@PHDTHESIS {MAHOT:2019, title = {Utilisation des champignons entomopathogenes et des pieges a pheromones dans la lutte contre Sahlbergella singularis Haglund, 1895 (Hemiptera : Miridae), bio-agresseur du cacaoyer au Cameroun}, author = {Mahot, H. C. *}, year = {2019}, type = {Presentee en vue de l'obtention du Doctorat/Ph.D en Biologie des Organismes Animaux}, school = {University of Yaounde I}, address = {Yaounde, Cameroon}, note = {CAHub; CRP CCAFS; Cocoa; IITA supervisor; Dr. Hanna, R., Fotso Kuate, A.; Pdf can be access through KC staff Mgt. 166p.}, } |