title = {Toward structural change: gender transformative approaches},
author = {McDougall, C. and Badstue, L. and Mulema, A. A. and Fischer, G. and Najjar, D. and Pyburn, R. and Elias, M. and Joshi, D. and Vos, A. },
editor = {Pyburn, R. and van Eerdewijk, A. },
year = {2021},
type = {In: Advancing gender equality through agricultural and environmental research: Past, present, and future, edited by Pyburn, R. and van Eerdewijk, A.},
pages = {365--401},
chapter = {10},
publisher = {International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)},
address = {Washington, DC.},
isbn = {978-0-89629-391-5},
note = {EAHub; Science Area PPPH;},
url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.2499/9780896293915_10},
doi = {10.2499/9780896293915_10},