title = {Managing a transboundary pest: the fall armyworm on maize in Africa},
author = {Otim, M. H. * and Fiaboe, K. and Akello, J. and Mudde, B. * and Obonyom, A. T. * and Bruce, A. Y. * and Opio, W. A. * and Chinwada, P. and Hailu, A. and Paparu, P. *},
year = {2021},
type = {IntechOpen},
pages = {1--16},
publisher = {IntechOpen Limited},
address = {London, UK},
note = {CAHub; Science Area NRM; PPPH; CRP Maize; Published March 16th 2021},
url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.96637},
doi = {10.5772/intechopen.96637},