D. J. and Waniale, A. * and Gram, G. and Swennen, R. },
editor = {Kema, G. H. T. * and Drenth, A. },
series = {Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science},
year = {2021},
volume = {2},
type = {In: Achieving sustainable cultivation of bananas Volume 2: Germplasm and genetic improvement, edited by Kama, G. & Drentgh, A.},
pages = {257--306},
chapter = {11},
publisher = {Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited},
address = {Cambridge, UK},
isbn = {978 1 78676 344 0},
note = {WAHub; EAHub; Science Area BPB; RTB; Banana; Publication date 23 November 2020},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.19103/AS.2020.0070.13},
doi = {10.19103/as.2020.0070.13},