title = {Biological control: cornerstone of area-wide-integrated pest management for the cassava mealybug in tropical Asia},
author = {Wyckhuys, K. A. G. and Orankanok, W. * and Ketelaar, J. W. and Rauf, A. * and Goergen, G. and Neuenschwander, P. },
editor = {Hendrichs, J. and Pereira, R. and Vreysen, M. J. B. },
year = {2021},
month = {March},
type = {In: Area-wide integrated pest management: development and field application; edited by Hendrichs, J., Pereira, R. & Vreysen, M.J.B.},
edition = {1st},
pages = {17--32},
publisher = {CRC Press},
address = {Florida, USA},
isbn = {978-0-367-76986-4},
note = {WAHub; Science Area PPPH; First Published 2020},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003169239-3},
doi = {10.1201/9781003169239-3},